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India all set to become a superpower, and Asia's No 1

Military wise also indian ranking is good.

Global Firepower Military Ranks - 2015

India is a big country with more than 1.2 billion people and of course we have more people to feed.But we are self sufficient in our agricultural products and output depends on mansoon.Despite of poverty and corruption, we are going in a right direction.By the time passes our inequality will be reduced substantially.

1.2 billion people are both curse and blessing for India. Huge workforce but too many mouths to feed. I think India will eventually beat China in having a larger workforce.
Well even though it's true China and Japan have been the two biggest powers in Asia since the beginning of this century, we can't deny that India is also a regional power and a growing power as well. Though India still has a long way to go. But it's still making progress /growing. Though it's true there are sooooo many social problems India has to sought out (e.g it has by far the largest number of farmers who commit suicide in the world every year by the thousands and the biggest number of poor people in the world etc) , but with time and the right policies i believe they can sort all these out.

However i do think India media should calm down about making such sensational articles everytime, they are making themselves the laughing stock of the world. India is nowhere near a superpower not even this coming decade, China despite it double digit growth for over 3 decades and its size still isn't a superpower yet(more like a heading towards being a world power to some extent) much less India.
Well, I would like it if India takes modernisation seriously like China but for the most part, their politicians and journalists are making joke out of itself by bragging. Even in this thread you can see how they are bragging while overestimating their potential. Even if they are in the right path, because of bragging they convince the world not to take them seriously. IMO India's biggest problem is that it's a group of countries merged together as one country but many people deny it with examples of some empires that didn't last long.
IMO India's biggest problem is that it's a group of countries merged together as one country but many people deny it with examples of some empires that didn't last long.

Thats the most beautiful thing that I've ever read you write ! :cray:

I feel vindicated....I'm so proud of you little bro ! :cry:

Yes..now you can be an Honorary Pakistani ! :kiss3:

But no....we're still not going to let you declare Quidditch as our National Sport ! :tsk:
For those who are saying india lacks indegenous technology-

indegenous aircraft carrier develop by india and one more under construction china is still developing first one.

arjun tank mk1 mk2
stealth corvetts stealth frigates

HAL LUH for indian airforce

HAL LCA for indian air force

agni 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 under production

developing 6 nuclear submarines

tata howzitters

ISRO MARS MISSION first country reached mars on first attempt and become first asian country

isro moons second mission in 2016 with rover and lander will make india first country who will land its rover in the dark area of moon no country has done that

isro aaditya mission(sun 's exploration)

2018 mars mission 2 without rover

2020 much awaited manned moon mission with four airforce personnal

and last but not least our respected prime minister's MAKE IN INDIA project because we have man power and we have land area 60% of indians are below 35 years of age

our I.T. sector is worlds second best after U.S.

i am not saying we are masters of making hardware but definetely we are campions in software as being a s/w engineer i know that

this is the main reason why world wants to do business with india and pridecting india a future super power

we surpassed china last year and now worlds fastest growing country with gdp of 7.9 as compared with chinas 7.3

so those who are saying india lacks technology first see yourself then raise a fingure against others
atleast we are trying today yoy can say that india buys wepons but i know after 10-15 years when india will make 80% of its defence equipment you will not say that

what ever isro achieved today we all know that and thats because of our scientist hard work who worked for 16 hours a day during mars mission

pakistans space organisation opend before isro and opened within 5-10 years

NASA ISRO joint program NISAR ( nasa isro synthethic aperture radar ) is still ongoing

us france uk india japan russia these countries are developing worlds largest telescope china is not included in program because of threat that they will steal it

so you can say that india buys wepons but we will change that just wait and watch

in just 5 years india will become 5th largest economy from 9th today surpassing uk and in 2025 india will become 3rd largest economy surpassing japan and according to predictions pakistan will become 18 th largest economy in 2050 you can check it on google so first see yourself
then say about india

and yes we will continue to raise our defence budget every year so dont need to shock for that i am telling you in advance our next years defence budget will be 46.4 billion dollars my father works at indian defence ministry new delhi from todays 40 billion dollars my fathet works at indian defence ministry new delhi...because we need to build railway line and road in china border so that our army can reach there without any issues and need to setup a mountain strike corpse for china

so do not worry that is not for pakistan we dont even think abt pkistn today china is our main enemy now
For those who are saying india lacks indegenous technology-

indegenous aircraft carrier develop by india and one more under construction china is still developing first one.

