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India among world's most racist countries, says survey

Yes we Indian are racist..

Even Ex-Indian (Now Pakistani) are same..

The castism and sectism is worst form of racism..
So much for White supremacism and Indian tolerance, ain't that right JayAtl?

I'm not surprised, seeing as how all you can talk about are "gene pools" and "genetic inferiority". Apparently, being racist is only reserved for the superior Indian race, with their super Aryan IQ, right JayIndia?

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries

are you kidding me YOU a Redneck KKK tea bagger? you that brought this country the KKK, Lynching of blacks, Torture of slaves, bombing of little children in churches, blowing up of federal buildings is showing maps about racism in India?

This your Gene pool is trying to talk about racism?




I didn't grow up in Saudia and your judgment is unacceptably outrageous.

hold your horses and read the forum threads where Indians are hell bent on asking Pakistanis to abandon support to Saudis because they are racists towards desis.

btw what is outrageous about it?
hold your horses and read the forum threads where Indians are hell bent on asking Pakistanis to abandon support to Saudis because they are racists towards desis.

btw what is outrageous about it?

lol.. there are many threads opened by pakistanis bashing saudis... and you blame Indians for it...
the Indians who live in saudi praise them for some reason.
Like I said in my post earlier, I was reciting my own experience, I don't need to read what Internet keyboard monsters say. And I l0v3 Pakistan
hold your horses and read the forum threads where Indians are hell bent on asking Pakistanis to abandon support to Saudis because they are racists towards desis.

btw what is outrageous about it?
Calling Saudi racists, by the way, this isn't the first time I get to read such comments being made by yourself, just so you know.

lol.. there are many threads opened by pakistanis bashing saudis... and you blame Indians for it...
the Indians who live in saudi praise them for some reason.

What do Indians in KSA say about Saudis = \?
Like I said in my post earlier, I was reciting my own experience, I don't need to read what Internet keyboard monsters say. And I l0v3 Pakistan

Calling Saudi racists, by the way, this isn't the first time I get to read such comments being made by yourself, just so you know.

What do Indians in KSA say about Saudis = \?
I dont know anybody personally but I have not seen any Indian complaining too much about saudis here, may be our expectations are low, and pakistanis have high expectation.
Like I said in my post earlier, I was reciting my own experience, I don't need to read what Internet keyboard monsters say. And I l0v3 Pakistan

Calling Saudi racists, by the way, this isn't the first time I get to read such comments being made by yourself, just so you know.

Can you post my comments as backing where i constantly called Saudis as racists?

By the way i believe and also sometimes express racism , that we all are racists one or the other.

@hinduguy : indeed there are many such threads started by those Pakistanis who are either shias or Pro-Iran or who feel that their Indian roots give them something inferior as compared to Arabs ;)

I believe one should not be rondo about Saudi treatment when one willingly goes to KSA for earning.

I dont know anybody personally but I have not seen any Indian complaining too much about saudis here, may be our expectations are low, and pakistanis have high expectation.

hehehehehe you dint check the threads it means
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What do Indians in KSA say about Saudis = \?
@Yzd Khalifa mate, what I heard from my mum about Saudi is very bad.. I mean my dad worked in Saudi and after marriage Dad got visa for mum.. When she was coming to Saudi, she had a cross with her who was blessed by one of the priest.. When she went to immigration clearance, a Saudi guy saw the cross in her bag and destroyed it on the spot.. She was very hurt seeing this and still have grudges for you people :D I tried to make her understand that it may be just one guy but she thinks otherwise..
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@Yzd Khalifa mate, what I heard from my mum about Saudi is very bad.. I mean my dad worked in Saudi and after marriage Dad got visa for mum.. When she was coming to Saudi, she had a cross with her who was blessed by one of the priest.. When she went to immigration clearance, a Saudi guy saw the cross in her bag and destroyed it on the spot.. She was very hurt seeing this and still have grudges for you people :D I tried to make her understand that it may be just one guy but she thinks otherwise..

do all kerala people go there or mostly muslims...
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For centuries west has subjugated east ....through its supremacist ideology !

This is height of hypocrisy.....It can't get any worse !!!

For this is the worst application of surveys....which have no credibility and no authenticity !!!

History of world is testimonial of the fact how the west has enslaved and humiliated their fellow brethren towards their own interests !!!
Don't worry. Indians define the essence of racism.

This comment comes from person belonging to worlds "the" most self obsessed country !

Americans supposedly don't suffer from racism ....because they are only self proclaimed citizens of universe !!!
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