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India and Petty Ideas

Erm, I don't consider Pakistan "petty" or anything, but your post is kinda self-defeating.
"Not giving an inch after half its territory was lost" - hello! I think that half your territory is more than an inch!

Yes, which makes our survival and resilience even more remarkable.

Also, the example of ICL is rather strange - considering that the reason the Badshahs won is not because of the greatness of Pakistani cricket - since the very reason why the Badshah team is so strong is because half the Pakistani players defected from the national team!

It was a bit of jesting, but I guess i've obviously touched a raw nerve here. The Lahore team is full of ex-Pakistan players, those retired, or who had not gotten a place in the team for a long time (with the exception of Yusuf, maybe). They still won though, and made some records in the ICL during that time.

Remember, when we talk of the Pakistani country- we are referring to it as an institution, and not as a people or a race. A weak Pakistani nation does not imply that its inhabitants are any less capable than their counterparts across the border.

A weak Pakistani nation? You do get off on this kind of rhetoric, don't you? Just keep repeating the mantra, in the hope that it will come true.

The success of a nation is also measure by the amount of talent it can attract to its shores. The US for example, thrives on imported talent. Not because the Americans are dumb, but because the Americans are smart enough to build the kind of institutions which will attract foreign talent.

No doubt, the US is what it is today for this exact reason. It is a nation of immigrants. Bhaarat on the other hand, is hell bent on driving out minorities, or marginalising them. ROI needs first to harness its own talents, before trying to teach us.
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What is this ICL business here. :lol:

Even Ranaji players are not playing in most teams with their names based on Indian cities. Anyone who has a hope of ever getting into even IPL is terrified of touching it with a barge pole.

So if one team owned by Subhash Chandra among all the 9 that is filled with 9 quality international level players, they are the overwhelming favorites. And it is good that they won. Congrates.
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Yes, which makes our survival and resilience even more remarkable.

I'm sorry but what exactly is it that you are resilient against? India is definitely not hell-bent on destroying your country, and neither is any other.

Please don't try and brand Pakistan as some sort of Islamic version of israel. You are clearly not.

The only thing Pakistan needs to be resilient against is the incompetence of its central government.

It was a bit of jesting, but I guess i've obviously touched a raw nerve here. The Lahore team is full of ex-Pakistan players, those retired, or who had not gotten a place in the team for a long time. They still won though, and made some records in the ICL during that time.

No, my dear friend, you haven't. Nobody actually gives a damn about the ICL, incase you haven't realized. It was a surprise victory, but considering that a lot of the top Pakistani players seem to be playing on that team, against a decidedly third-rung opposition, its not something to use as proof of Pakistan besting India.

All your excuses about it being a "tongue-in-cheek" remark etc. are just excuses, now that you realize that it fell flat on the face.

A weak Pakistani nation? You do get off on this kind of rhetoric, don't you? Just keep repeating the mantra, in the hope that it will come true

Erm...you claimed that Pakistan was a strong nation on the basis of a cricket game dear. I simply turned that on its head. I never implied that Pakistan was a weak nation.
Sadly, it seems that you are unable to comprehend simple english.

No doubt, the US is what it is today for this exact reason. It is a nation of immigrants. Bhaarat on the other hand, is hell bent on driving out minorities, or marginalising them. ROI needs first to harness its own talents, before trying to teach us.

Ah, we we already are!

I'm sure we'll be more than willing to offer full citizenship to Pakistani players, since it seems that their days in Pakistani cricket are over!:P
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No doubt, the US is what it is today for this exact reason. It is a nation of immigrants. Bhaarat on the other hand, is hell bent on driving out minorities, or marginalising them. ROI needs first to harness its own talents, before trying to teach us.

I do not get this rhedoric about the bharat driving out minorities because there is no clear sign or proof for these statements. It is doing the best it can in a democratic systems.

The main question of homegrown talent. There is lot to say about this. First in Business when India was openned up, lot of the local business where concern about outside competition, but years have proven that, thay have competed and going strong. Same could not be said about Pakistan today.

The innovation about super computer that India sells (Which in it self is a great story) 100% Indian made, is better then any supercomputer in the world. There are lots of stories like these ones where Indian talents have shown, but the main point is that growth path that India is in right know, is only based on Indian talent and not from any outside help.
I'm sorry but what exactly is it that you are resilient against? India is definitely not hell-bent on destroying your country, and neither is any other.

Please don't try and brand Pakistan as some sort of Islamic version of israel. You are clearly not.

The only thing Pakistan needs to be resilient against is the incompetence of its central government.

From the day of Independance, the ROI has tried, with some success in 1971, to sabotage this great project (not at all petty, as has been claimed) called Pakistan.