arjun tank mk1 mk2
stealth corvetts stealth frigates

HAL LUH for indian airforce

HAL LCA for indian air force

agni 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 under production

developing 6 nuclear submarines

tata howzitters

ISRO MARS MISSION first country reached mars on first attempt and become first asian country

isro moons second mission in 2016 with rover and lander will make india first country who will land its rover in the dark area of moon no country has done that

isro aaditya mission(sun 's exploration)

2018 mars mission 2 without rover

2020 much awaited manned moon mission with four airforce personnal

and last but not least our respected prime minister's MAKE IN INDIA project because we have man power and we have land area 60% of indians are below 35 years of age

our I.T. sector is worlds second best after U.S.

i am not saying we are masters of making hardware but definetely we are campions in software as being a s/w engineer i know that

this is the main reason why world wants to do business with india and pridecting india a future super power

we surpassed china last year and now worlds fastest growing country with gdp of 7.9 as compared with chinas 7.3

so those who are saying india lacks technology first see yourself then raise a fingure against others
atleast we are trying today yoy can say that india buys wepons but i know after 10-15 years when india will make 80% of its defence equipment you will not say that

what ever isro achieved today we all know that and thats because of our scientist hard work who worked for 16 hours a day during mars mission

pakistans space organisation opend before isro and opened within 5-10 years

NASA ISRO joint program NISAR ( nasa isro synthethic aperture radar ) is still ongoing

us france uk india japan russia these countries are developing worlds largest telescope china is not included in program because of threat that they will steal it

so you can say that india buys wepons but we will change that just wait and watch

in just 5 years india will become 5th largest economy from 9th today surpassing uk and in 2025 india will become 3rd largest economy surpassing japan and according to predictions pakistan will become 18 th largest economy in 2050 you can check it on google so first see yourself
then say about india


You are very true!

India is already a knowledge superpower.

India is the source of all knowledge, all sciences, and all religions.

Ancient India invented zero, yoga, plastic surgery, gene therapy, space travel, teleportation, computer chips, gravity manipulation, nuclear power, fusion power, and many more technological wonders.

Did you know that Jesus studied at Nalanda University, and Germans came from India!

31% of all doctors in America are Indians, 33% of all Google engineers are Indians, 41% of all NASA engineers are Indians, and 39% of Microsoft engineers are Indians. Indians founded Apple, Google, Facebook, and many famous technology companies.

India has the brains and the money to accomplish anything, but only leadership was lacking before. Modi-ji is a brilliant and visionary leader. Under Modi-ji, India will quickly surpass China and America to become a superpower by 2020!

Jai Hind!
exactly because india is worlds largest democracy...here a tea seller can become prime minister and changed the image of country in one year....thats why no one can stop this country INDIA will definetely be at no. 1 spot soon
india is so lucky to have a prime minister like Modi.....love you MR. PRIME MINISTER....please continue your hard work for this wonderfull country....from 4.5 gdp last year to 7.9 this year...you have showed your leadership to this country.....i am a software engineer...me and my friends was not getting jobs during congress era.....but when bjp came into power within 3 months i got a job and now working for TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES....thank you so much for your kind leadership.

here is a slap on those who think bad of Modi
For those who are saying india lacks indegenous technology-

indegenous aircraft carrier develop by india and one more under construction china is still developing first one.

arjun tank mk1 mk2
stealth corvetts stealth frigates

HAL LUH for indian airforce

HAL LCA for indian air force

agni 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 under production

developing 6 nuclear submarines

tata howzitters

ISRO MARS MISSION first country reached mars on first attempt and become first asian country

isro moons second mission in 2016 with rover and lander will make india first country who will land its rover in the dark area of moon no country has done that

isro aaditya mission(sun 's exploration)

