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India and Pakistan ? Pakistan and India



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Dec 19, 2013
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Hey everyone,
This is my second post ever on this website and I believe that some may view what I say as controversial and it may be long but I implore you to read it fully because i still believe it needs to be said. I think it's about time that Indian's and Pakistani's reconciled their differences and buried the hatchet. How much longer can we go on fighting each other with no end in sight ? Why can't the two countries become Asia's version of Canada and the United States? I believe that India and Pakistan can become friends. Not just neutral countries but actual friends with both countrymen interacting with each other and mingling freely. 200 years ago Canada burned down the White House. France, England and Germany are allies despite World War 2. Denmark and Sweden fought for centuries over ownership of Norway. Clearly there is a precedent for war-time enemies to eventually become allies. So why can't we ? I have great respect for Pakistan's army in addition to my respect for India's army. I have also heard a lot of things about Pakistan that make me want to visit it. Yes, we have issues. Kashmir and other such problems are unlikely to be sorted out soon but that doesn't mean that they can't be solved and that we can't come to an agreement that both countrymen agree to. Countries that have fought bloody wars with each other are friends today. We're both even friends with Britain despite the 200 years of British rule. Hence why can't we reconcile each other. I want to be able to meet Pakistani friends over a cup of tea and I want both of us to be able to make fun of each others or our own nations without and animosity or hurt feelings like Barney and Robin do in "How I met your mother" (Any fans ?). We even have many cultural similarities and are both classified as desi. There are many places in pakistan that I would love to visit some day such as the Swat valley, Karachi, Lahore and the beautiful northern regions such as the "Hunza valley" and "Nagar valley" or "Nanga Parbat." Both countries even suffer from similar problems such as terrorism and corruption. We can solve these problems together and hence I ask you to consider solving the issue between us and burying the hatchet. Let's give peace a chance.

As an additional note I am creating a blog where I post pictures about the rich culture, beauty, food and countrymen of each country so that people may know more about each other. Any pictures you may have about India or Pakistan's people, beauty, culture etc can you post it in the thread ? Also one day I hope to organise a video chat on the blog so Indians and Pakistani's can talk face to face. Would that be something you guys would be interested in ?
Hey everyone,
This is my second post ever on this website and I believe that some may view what I say as controversial and it may be long but I implore you to read it fully because i still believe it needs to be said. I think it's about time that Indian's and Pakistani's reconciled their differences and buried the hatchet. How much longer can we go on fighting each other with no end in sight ? Why can't the two countries become Asia's version of Canada and the United States? I believe that India and Pakistan can become friends. Not just neutral countries but actual friends with both countrymen interacting with each other and mingling freely. 200 years ago Canada burned down the White House. France, England and Germany are allies despite World War 2. Denmark and Sweden fought for centuries over ownership of Norway. Clearly there is a precedent for war-time enemies to eventually become allies. So why can't we ? I have great respect for Pakistan's army in addition to my respect for India's army. I have also heard a lot of things about Pakistan that make me want to visit it. Yes, we have issues. Kashmir and other such problems are unlikely to be sorted out soon but that doesn't mean that they can't be solved and that we can't come to an agreement that both countrymen agree to. Countries that have fought bloody wars with each other are friends today. We're both even friends with Britain despite the 200 years of British rule. Hence why can't we reconcile each other. I want to be able to meet Pakistani friends over a cup of tea and I want both of us to be able to make fun of each others or our own nations without and animosity or hurt feelings like Barney and Robin do in "How I met your mother" (Any fans ?). We even have many cultural similarities and are both classified as desi. There are many places in pakistan that I would love to visit some day such as the Swat valley, Karachi, Lahore and the beautiful northern regions such as the "Hunza valley" and "Nagar valley" or "Nanga Parbat." Both countries even suffer from similar problems such as terrorism and corruption. We can solve these problems together and hence I ask you to consider solving the issue between us and burying the hatchet. Let's give peace a chance.