It started in Gurdaspur, then unto Kashmir. Supporting insurgencies like those in Baluchistan in the 70's, promoting controversies like the greater pakhtunistan issue and funding terrorist activities in Pakistani cities since the eighties.

Using every international forum to discredit and attack Pakistan, their media to demonise us, and find ways to stop our economic advancement.

You've even decided to deprive us of our water resources, by illegally building dams and reservoirs in occupied kashmir and punjab.

Erm...you claimed that Pakistan was a strong nation on the basis of a cricket game dear. I simply turned that on its head. I never implied said that Pakistan was a weak nation.
Sadly, it seems that you are unable to comprehend simple english.

"never implied said" love the simple english there.

I did not make any such claim. As usual, you misinterpret something i've said, make it mean something which it doesn't, and then declare that you have refuted it.

I did not use teh cricket game to prove Pakistan is strong. but we're getting off on a tangent, since you guys have become obsessed with my icl comment. lets get back to the topic.
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From the day of Independance, the ROI has tried, with some success in 1971, to sabotage this great project (not at all petty, as has been claimed) called Pakistan.

It started in Gurdaspur, then unto Kashmir. Supporting insurgencies like those in Baluchistan in the 70's, promoting controversies like the greater pakhtunistan issue and funding terrorist activities in Pakistani cities since the eighties.

Using every international forum to discredit and attack Pakistan, their media to demonise us, and find ways to stop our economic advancement.

You've even decided to deprive us of our water resources, by illegally building dams and reservoirs in occupied kashmir and punjab.

That's just your siege mentality playing up. India never sought to destroy Pakistan. We have just one gripe with you, and that's over Kashmir.

I don't think I even need to mention Pakistan's track record as a global terrorism hub - oops - I just did.

"never implied said" love the simple english there.

I had edited that - check it out.

I did not make any such claim. As usual, you misinterpret something i've said, make it mean something which it isn't, and then declare that you have refuted it.

Of course, that example was meant as a "tongue in cheek" comment and was obviously not a response to the post that was quoted along with it! Is that what you want me to believe?

Give me a break dude. It was a cheap example, and your example flopped rather miserably. Admit it already.

I did not use teh cricket game to prove Pakistan is strong. but we're getting off on a tangent, since you guys have become obsessed with my icl comment. lets get back to the topic.

Of course! Its bloody funny isn't it! Who wouldn't want to keep on playing the offending video on primetime!
Logic - its all your fault dude - why the hell do you have to dig up such articles?

Sheesh. The least you can do is post something constructive.

Pakistan exists - get over it already and stop questioning the rationale behind it.
Of course, that example was meant as a "tongue in cheek" comment and was obviously not a response to the post that was quoted along with it! Is that what you want me to believe?

Give me a break dude. It was a cheap example, and your example flopped rather miserably. Admit it already.

I think he has clarified his comment several times now. It's a little silly to be insisting upon your own interpretation when he has quite clearly indicated what he meant.
Logic - its all your fault dude - why the hell do you have to dig up such articles?

Sheesh. The least you can do is post something constructive.

Pakistan exists - get over it already and stop questioning the rationale behind it.

Oh even MJ Akbar accepts that much, but like many others, he takes a perverse delight in somehow validating India by tearing down Pakistan. Unfortunately not the sole member of the Indian intelligentsia to do so either.
It find it interesting we keep coming back to existence/creation of Pakistan. Unlike what people in Pakistan believe most Indians in retrospect like that Pakistan was created.

Anyways I just wanted to put a new point which caught me eyes few days back. First let me clarify I support and I am happy that a state of Pakistan and Bangladesh are/were created. Recently I was reading about the great game which got played in Afghanistan between British and Russia in 1800-early 1900. I came across couple of articles which said that a need was felt by British to create a entry point in central asia. They knew that the Indian leaders wont allow British entry into central asia after independence and thus they felt the need to create a separate state which will help them access central asia.

And now it makes a lot of sense as Pakistan is used by Saudi, US and Nato to get into Afghanistan.
It find it interesting we keep coming back to existence/creation of Pakistan. Unlike what people in Pakistan believe most Indians in retrospect like that Pakistan was created.

Anyways I just wanted to put a new point which caught me eyes few days back. First let me clarify I support and I am happy that a state of Pakistan and Bangladesh are/were created. Recently I was reading about the great game which got played in Afghanistan between British and Russia in 1800-early 1900. I came across couple of articles which said that a need was felt by British to create a entry point in central asia. They knew that the Indian leaders wont allow British entry into central asia after independence and thus they felt the need to create a separate state which will help them access central asia.

And now it makes a lot of sense as Pakistan is used by Saudi, US and Nato to get into Afghanistan.

Its not really 'respecting Pakistan's existence' if you try and pin its creation on some absurd "great game' theory involving manipulative politicians and perfidious albions (thanks S-2), instead of respecting and honoring the people of Pakistan who supported the idea and without whom her creation would never have been possible.