2018 mars mission 2 without rover

2020 much awaited manned moon mission with four airforce personnal

and last but not least our respected prime minister's MAKE IN INDIA project because we have man power and we have land area 60% of indians are below 35 years of age

our I.T. sector is worlds second best after U.S.

i am not saying we are masters of making hardware but definetely we are campions in software as being a s/w engineer i know that

this is the main reason why world wants to do business with india and pridecting india a future super power

we surpassed china last year and now worlds fastest growing country with gdp of 7.9 as compared with chinas 7.3

so those who are saying india lacks technology first see yourself then raise a fingure against others
atleast we are trying today yoy can say that india buys wepons but i know after 10-15 years when india will make 80% of its defence equipment you will not say that

what ever isro achieved today we all know that and thats because of our scientist hard work who worked for 16 hours a day during mars mission

pakistans space organisation opend before isro and opened within 5-10 years

NASA ISRO joint program NISAR ( nasa isro synthethic aperture radar ) is still ongoing

us france uk india japan russia these countries are developing worlds largest telescope china is not included in program because of threat that they will steal it

so you can say that india buys wepons but we will change that just wait and watch

in just 5 years india will become 5th largest economy from 9th today surpassing uk and in 2025 india will become 3rd largest economy surpassing japan and according to predictions pakistan will become 18 th largest economy in 2050 you can check it on google so first see yourself
then say about india


Lol nice 1
You are very true!

India is already a knowledge superpower.

India is the source of all knowledge, all sciences, and all religions.

Ancient India invented zero, yoga, plastic surgery, gene therapy, space travel, teleportation, computer chips, gravity manipulation, nuclear power, fusion power, and many more technological wonders.

Did you know that Jesus studied at Nalanda University, and Germans came from India!

31% of all doctors in America are Indians, 33% of all Google engineers are Indians, 41% of all NASA engineers are Indians, and 39% of Microsoft engineers are Indians. Indians founded Apple, Google, Facebook, and many famous technology companies.

India has the brains and the money to accomplish anything, but only leadership was lacking before. Modi-ji is a brilliant and visionary leader. Under Modi-ji, India will quickly surpass China and America to become a superpower by 2020!

Jai Hind!

exactly because india is worlds largest democracy...here a tea seller can become prime minister and changed the image of country in one year....thats why no one can stop this country INDIA will definetely be at no. 1 spot soon

:rofl: No 1 open poopers and rapists country indeed

Modi has accomplished in his first year what Kangress couldn't for the first 60 years! I have no doubt that under Modi-ji's brilliant leadership, India will quickly surpass China and America to become a superpower!

India all set to become a superpower, and Asia's No 1 - Rediff.com Business

India all set to become a superpower, and Asia's No 1

A Harvard study says India's GDP will grow at 7.9 per cent annually in the next 8 years, well ahead of China's 4.6 per cent


Image: India's economic growth will roar past China's in the next 8 years. Thrissur’s puli kali features men whose bodies are painted with tiger stripes and leopard spots. Photograph: Dipak/Reuters

India is projected to achieve highest annual GDP growth rate of 7.9 per cent over the next 8 years, overtaking its South Asian economic rival China, according to a Harvard study that said growth in emerging markets will continue to outpace developed countries.

The Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University in its report said "after decades spent trailing the growth of its northern neighbour and economic rival, India now tops the projections of annual growth rates to 2023".

India is projected to record average annual growth rates of 7.9 per cent over the next eight years, nearly double of China's 4.6 per cent projected growth over the period.

"Our Economic Complexity predictions find India's disputed upper hand in growth will expand into a widening gap in the medium-term, with growth projections to 2023 predicted to be at 7.9 per cent annually, well ahead of the 4.6 per cent projected for China," said Ricardo Hausmann, professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and director of CID.

Relative to China's 9.1 per cent annual growth of the past quarter century, this growth projection presents an important slowdown for China, but stands just below the 6 per cent growth rate in 2020 predicted by the International Monetary Fund and China's leadership, the report said.

