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India, Afghanistan plan air cargo link over Pakistan

Isolate them .............. Isolate them .................. Isolate them

Terrorists ................. Terrorists ....................... Terrorists

Boycott .................. Boycott ...................... Boycott

Stop their water .......... Stop their water ........... Stop their water

Sabotage CPEC .............. Sabotage CPEC .............. Sabotage CPEC

No cricket ............ no cricket ............... no cricket
That reminds me of how your politicians keep threatening us with a nuclear war.
Last time I checked it was swamy who said about nukes.........
Day ? date? time?

But this is what i found

That reminds me of how your politicians keep threatening us with a nuclear war.

Which ones? The ones who are not in government and couldn't do jacksh*t even if they wanted in such heightened scenario. And how my comment reminds you of this? I haven't threatened you with nukes. Secondly I told you what your current government is busy doing to us................. as compared to what you think a random politician in Pakistan may have said.
Secondly I told you what your current government is busy doing to us......
I tried reminding you what your politicians keep doing to us.
as compared to what you think a random politician in Pakistan may have said.
Is your defence minister a random politician?
I tried reminding you what your politicians keep doing to us.

Politician is not government however a government can be a politician......

I think you are not aware NS has been labelled incompetent shameless prime minister because he is too soft when it comes to speak / talk about india.

Is your defence minister a random politician?

Yes he is a random guy who I am sure doesn't have access to the red button. And mind you he is the same person who is still remembered for his lambast at Armed Forces of Pakistan in parliament.

It's not like our foreign office is issuing statements to nuke india everyday ............. well I didn't see NS mentioning india anywhere at international forums unnecessarily ............ unlike his counterpart across the borders.
I think you are not aware NS has been labelled incompetent shameless prime minister because he is too soft when it comes to speak / talk about india.
Oh well,so hes an incompetent PM merely because he soft on India?

well I didn't see NS mentioning india anywhere at international forums unnecessarily
I think otherwise.
Oh well,so hes an incompetent PM merely because he soft on India?

You don't read PDF? Its not necessarily me but people.....................

I think otherwise.

I told one of your indians (I guess @ito ) the other day that NS is not what he thinks he is. But still he hasn't acted like modi, whether you like it or not modi did cry like a baby on forums where mentioning Pakistan was totally irrelevant.
You don't read PDF? Its not necessarily me but people.....................
You said it, so its on you to prove it.
whether you like it or not modi did cry like a baby on forums where mentioning Pakistan was totally irrelevant.
Ditto for NS, when he went around mentioning the K issue.
You said it, so its on you to prove it.

Mohtarma Trainer Sahiba .................... read again and tell me if I can edit it to look like its not my personal view

I think you are not aware NS has been labelled incompetent shameless prime minister because he is too soft when it comes to speak / talk about india.

Ditto for NS, when he went around mentioning the K issue.


Sharam b nai ai ho gi yeh bongi marty hoey

You don't see any difference between Kashmir ............ pending resolutions at UN ................. and BRICS.

Or did NS ever boast about how he personally wished and participated in Khalistan movement or any other insurgent movement in india? Modi did openly that too after becoming a PM.
Poor afghans will pay 6-7 times more just to satisfy ego of govts!
I say give them the corridor, but only PIA Cargo service should be allowed to transfer the goods... :sarcastic:
Mohtarma Trainer Sahiba .................... read again and tell me if I can edit it to look like its not my personal view

Sharam b nai ai ho gi yeh bongi marty hoey

You don't see any difference between Kashmir ............ pending resolutions at UN ................. and BRICS.

Or did NS ever boast about how he personally wished and participated in Khalistan movement or any other insurgent movement in india? Modi did openly that too after becoming a PM.
Irfy sahab, we were discussing air traffic. ICYMI!
Irfy sahab, we were discussing air traffic. ICYMI!

I am not Irfy :D

And regarding air traffic ...... I told you if it were me I would have denied both you Afghanistan...... stating my very valid reason that potato and tomato trade doesn't interest me.

ICYMI? Why can't you people type the whole words?
I am not Irfy :D
Irfy..immy whatever it was...
And regarding air traffic ...... I told you if it were me I would have denied both you Afghanistan...... stating my very valid reason that potato and tomato trade doesn't interest me.
So also your flights will be denied any air space over our land. Dont even know what is it that you guys trade in.

ICYMI? Why can't you people type the whole words?
or why dont you learn how to use google? :P
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