Pakistan is the creation of her people, through the efforts of Jinnah and others who were the public face of that idea, and who articulated the desires of her people.
The innovation about super computer that India sells (Which in it self is a great story) 100% Indian made, is better then any supercomputer in the world. There are lots of stories like these ones where Indian talents have shown, but the main point is that growth path that India is in right know, is only based on Indian talent and not from any outside help.

Are you talking about the Param Padma supercomputer? In 2003 it reached no. 171 in the list of top 500 Super computers in the world. A good effort, but not "better than any supercomputer in the world".

100 percent Indian made?

Last I checked, it was made with connecting a bunch of IBM p630 nodes/e-servers together.

UNless IBM has been bought out by an Indian company, which I must have missed in the news.

Glad to see that self-reliance is going very strong.
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Are you talking about the Param Padma supercomputer? In 2003 it reached no. 171 in the list of top 500 Super computers in the world. A good effort, but not "better than any supercomputer in the world".

100 percent Indian made?

Last I checked, it was made with connecting a bunch of IBM p630 nodes/e-servers together.

UNless IBM has been bought out by an Indian company, which I must have missed in the news.

Glad to see that self-reliance is going very strong.

Probably he is talking about this

Tata supercomputer is world's 4th best

PTI | November 13, 2007 | 14:30 IST

After proving its mettle in areas like steel, automotive and IT services on the global arena, corporate behemoth Tata group has now developed the world's fourth fastest supercomputer that can do 117.9 trillion calculations per second.
The supercomputer 'EKA', which means number one in Sanskrit, was named Asia's fastest and the world's fourth fastest in the Top 500 Supercomputer list announced at an International Conference for High Performance Computing at Reno (California), USA, on Monday night. This is the first time that such a system developed in India has been ranked among the world's ten fastest.

Supercomputers are primarily used by universities, military and scientific research labs. They are used in high calculation-intensive jobs like quantum physics, weather and climate research, study of chemical compounds, simulation of aircraft in wind tunnels and detonation of nuclear weapons.

A total of nine supercomputers developed in India have appeared in the Top 500 list, including one more system (179th) developed at Tata Sons' wholly-owned subsidiary Computational Research Laboratories (CRL) in Pune, where EKA was developed.

Others include a system developed at Indian Institute of Science (58th) and six IBM systems (ranked at 152nd, 158th, 336th, 339th, 340th and 371st) developed in the country.

The group chairman Ratan Tata said in a statement: "High performance computing solutions have an ever-increasing role in the scientific and new technological space the world over. The Tata group has supported this development activity and is extremely proud of the team that has developed and built this supercomputer, which is now ranked the world's fourth fastest."

"I am sure this supercomputer and its successor systems will make a major contribution to India's ongoing scientific and technological initiatives," he added.

The Top 500 list has been topped by BlueGene/L System, a joint development of IBM and the US Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and installed at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California.

Another system developed by IBM is at the second position and is installed in Germany, followed by one developed by SGI and installed in New Mexico Computing Applications Centre.

EKA has been ranked even higher than a new HP system installed at a Swedish government agency. The HP system is ranked fifth in the world.

"EKA marks a milestone in the Tata group's effort to build an indigenous high performance computing solution. CRL built the supercomputer facility using dense data centre layout and novel network routing and parallel processing library technologies developed by its scientists," Tata group said in a statement.

The fastest supercomputer recorded a speed of 478.2 teraflops per second (trillions of calculations per second), while EKA recorded a performance of 117.9 teraflops per second.

"EKA has put India at the forefront of high performance and supercomputing technology globally. It gives us the ability to address applications in multiple disciplines including software development and research," CRL chairman and TCS CEO and MD S Ramadorai said.

The CRL supercomputer includes nodes and racks built by HP. The CRL team has been actively supported by scientists and engineers at Tata Consultancy Services.

In the near term, CRL is targeting and developing applications such as neural simulation, molecular simulation, computational fluid dynamics, crash simulation, and digital media animation and rendering.

The longer term application areas would include financial modelling, seismic modelling, geophysical signal processing, weather prediction, medical imaging, nanotechnology, personalised drug discovery, real time rendering, and virtual worlds among others.

CRL also intends to offer high performance and supercomputer system integration, research, applications and software services to its customers around the globe in the area of high performance computing.

Supercomputers were first developed early in 1960s by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC). These days the supercomputer market is dominated by companies like IBM and HP, while Cray, who later left CDC and founded his own company. Cray Inc is also building supercomputers.

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Tata supercomputer is world's 4th best
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thanks, daredevil...

it seems this computer also uses nodes built by HP, in fact, HP built this for TATA in India, but its still great news for India.
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