Using their own measure of economic complexity that captures the productive capabilities embedded in a country's exports, CID researchers paint a new picture of the economic growth landscape, which foresees growth in emerging markets to continue to outpace developed countries. They also predict important reversals among growth leaders, with India expected to overtake China.

CID's projections are also bullish on East Africa. Four East African countries – Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Madagascar – rank in the top ten, with all predicted to grow at least 6 per cent annually.

The projections also favor Pakistan's potential, at 5.1 percent predicted growth, presenting a clear picture of South Asia and East Africa's positive growth outlook.

Southeast Asia also includes several high-growth countries, driven by its largest country, Indonesia, which is anticipated to grow at 5.2 per cent annually to 2023.

According to the report, outlooks for Europe and the US show little optimism. The US growth rate in 2023 is predicted to be 2.4 per cent, while major European players range from 2.3 per cent in Italy to 3.7 per cent in Spain.

"Countries accumulate productive knowledge by developing their respective capacity to make both more products, and products of increasing complexity - this underpins economic growth," said Hausmann.

"Countries like India, Kenya, and the Philippines have made important recent gains in diversifying their exports into more complex products. Historically, these gains in economic complexity have translated into higher incomes, which position them as the frontrunners globally for their growth prospects."

why Indians keep coming up with soon supa powa bullshit stories

Indians know no shame
Great job India! Amazing achievement.
View attachment 597715

In broken Europe Union they use that newsopaper artilce for putting fish and chips and food into the newspaper.
In Indian Union they would be lucky to find one copy of that to use to wipe *** with, let alone find a superpower toilet

Lol nice 1


The local scrap yards has had reports of lots of coca cola cans go missing -

"...in what may be related development on indian aircraft carriers... early sightings on the Bay of Bengal by Investigative jounralists reports that in a world first - the new Indian Union aircraft carriers may be sponsored by Coca Cola..."

BBC World Service investigates the new city sized indian Union aircraft Carrier ... aptly named the Soda-Can-on-Sea !
Welcome, aboard!

Yesterday you posted a very compelling analysis of the situation in IoJK and about PakKashmiris.

You are the first non-Pak, Western poster to have accurately defined the DialectFramework to not only understand but solve the tragedy of PakKashmiris... and you were/are correct IoJK and Palestine are two different things.

Would be nice to read how you build on your thesis of the EvilEmpire in SouthAsia..i.e. Union of GanguDaesh.

British wanted some sort of balance of power against China which was under LongMarch back then...

Anyhow, keep posting your quality stuff... great to read!

Hi Magnus ,

Thank You ,

Here are a few points innvery broad terms and notes form
- i think for a thesis you need to listen to the prime minster Imran Khan go off on one on Twitter!

The simple truth is that the British Empire colonial offices had conflicting views, depending on the geographic region HQ Middle East, East Asia, and how to continue its influence from a position of now relative weakness.

The Americans had entered WWII on the condition that Brtian would de-colonise and give up to US markets, in return for US lend lease support.

The British establishment, and security even is actually majorly still anti-american and pro-socialist, although the Brexit movement and Trump has acheived a major breakthorugh to stem this inm the newer generations.

The Saudis (1939 ship meeting) when meeting both the Americans and British seperately found the US to be more understading of the Saudi National interest and customs, whilst the British were still in Imperial mode.

Many Moslem countries preferred the US as a way to rid of the English, and as freedom indeoendence movements (USA itself broke away from Britian in the mianstream narrative- boston Tea Party etc)

Russia/USSR, Chinese Union, Iranian Union, Indian Union, were larger than life entitiies tolerated /formed to stop a single unitary central asian land mass exististing as a single country (along the current Silk road-Turkestan SSR/ Bukhara SSR/Central Asian Stans).

During the 'failed wars' of the past century the miain objective has been to stop this from forming, so many prgroms, antisemitism, and inter-ethnic conflicts were stokes to manage this objective.

