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India and China are good friends – PM

Sweet. I get to reincarnated as Ghengis Khan, and you get to reincarnated as part of the great wall of China. :rofl:

LOL silly fool since you are the one who said returned of ghengistan so i take it you do believed in reincarnation there fore you should go die as soon as possible :rofl:
LOL silly fool since you are the one who said returned of ghengistan so i take it you do believed in reincarnation there fore you should go die as soon as possible :rofl:

Okay numbnut, I figured you don't understand English so well and lack of IQ and EQ, so let me break it to you. I used Ghengis Khan as a symbol of Might, Strength and Brutality. He conquered China by just that and based on that, China feared and hated him but ChinaToday worshipped, admired and recognized him as a hero. That's the reason why I brought Ghengis Khan up. You numbnut. You should just jump off the bridge for being this slow. LOL :rofl:!
Was that a joke to be laughed at????? India and a friend with china... I think Mr. Singh forgot something about 1961-62 and 1965...... Doesn'nt he???
Okay numbnut, I figured you don't understand English so well and lack of IQ and EQ, so let me break it to you. I used Ghengis Khan as a symbol of Might, Strength and Brutality. He conquered China by just that and based on that, China feared and hated him but ChinaToday worshipped, admired and recognized him as a hero. That's the reason why I brought Ghengis Khan up. You numbnut. You should just jump off the bridge for being this slow. LOL :rofl:!

As usual viet troll here derail thread with another bs post. shamless as usual :rofl:
Was that a joke to be laughed at????? India and a friend with china... I think Mr. Singh forgot something about 1961-62 and 1965...... Doesn'nt he???

Indeed we feel the same when Pakistan offers a hand of friendship after the wars of 1947, 1965, 1971 & 1999. Feels ridiculous doesn’t it, tell that you Zadari, Gilani and Kar when they offered India the MFN and started the border talks which yields no results. I guess you failed to realize your double standards when pointing the finger at us (remember there is 4 fingers pointing back at you) :cheesy: so should we laugh at you now?
Götterdämmerung;2400181 said:
Goodness, you guys just had a brief and rather insignificant border war compared to the wars (lots of them) we fought against our neighbours. Look, France, our once arch-enemy is our closest friend now.

I still remember when I was a studnet and got treated badly from a Dutch woman because she knew that I was German. The older generation experienced even more outright hostility from our neighbours when traveling abroad twenty, thirty years ago. But nowadays we are all getting along very well, particularly the younger generation.

You have a good point. The Sino-Indian border was only a month-long and insignificant. The European rapprochement post WWII did not happen in a vacuum. It followed a deep self-examination of past follies and the presense of great leaders in both Germany and France. Almost 50 years after the war India still keeps under wraps all the documents relating to the sequence of events leading up to the border war. Instead, Indian elites spun an extensive web of falsehood to cover up their own miscalculations. The myth has been accepted as gospel truth by the Indian public, so much so that it is impossible to have any honest discussion of the facts.
As usual viet troll here derail thread with another bs post. shamless as usual :rofl:

I don't think you even know what shameless actually mean. No body asks you to respond to my posts. You get what you give. You give garbage you get garbage back x10. :enjoy:
You have a good point. The Sino-Indian border was only a month-long and insignificant. The European rapprochement post WWII did not happen in a vacuum. It followed a deep self-examination of past follies and the presense of great leaders in both Germany and France. Almost 50 years after the war India still keeps under wraps all the documents relating to the sequence of events leading up to the border war. Instead, Indian elites spun an extensive web of falsehood to cover up their own miscalculations. The myth has been accepted as gospel truth by the Indian public, so much so that it is impossible to have any honest discussion of the facts.

Our archives are open for all to conduct research on WWII. Why is India having problems with that?
Götterdämmerung;2402603 said:
Our archives are open for all to conduct research on WWII. Why is India having problems with that?

There have attempts by Indian researchers to access these classified files under the Indian version of Freedom of Information Act. All of them were turned down by the Indian government on national security grounds. The real reason is that the release of these files and records will contradict the Indian government's meticulously massaged stories relating to what actually led to the border war. Truth will hurt. Neither the Indian government nor its people can stomach it.
Most of the leaders in China who act as the face of China are people who are interested in the wellfare of their people and that of the neighbour hood and they do not have the need to face elections to do some hype stunt to secure vote bank.
where as in India mose politicians are intereted in their self motives rather than that of the collective good of the people whom they represent or that of the neighbourhood, thats the reason we have loose mouthed Indian politicians and not Indians who call China as enemy to secure vote banks and to bring bad name to any one who in in the ruling chair in INdia.

Hope you got it now why some politician make the rift when they talk off their a$$es

Both democracy and authoritarianism have their strong points and weak points.

Somehow it makes feel India democracy has too many bad parts democracy. I still think it is the culture and tradition that are in play.

Chinese authoritarianism needs more democracy flavor: be more transparent, give people a little bit more say (but not too much yet).
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