As an additional note I am creating a blog where I post pictures about the rich culture, beauty, food and countrymen of each country so that people may know more about each other. Any pictures you may have about India or Pakistan's people, beauty, culture etc can you post it in the thread ? Also one day I hope to organise a video chat on the blog so Indians and Pakistani's can talk face to face. Would that be something you guys would be interested in ?
This is your second post that is why you are talking like this.. :lol: You will soon start debating on different topics like us. We don't go against indian in many threads because we hate her but that is why we use to come here daily.

On topic:
We have dispute over Kashmir but I personally don't hate indians but some of them. I hate those pandits, politicians and media personnel who are working against Pakistan. I don't hate all of indian but those who go against my country because I love it.

Second thing is that your leaders are arrogant. Whenever we go for talk on peace, your politicians always have something to prevent it. Our politicians have many times visit india for peace like shahbaz sharif visit to india. But your politicians never come to Pakistan for the same.

I would love to talk with indian guys. We have a lot of similarities. We dress same, we eat (almost) same and many other things we do are same. We can help each other in different things like we help you in cleaning your city ajmair sharif.

You vote and they come on power but they don't go for peace talks with Pakistan. That is why you are surrounded by powerful enemies such as Pakistan and China. As I said before, your politicians are arrogant. Also there was a time when anti-india matter was very powerful in Pakistan but now it is not. Because we are no more interested in it. But still anti-pakistan matter can be found in majority of indians. You need to change yourself before making friends.
If India Pakistan dont fight then what would be the use of having Pakistan?

Pakistan's identity is hating india. If they ever accept of having a brotherhood, that would nullify theil so called 2 Nation Theory.

They always loved theories e.g. Conspiracy Theories, 2 Nation theories and so on. I never understood it.
I agree we have a lot of problems with the politicians of both sides. Also Kashmir is a contested issue but how does this affect the common person ? Why should Indian's and Pakistani's hate each other because of a problem that their countries can't solve ? I have had lengthy conversations with Pakistani's before and I have liked those people. We don't hate Pakistani's in India. In fact I've seen many posts about pakistani indian friendship from both sides but they always receive cynical replies. Unless we want to change there is now way that change is possible

Read this blog post if you have the time. It really puts things into perspective --> Eye Opener: An Indian-American Visits Pakistan | United States - India Monitor
If India Pakistan dont fight then what would be the use of having Pakistan?

Pakistan's identity is hating india. If they ever accept of having a brotherhood, that would nullify theil so called 2 Nation Theory.

They always loved theories e.g. Conspiracy Theories, 2 Nation theories and so on. I never understood it.
If you don't understand, then why you talk about it?
Gautam I agree but that is an identity created by their politicians. I'm hoping that rational Pakistani's don't hate India/Indian's and vice versa
I agree we have a lot of problems with the politicians of both sides. Also Kashmir is a contested issue but how does this affect the common person ? Why should Indian's and Pakistani's hate each other because of a problem that their countries can't solve ? I have had lengthy conversations with Pakistani's before and I have liked those people. We don't hate Pakistani's in India. In fact I've seen many posts about pakistani indian friendship from both sides but they always receive cynical replies. Unless we want to change there is now way that change is possible

Read this blog post if you have the time. It really puts things into perspective --> Eye Opener: An Indian-American Visits Pakistan | United States - India Monitor
We have always respected guest, whether its from friend countries or enemy countries. Just ask those indian about our hospitality who have once visit Pakistan. As I said before, if you need to change all this, you have to change yourself first and choose someone who is enlightened and moderate person.
Hi kiddo(just for fun) there is no india pak or pak india THERE IS ONLY INDO-CHINA & AFPAK better stop read toi-let paper's and read global one's :rofl::rofl:

And all indians here(ANY PAK FORUM) bcoz China dont have free media to discuss and we like to trash pak and enjoy trolling :smitten:THAT'S IT
Gautam I agree but that is an identity created by their politicians. I'm hoping that rational Pakistani's don't hate India/Indian's and vice versa
If they dont hate India, then tell me, what would be the use of having pak in the first place?

Like I said, if ever they decide to stop hating India, it will nullify 2 nation theory. They will lose whatever identity (though confused identity) left for them right now.
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