The Chinese Union will be left out of this discussion - since its been covered now, but also final points:
as a biffer against Japan is a point to keep in mind, and to contain the -stans was why it has eventually been tolerated, as well as a buffer countering USSR, good commie v bad commie.

Coming to the Indian Union, the British colonial office did not want to leave - Lord mountbatten wanted to continue as Viceroy and King and so it was important to create an Indian Union based on the lines of the Soviet Union to retain as much landmass as possible before the Americans got their hands on it due to the above deal.

If Mountbatten was able to establish himself as Ceremonial King, this would make the British, cuircumvent the agreement to the Americans, and allow British colony to continue as a democracy but linked as mountbatten and king george were first counsins.

As is an open secret lady mountbatten was the village bicycle of RSS Good-cop Nehru.( much like CON-g-RSS shill MP shashi tharoor, who exites the knickers of the marxist left wing snowaflakes.) was using the One-Ganga culture to use illeterate Mullah to rile up Moslems against the Moslem elites, and same agitations withnin sikh, hindu etc, and then use it to play peacemaker.

Gandhi was open to this idea - and hence a possible for motive the assasination pantomime theatre show, since the RSS was happy with the sankritisation the British had introduced but not happy with them staying too long - Gandhi's plan was lot more devious and risky too... so the RSS removed Gandhi and introduced relations with Soviet Union.

Churchill was actually for letting the Indian Union Unravel, possible in hope of finding a more pliants repubilcs or keeping it a free for all like Africa; without delving too much into it - but he was a skilled person reader and he saw straigght through Gandhi for the RSS liar he was.

Churchill famously said the indian Union is as much a unified country as the equator, ie artifical constructs, of idefferent races.

Churchill and Jinnah had great relations between themselves and the US, and so favoured the American outlook hence Pakistans rush to the USA to counter the rival British Colonial office in favour of Mountbattens plans.

This is broadly how the two entities exited the Indian Union.

A further benefit to the Indian Union was that Pakistan would act as a geographic buffer to protect the Indian Union against threat of a historic afghan and Central Asian Expansionism,
(the Afghan king was very close to Sir M. Ikbal the visionary of the Pakistan state - so this fear was very real, and expressed itself as tribal intervention in Kashmir in 1947)

The concept of acting as a buffer against Afghanistan/Uzbekistan for the Indian Union is something even Which until today the landlord classes of the the Pakistani Punjab and sindh have gladly obliged it into, and had an informal trade off with the the Royal Pak Army - in return for providing soldiers - the old feudal model, hence usual tussle between Pak Army and Self-serving Policitcal Class made up of Colonial Era patronised Feudals, since they have conflicting objectives.

This is why Punjab-sindh feudal heavy Pakistan does not have a central asian tilt and has syndrome for trying to out indianise the Indian union.

Pakistan also served as a bullwark for Oil lanes (along with Shah's iran CENTO) to prevent USSR from having warm water sea port access, a key objective of the US.

The Indian Union therefore became even more valuable to the USSR as a super bloc configuration arrangement in stead of as the Hindu Republic of RamRaj or something of the like, and Varanasi Vatican which should really be the natural configurations.

- The major skirmishes/War between the Chinese and USSR were a key reason for USSR projecting the Indian Union in its Image and Keeping it as a alarge bloc to counter China as a Proxy. (similar to an objective of Obamas intended asia tilt, US-Indian union Nuclear deal, artifically inflated Indian Union ecnonomy via bonds etc)

The US tried to wean Indian Union and China away from Soviet union or thought at least it imagined it was doing this - this benefited the Indian Union especially at times of war with pakistan and and gave it more negotiaion power.

Indian Union leverages its links with Soviet bloc allied arab-nationalist or Marxist Moslem countries all the while tickling the US cherry - whereas pakistan was stuck in the american camp - and isolated after 1979 Iranian Marxist Mad Mullah revolution.

The RSS paraded with the Indian Union Army on the victory day parade from the very beginning, Gandhi used to visit their camps and praised and dontated to them.

