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India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

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That red line is the area claimed by china...Even a casual look at that map will reveal who is the greedy party in south china sea..

btw we are just exploring oil in vietnamese territorial waters.Not stealing "land"..lol

I am having problems with this maps, looks to me all Spratly Islands are outside of Vietnam's 200 nautical miles....

why does Vietnam claim those Islands?
I think Vietnam Controls them. :lol:

if they control them, it's should be China, Philippines, the surounding nations protest, do they want to raise concern and let the world know they are illegally occupying those Islands?

I am new in this South China Sea issue, just wondering what those Vietnamese members are doing all the complaints, if they already taken those Islands clearly in Philippine's 200 nautical miles....
I am having problems with this maps, looks to me all Spratly Islands are outside of Vietnam's 200 nautical miles....

why does Vietnam claim those Islands?

Hawaii is 2300 Nau Miles away from US so going by your logic " why does USA claim that Island " :)

And don't even ask about Falkland islands
Hawaii is 2300 Nau Miles away from US so going by your logic " why does USA claim that Island " :)

And don't even ask about Falkland islands

so what's wrong with China's claims over islands or sea or whatever near Vietnam coast if Vietnam is doing the same, you cannot be of both.

and Philippines is the one should complaining Spratly indeed.
I am having problems with this maps, looks to me all Spratly Islands are outside of Vietnam's 200 nautical miles....

why does Vietnam claim those Islands?

An interesting question.
We have controlled over the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa from the 15th century peacefully, there was no dispute with any country until the early 20th century.
We have managed it first, without anyone was there. We never use force to seize the islands....
I am having problems with this maps, looks to me all Spratly Islands are outside of Vietnam's 200 nautical miles....

why does Vietnam claim those Islands?

She not only claim those islands. She already occupied 40 of them and she wants all of all of them, including the Filipino's 9 , China's 7 and Taiwan's lonely 1. Sneakily Vietnam, with her sugar daddies backings, she wants the hegemony of SCS and blaming China to be the aggressor at the same time.
China having warships in pakistan, Myanmar and srilanka.. Then we should also have our ships near south china sea..
Good work by vietnam and india, continue..
Assisting vietnam with ship building and offering them brahmos will be a gr8 privilege for us..
I am having problems with this maps, looks to me all Spratly Islands are outside of Vietnam's 200 nautical miles....

why does Vietnam claim those Islands?
My post was regarding the unjust and greedy claim of "Chinese territorial water" as indicated by the red line in that map.I was replying to a chinaman who was calling us thieves for our oil exploration,which btw is not even in the area claimed by chinese.I repeat,even a casual look at the map(that red dotted claim of territorial water to be precise)will show who is the greedy nation in south china sea.

Btw your notion that an island should be within 200 nm of a mainland nation in order to be claimed by the said nation,is fundamentally flawed.right to ownership of islands depends on history and not in your 200nm limit.
My post was regarding the unjust and greedy claim of "Chinese territorial water" as indicated by the red line in that map.I was replying to a chinaman who was calling us thieves for our oil exploration,which btw is not even in the area claimed by chinese.I repeat,even a casual look at the map(that red dotted claim of territorial water to be precise)will show who is the greedy nation in south china sea.

Btw your notion that an island should be within 200 nm of a mainland nation in order to be claimed by the said nation,is fundamentally flawed.right to ownership of islands depends on history and not in your 200nm limit.

where is your ownership in SCS indiman? you have greedily taken our land in Zangnan and still want to claim a share in SCS which is way outside of your sovereignty. If you are not thieves then you are burglars!

She not only claim those islands. She already occupied 40 of them and she wants all of all of them, including the Filipino's 9 , China's 7 and Taiwan's lonely 1. Sneakily Vietnam, with her sugar daddies backings, she wants the hegemony of SCS and blaming China to be the aggressor at the same time.

I am challenging the vietcong pirates to open fire on Taiping Dao again - the largest of the islands/shoals/reefs under our belt. Come on - if you think they are all yours come and get them!

Soon India-vietnam ties will be stronger than pak-china ties.

due to the consequence of vietcong mailorder marriage business!
An interesting question.
We have controlled over the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa from the 15th century peacefully, there was no dispute with any country until the early 20th century.
We have managed it first, without anyone was there. We never use force to seize the islands....

the house is empty doesn't mean the break-in will automatically transfer the title of ownership to the burglar!
where is your ownership in SCS indiman? !
To explore oil in undisputed Vietnamese territorial water,we just need their permission and nothing else.And we are doing it with full cooperation and permission.Where is burglary in it..?On the other hand that red dotted line in the map is the symbol of thievery,greed and imperialistic arrogance..
If China wants to reduce external power influence in ASEAN and East Asia, may be they can do it by supporting the formation of ASEAN+ group (Japan+Korea+ASEAN-10+Sri Lanka+Bangladesh+PNG+Timor Leste). This group with a billion population in a EU type union can form its own security and strategic umbrella like NATO. This will definitely reduce Indian or US influence as there will be no need for strategic alliance with them. Also it will be good for Asian regional economy as it will integrate the region and make borders irrelevant.

The downside for China is that it will have a powerful bloc all around its Southern border. But by helping its formation, may be it can become a permanent ally with this bloc and get the first mover advantage. I am sure Indians lack this kind of vision, so expecting anything from them is a hopeless cause. And US/West are just too short sighted for this kind of project.

Sometimes you have to give something to win big in the long term. I think it is food for thought for Chinese professional strategic thinkers.
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