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India and China are good friends – PM

The USA supported the RoC against us in the Chinese Civil War, which is one of the reasons we went to war with the USA in 1950.

In the 1950 Korean war, we fought the USA + 16 of her allies combined... And we ended up pushing them completely out of North Korea.

India though... India still has the distinction of being the only country to be hosting our separatist groups.

So what do you suggest ? We cant really ask them to leave can we ? Well even if u pose the same question to yourself the answer will be NO. Too much time has passed now India has become their home we cant ask them to leave. All that we can do is to stop them in indulging in Anti Chinese activities which is already being done.
Yes! If MMS was a little bit more subtle -- "China and india are not enemies" -- then it would be more credible.

But MMS had to exaggerate like a typical indian and say -- "india and China are good friends" -- which is totally incredible.

So, China can figure out that indians are being incredible again. Just singing "chini hindi bhai bhai" like last time.

Trust but verify!
you were united by middle eastern islamics, then by east asian mongol decedents, and finally by the western british. india does not belong to indians, just like the indian ocean does not belong to india. splitting india up into a dozen different states may become reality in the future.

The reality of the future is China would have to build more great wall of China around South China Sea for your own protection. In addition, you should also build a glass cover that will cover the entire China from missles and nuclear warheads from destroying your major cities. You better believe in Ghengis Khan because he's waking up from his grave to finish China.
With good reason the spinless twirp. :hitwall:

Yeah, Nehru was pretty spineful in pre-1962.

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

We dont hate him much for his foreign policy. Rather we hate him for the corruption in his govt, his indecisiveness, and sucking up to Sonia

Who is not corruptive in Indian political arena? Must be rare.

It's a culture, not individual. Don't expect leadership rotation will change it: it only swaps corruptive figures.

...And it takes time to correct.

india is too friendly with us.......:lol::lol:

What's wrong with that?

After they make enough money, Indians will be there as tourists.


...be a politician!

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

But what's in store? The PLA is slowly but surely taking over the reins of power in China with an aggressiveness that's making the world squirm.

A senior Chinese general whose father was once President and heir apparent to Mao Zedong has accused Communist Party leaders of “betrayal,” and urged them to allow more open debate within the Party in an example of a senior military figure speaking out on domestic politics.

Gen. Liu Yuan, Political Commissar of the People’s Liberation Army’s General Logistics Department, called for China to reject foreign political models and to embrace China’s military heritage in a preface to a book of essays compiled by a left-leaning intellectual friend.

“Today, too many self-proclaimed ‘pacifists’ are opposed to war!” he said. ”Military culture is the oldest and most important wisdom of humanity,” he went on. “I just want to say, warfare and people in warfare are very glorious, great, mournful… we must all respect them.”

Several other serving and retired Generals have spoken and written in bombastic terms about China’s history, its military modernization and doctrine.

This is the psyche of the future rulers, the military hawks of a so called 'emerging China'. Expect conflicts with their neighbors to increase manifold!

But which Chinese leader, in office or ex-office, openly called India China's number 1 enemy?

Only Indians openly call China number 1 enemy.
???? PLA didn't invade Tibet?? Tibet is free ?? I checked and I found that ROC is a small Island near eastern china an Tibet is our neighbour and it is in southern part of china and far from ROC

We all know you are not pitiful but your education/propaganda system is.

Here is the map of Republic of China, which was an enemy of PLA:


---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

Tibet was never part of china. It shares cultural heritage with India. How come china alone claim tibet . They should be better be buffer state between India and china


AP and whole current India NE should be a buffer state between India and China.
No wonder the Indians here hate Manmohan Singh so much. :P
Sorry brother, His Global intensions of finding peace with every one is noble, but we are hatting him because of his inefficiency to address local issues, its not his inefficiency alone but being a face mask of Sonia is some thing that most Indians hate.
Most of the Indians do really want a peaceful neighbour hood with China and Pakistan. Because we know that War is not the answers to our problems.
People like Mulayam are a minority, its just th hype they are creating to secure some vote bank in UP, but people are no longer fools to fall for this a$$ hole.
The reality of the future is China would have to build more great wall of China around South China Sea for your own protection. In addition, you should also build a glass cover that will cover the entire China from missles and nuclear warheads from destroying your major cities. You better believe in Ghengis Khan because he's waking up from his grave to finish China.

yes you can go die now and in your next life hopefully you can reincarn as ghengis khan LOL
I thought he was popular in India as well. :lol:

But then all the Indians here, curse him all day long.

I think they hate him because they consider him a lapdog to Italian Sonia.
we do not consider him as the lapdog, we know that he is a lap dog.
I thought he is very popular in india no?

He have never got elected by public, he have only fought a single election (South Delhi) in his life where he was defeated.

But he is very popular among pakistanis and about chinese i don't know.
He have never got elected by public, he have only fought a single election (South Delhi) in his life where he was defeated.

But he is very popular among pakistanis and about chinese i don't know.

I dont know about other chinese members but i find him a very humble honest hard working man
I dont know about other chinese members but i find him a very humble honest hard working man
APJ Abdhul Kalam sir fits your description of being humble and honest and hard working.
As far as Honesty is considered he was honest, but the moment he started defending his collition miniters when they were framed on chargers of corruption, MMS back stabbed the word HONESTY.
But which Chinese leader, in office or ex-office, openly called India China's number 1 enemy?

Only Indians openly call China number 1 enemy.
Most of the leaders in China who act as the face of China are people who are interested in the wellfare of their people and that of the neighbour hood and they do not have the need to face elections to do some hype stunt to secure vote bank.
where as in India mose politicians are intereted in their self motives rather than that of the collective good of the people whom they represent or that of the neighbourhood, thats the reason we have loose mouthed Indian politicians and not Indians who call China as enemy to secure vote banks and to bring bad name to any one who in in the ruling chair in INdia.

Hope you got it now why some politician make the rift when they talk off their a$$es
Goodness, you guys just had a brief and rather insignificant border war compared to the wars (lots of them) we fought against our neighbours. Look, France, our once arch-enemy is our closest friend now.

I still remember when I was a studnet and got treated badly from a Dutch woman because she knew that I was German. The older generation experienced even more outright hostility from our neighbours when traveling abroad twenty, thirty years ago. But nowadays we are all getting along very well, particularly the younger generation.
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