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India and Japan: new allies in Asia?

You are looking reasons to decry us, aren't you? :no:
It seems that you aren't a German, though you are living in Germany.

He is one of the hiding Chinese so talk to him like a Chinese.. Can you imagine a German will do so much of effort to troll in every India, Japan, SK, Vietnam threads? He is an obvious two bit worth troll so treat him like one.. Don't take his unidirectional stupid Chin opinions too seriously..
most respected european countries in China from public appinion are Germany, France and some Russia end of story, unless in Indian's delusion
most respected european countries in China from public appinion are Germany, France and some Russia end of story, unless in Indian's delusion
not the other way around :lol:
two most powerful nations in EU, germany and france have more negative views.
^Not bad :lol:

Although not too favorable from France and Germany :P
the thread is about an economic matter, your creative imagination relating it to the nazi axis is OT. but hey, it's an online forum so we're used to it.
To a casual passer by, a german has fond feelings of china but calls JP and SK racist; rather easy to wonder that the german might have some heritage links to the middle kingdom.

The word allies implies more than just economy.
In Germany, we have a song called "Die Gedanken sind frei".
Why am I a passer by and you not? This is IIRC a Pakistani forum and we non-Pakistani are all guests. Go to any Sino-German realted threads and see how Germans who have long-time experience in the region and how they perceive China's neighbours. For a starter: Forum Shanghai

Yesterday there was a report about Indian economy and the car industry in particular: Indiens Automarkt sucht Strategien gegen sinkende Nachfrage | tagesschau.de
Post #5 in the opinion part is particularly interesting: Indiens Automarkt sucht Strategien gegen sinkende Nachfrage | meta.tagesschau.de

Here is what a German machine manufacturer said:

haha die Inder
5. Januar 2012 - 9:04 — soAberNuNich

Ich lebe seit drei Jahren in China und wir haben viele indische Kunden.
Die sprechen immer davon, wie auch so toll doch die Aussichten auf dem indischen Markt seien und das ich da doch investieren solle und denen meine Machinen am besten doch umsonst geben solle, da diese ja dann mit geradezu himmlischen Ausichten in Indien vermarktet werden würden.
Bis jetzt habe ich genau drei Machinen nach Indien verkauft und keine der grosskotzigen, ja geradezu stümperhaft selbstüberschätzenden indischen Fantasien ist eingetroffen. Inder sind schwierige Geschäftspartner, da sich um jeden noch so kleinen Centbetrag feilschen, immer noch irgendetwas extra haben wollen und sogar zu faul sind die Preise von Dollar in Rupien umzurechnen - kein Witz, kein Einziger hatte das drauf, keine einziger...
Wir machen Geschäfte mit der ganzen welt, besonders in Asien, aber Inder sind mir die unliebsten Geschäftspartner von allen!!

(He made a few orthographic mistakes and I have corrected them so that you can google translate his rant with ease.) :)

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

He is one of the hiding Chinese so talk to him like a Chinese.. Can you imagine a German will do so much of effort to troll in every India, Japan, SK, Vietnam threads? He is an obvious two bit worth troll so treat him like one.. Don't take his unidirectional stupid Chin opinions too seriously..

Yeah, didn't I tell you that you guys suffer cognitive dissonance?

---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------

not the other way around :lol:
two most powerful nations in EU, germany and france have more negative views.

Indeed, and the renowned NGO Heinrich Böll Stiftung made a study on this phenomenon: Die China-Berichterstattung in den deutschen Medien - Publikationen - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Too bad, you guys don't read German.
Götterdämmerung;2464235 said:
The word allies implies more than just economy.
and plenty of us have made it clear that we don't see this is as an alliance, more of an economic arrangement.
Götterdämmerung;2464235 said:
Why am I a passer by and you not?
more comprehension issues?? That is exactly what I implied, that I am a passer by/casual observer.
Götterdämmerung;2464235 said:
This is IIRC a Pakistani forum and we non-Pakistani are all guests. Go to any Sino-German realted threads and see how Germans who have long-time experience in the region and how they perceive China's neighbours. For a starter: Forum Shanghai

Yesterday there was a report about Indian economy and the car industry in particular: Indiens Automarkt sucht Strategien gegen sinkende Nachfrage | tagesschau.de
Post #5 in the opinion part is particularly interesting: Indiens Automarkt sucht Strategien gegen sinkende Nachfrage | meta.tagesschau.de

Here is what a German machine manufacturer said:

haha die Inder
5. Januar 2012 - 9:04 — soAberNuNich

Ich lebe seit drei Jahren in China und wir haben viele indische Kunden.
Die sprechen immer davon, wie auch so toll doch die Aussichten auf dem indischen Markt seien und das ich da doch investieren solle und denen meine Machinen am besten doch umsonst geben solle, da diese ja dann mit geradezu himmlischen Ausichten in Indien vermarktet werden würden.
Bis jetzt habe ich genau drei Machinen nach Indien verkauft und keine der grosskotzigen, ja geradezu stümperhaft selbstüberschätzenden indischen Fantasien ist eingetroffen. Inder sind schwierige Geschäftspartner, da sich um jeden noch so kleinen Centbetrag feilschen, immer noch irgendetwas extra haben wollen und sogar zu faul sind die Preise von Dollar in Rupien umzurechnen - kein Witz, kein Einziger hatte das drauf, keine einziger...
Wir machen Geschäfte mit der ganzen welt, besonders in Asien, aber Inder sind mir die unliebsten Geschäftspartner von allen!!

(He made a few orthographic mistakes and I have corrected them so that you can google translate his rant with ease.) :)

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

more off topic ramblings, not worth responding.
There will always be germans who are pro china and anti china, I've merely pointed to the fact that there are more anti china germans (based on pew research findings)

do you have anything further on topic to add?

Götterdämmerung;2464235 said:
Too bad, you guys don't read German.
I would love to learn german if I get an oppurtunity, I have deep respect for german history and culture. And the language sounds very macho :D

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