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India among world's most racist countries, says survey

Australia more racist than India?

On which planet have you been living lately?

Seems everybody have created planets of their own liking ....substantially different from reality ?

People who say India is the most racist country ....Do they even understand meaning of word 'Racism' ?

I am not sure if Australia is less racist than india or more ....

But I know that India is not racist country ! and I am not saying that because I am an Indian ....

I am surprised so much is being said and debated about a blog with questionable modus operandi of survey ....

Since when did we started using surveys to label countries as more racist or less racist ....

People need to think before posting replies ....but here everybody seems ready to jump guns in very first instance ...

Such is the 'standard' of intellect of majority of PDF members !!!
Let's talk about the current generation, not the old fogies...

And you think current lot is better than than the previous ones ....and how so ?

One can't just extricate past from present and present from future so conveniently ....

after destroying aborigines cultures ....now the European invaders pay homage to willfully martyred " aborigines " ....
just as in US they observe " Thanksgiving " day ....to the red Indians after having given them death of humiliation....These were the same European invaders who thought the Red Indians as savages ....now they observe " thanks-giving day ' for them ....how sweet of them

This is the zenith of hypocrisy west has achieved ....and it is par excellence !!!
There are always pockets of racism in every society, but few people would dispute that multiracial societies are more tolerant than homogenous societies. When people grow up and live alongside other races from birth, they generally develop appreciation for diversity.

Brazil is one of the most multiracial society, even more so that most developed Western countries, and it is very tolerant.

India has lived within its confines ....like US , and several ( I should say most ) EU nations India never invaded countries, ruled , subjugated and humiliated them for own interests ....

So called Developed countries were responsible to denigrate human beings as slaves ....

Inequality and exploitation of less privileged and weaker sections have prevailed in all societies ...in varying proportions ....thta's why it is rather unfortunate when some people take sides ...to justify some and denounce other !

@Developereo , Some people get immense pleasure in India bashing ....you have become one of them . No wonder you took plunge without even thinking once , in such one sided and unfounded discussion based on article whose methodology and credibility itself is questionable !!!

nor are indians .. else millions of bangladeshis wont be living in india :disagree:

Nor are Indians .... else millions of Bangladeshi won't be living in BANGLADESH !!!
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@Developereo , Some people get immense pleasure in India bashing ....you have become one of them . No wonder you took plunge without even thinking once , in such one sided and unfounded discussion based on article whose methodology and credibility itself is questionable !!!

As I wrote, racially homogenous societies tend to be more conservative than multiracial societies. This rule applies to all countries, not just India.

I can't help it if you are extra-sensitive about the subject.
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As I wrote, racially homogenous societies tend to be more conservative than multiracial societies. This rule applies to all countries, not just India.

I can't help it if you are extra-sensitive about the subject.

But you did enter in competition between comparing India vis a vis Australia with regards to racism !

It's not question of being extra sensitive ....I can stand truth but not hypocrisy ....!!!

What rules are you talking about ...and who made these rules ?

Before you subject a billion plus population to ' your' rules and 'hypotheses' ....do think of these relevant questions ....else you will end up wrongly labeling one tenth of humanity !

But you did enter in competition between comparing India vis a vis Australia with regards to racism !

It's not question of being extra sensitive ....I can stand truth but not hypocrisy ....!!!

What rules are you talking about ...and who made these rules ?

Before you subject a billion plus population to ' your' rules and 'hypotheses' ....do think of these relevant questions ....else you will end up wrongly labeling one tenth of humanity !

And when you try to condemn others wrongly ....it yourself that you end up condemning ultimately !!!
@Yzd Khalifa mate, what I heard from my mum about Saudi is very bad.. I mean my dad worked in Saudi and after marriage Dad got visa for mum.. When she was coming to Saudi, she had a cross with her who was blessed by one of the priest.. When she went to immigration clearance, a Saudi guy saw the cross in her bag and destroyed it on the spot.. She was very hurt seeing this and still have grudges for you people :D I tried to make her understand that it may be just one guy but she thinks otherwise..

To be fair to the Saudis, your mom was trying to bring in a banned item in KSA.
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Nice to hear wat ur parents have taught u...no offence
To be fair to the Saudis, your mom was trying to bring in a banned item in KSA.

I didnt know that.. Was cross banned in Saudi? I mean I hear Christian people allowed to pray in groups at their homes.. @Yzd Khalifa can you confirm it?
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There are always pockets of racism in every society, but few people would dispute that multiracial societies are more tolerant than homogenous societies. When people grow up and live alongside other races from birth, they generally develop appreciation for diversity.

Brazil is one of the most multiracial society, even more so that most developed Western countries, and it is very tolerant.

Brazil and America is more tolerant than India, who call their Northeastern people "chini" looking people. Many Indian wonder whether if these "Chini" looking people would sabotage India. Don't be surprised if India put these people in concentration camps if there is a major war between China and India.
Indians are so racist that they have a Sikh Prime Minister, a Italian Head of Congress, a Muslim head of Parliament, a Christian defence minister and the richest minorities are Sikhs and Parsis so yeah overall Indians are complete racists lmao.

Sikh, Parsis are not of a different race. They look similar to north western Indians. Italians, included as a Europeans, are worshipped by Indians. the India 2030 movie not with standing. On the other hand, Indians especially are racist against "chini" looking northeasterner. They are treated as foreigners in their own country. Finally, average Indians are also racist against Africans and Austroids in India.
Australia more racist than India?

On which planet have you been living lately?

Don't know whether to laugh, or cry - Australia is probably one of the most multi-cultural and tolerant places on Earth.
Sikh, Parsis are not of a different race. They look similar to north western Indians. Italians, included as a Europeans, are worshipped by Indians. the India 2030 movie not with standing. On the other hand, Indians especially are racist against "chini" looking northeasterner. They are treated as foreigners in their own country. Finally, average Indians are also racist against Africans and Austroids in India.

When will you stop pulling out things from your rear ???

Go ask the "chini" workong in india ( metro projects ) how they are treated.

Idiots like you dont know one thing about this subcontinent till that dont stop you from commenting , people of this area ( India,Pak,BD,NP and Lanka ) are more tolerate to outsiders than they would be with their neighbours.

@Developereo :
-did you count castism as racism ???
-Did you count Shia- sunni conflict as racism ?
- Please see the population of Aus vs India and then count the percentage of anything.
- AFAIK the racism doesnt exist in India but castism do. Please provide me any source which can throw light on such thing happened in India.
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When will you stop pulling out things from your rear ???

Go ask the "chini" workong in india ( metro projects ) how they are treated.

Idiots like you dont know one thing about this subcontinent till that dont stop you from commenting , people of this area ( India,Pak,BD,NP and Lanka ) are more tolerate to outsiders than they would be with their neighbours.

@Developereo :
-did you count castism as racism ???
-Did you count Shia- sunni conflict as racism ?
- Please see the population of Aus vs India and then count the percentage of anything.
- AFAIK the racism doesnt exist in India but castism do. Please provide me any source which can throw light on such thing happened in India.

So you relegate the Chini looking northeasterners to work in the railroads in India. Talking about racism.
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