The RSS had 2 tactical ideological camps:
#1. the hitler camp view whereas the other was
#2. a soviet cialist camp the gandhi -congress group [good cop bad cop].
Althoughthis seems tactical as gandhi himself was an admirer of hitler, and personal friend, who disgustingly advised jews to resist the holocaust by commisint mass suicide - disgusting anti-semeitic thought let alone suggestion.

With benefit of hindsight - The strategy they used was to use a mix of the two camps step by step reach the Nazi stage and ultimately recreate the Ashoka Empire, and use reilgious symbolism and caste symbolism for this.

The Gandhi bloc strategy was to neutralise or subsume non-agreeable into a socialist fairytale land - create a false sense of universalism and hence evenhis martydom must have been staged otherwise he would have been voted out of office and discredited within months of taking office.

Thjis gave rise the ganga-jamna culture or everone is from Indian origin - yet; the vedic literature itself sugests that the hindu relgion was foreign and native to babylonia, and hence simply another invading category of people.

The Sikhs felt the blow of this in 1984 but were unable to make a comeback at all - the false universalism.

Gandhi had iused the same to beguile the south african blacks to their miserable deaths whilst posted a Colonel there.

It seems the RSS were also were working with Hitler to rid of the British - who were the only viable referees between warring relgions creeds castes and differences.

Euopre had long demanded to expel all of its jews into the Medeternanean sea or somewhere else, likewise the Indian union was replication the European calls by terming all muslims as Arabs and demanding they be deported into the desert or into the Arabia sea. Israle and Pakistan became only relgious ideolocial states whereas every other state was other nation state or ecnomic ideological bloc eg Communist blocs,

The latest RSS manifestation is the AAP - and its pseudo liberal face.

The Indian Union can be dissolved into 7 orr 8 regions at least with realtive ease - and the RSS is actually doing a great job at undoing the sticky tape of cunning Gandhi-ism apart - since this give room for ethnic nationalism.

The spread of Bollywood, Yoga, and trying to culturally appropirate everything Central asian/Paksitani and Arabic as Indian, and attempting to penetrate of philosphy and spirtiuality is the influence space the RSS is now competing in - unchallenged.

The imposition of hindi landuage was brtish -Gandhi rouse but has been unsucessful in the Southern Republics like Tamilland etc

The arabian sea used to have alot of Otoman and Mamluk ( incliding Kurdish Mamluk) actitivty aimed at strenghting the Mamluk/Turk/Afgan land dynasties against the european Naval colianism of Protugal and France.

Indina union Naval Supremacy cannot be found in its history -
This weakness will magnify itself and will likely occur though a regime change in Iran, and internal events in Indian Union, Iranian Navy is biggest bakcer of Indian Union navy.

A serious cession call to the Indian union in the tamil coastal state ( Large historic Arabic Population) will really shake it apart - the focus on Khalistan or Kashmir is not its weakness.

Some broad points here... but a historicall detailed and full post will be coming soon --

Suffice to say the Indian Union was never a Naval power - ie never a superpower, it was always a proxy bloc or a target like Africa is nowadays - even the liees about Mughal who were essentially for the most party a dynsasty run by the slave girls and their Brahmin fathers - is exaclty why the Mughal rule is seen as a pre-decessor to the indina Union and used to justify it - without which there is only the fairly of mahaBharata and some nakedmen running around like hitler yout trying to rewrite hisrtoy - dark people claiming to be Aryans !!

I wonder what used to happen to them RSS Neo-Aryanists in the UK or Germany when they treidn to explain that to Neo-Nazi skinheads - duing the 70s etc...

The best most viable intergratinoist rule in the Eastern Central Asia,
Comes from the Afghan king shah suri - who only rule 4-5 year rule and worked at the speed of light, the Norther half of the Indian union should be re-designated Eastern central Asia as it has more in common with that than the fake artificial Gandhi-Ganges culture. !

Were the Arabs (including Pakistan) [lost wars] would have accepted Israelis early on, which would have been smaller and even more favourable) without the plethora of humiliating defeats - it would have given a greater leverage for a United Semitic front against the Indian Union, and a stronger front against the R-SS hitler youth from re-birth in this way !
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