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India acquires anti-missile capability

Bang on target hmmmmmmmmm did u forget to mention that incomming missile was heavily modified(do u no what that means).

so let me get this straight the scientist who couldnt make agni3 stand up for years(not till the americans helped) and other failed projects(drdo)menage to create a missile defence system without israelies yeah ok.(if any body here believe that i can sell you brooklyn bridge for a reasonable price)

funny when pakistani claims it to be indegenious international media(also known as jewish media)and indian media will claim its chines or north korean.:woot:

Oh my dear, it seems to me your emotional feeling are steaming relantlessly with testing of Indian AAD system because your own country don't have that privliage or I am mean capability.

Can I ask you one question? Did you invited by the DRDO to witness and have check whether incoming Prithvi missiles was modified?

How do you know about as Indians had taken help from American in Agni-III? and or Is it hard for you digest that Indian have manage to successfully test Agni-III independtly.

And last but not the list, Isreali assistance in creating such Landmark project is widespread story and there is not anything much to create hype about it.
Oh my dear, it seems to me your emotional feeling are steaming relantlessly with testing of Indian AAD system because your own country don't have that privliage or I am mean capability.

Can I ask you one question? Did you invited by the DRDO to witness and have check whether incoming Prithvi missiles was modified?

How do you know about as Indians had taken help from American in Agni-III? and or Is it hard for you digest that Indian have manage to successfully test Agni-III independtly.

And last but not the list, Isreali assistance in creating such Landmark project is widespread story and there is not anything much to create hype about it.

First of all India is very poor in the field of Guidance systems and missile technology as a result most of its equipment is based on Russian technology transfer or Copy paste, This can be a lisenced produced S-300 ABM System and can be a copy just to say that its Indiginous... As always..

If you see the status of Missile defence systems on a world scale (not only see for the sake of stupid comments and retaliation since you are Indian) there has not been too much success in this field and US is enhancing its options after supposed AEGIS System the best to THAAD system developement and ABL.... Russian S-500 system is yet to be reaveled but is supposed to be able to Intercept very very high speed incoming missiles...
Kindly make search on available concepts and systems for ABM systems and see your self that the world is still behind in Tech than the Ballastic and Cruise Missile Tech.... Donot compare, SCUD's with Agni and Shaheen if you uderstand what i mean!:smokin:
First of all India is very poor in the field of Guidance systems and missile technology as a result most of its equipment is based on Russian technology transfer or Copy paste, This can be a lisenced produced S-300 ABM System and can be a copy just to say that its Indiginous... As always..

If you see the status of Missile defence systems on a world scale (not only see for the sake of stupid comments and retaliation since you are Indian) there has not been too much success in this field and US is enhancing its options after supposed AEGIS System the best to THAAD system developement and ABL.... Russian S-500 system is yet to be reaveled but is supposed to be able to Intercept very very high speed incoming missiles...
Kindly make search on available concepts and systems for ABM systems and see your self that the world is still behind in Tech than the Ballastic and Cruise Missile Tech.... Donot compare, SCUD's with Agni and Shaheen if you uderstand what i mean!:smokin:

Would you bother to show some sort of decency in accusing India of taking foreign help in ABM Missile system ? Before suggesting me to have some research, kindly go yourself and have some reality check, It is widespread reality that Indian did taken assistance from foreign nation to gain competence in missile tech. In fact missile's first-stage rocket motor, heat shield, and guidance system all came from India's space effort -- generously launched and sustained by foreign help. There are several articles of Indian origin have acknowledges these reality.

But one of the funniest part of your post was that , You had claim Russians involved in assisting India in Missile tech and all other associated subsystem. But your own imaginative thinking is far far and far from reality. Pls check it below.

German help in the 1970s and 1980s. Germany gave India help in three indispensable missile technologies: guidance, rocket testing, and the use of composite materials. All were supposed to be for the space program, but all were equally useful for military missiles.

And regarding Anti-missile story according to your reasoning, I can really understand your anguishing pain and emotions. Issue is not with developers and agency who have been engaging to innovate this Anti-missile tech system, but rather your country’s incapability to develop the identical system on their own and having unprivileged of having association with such ambitious systems. World has come a long way through the innovation. Once upon a time, It was a big deal for primitive scientist during 40-50 decades to get transition from Propeller driven engines to Jet Engines. But such Innovation get evolved further with constant research and now you can see the result, as jet engine has become a norm in aviation industry.

Meanwhile, What happen to my previous question of Modern age Missiles and cruise missile against ABM system.
India has power of supersonic cruise missile. can be used for interceptor,target cant even hear the sound of it :hang2:
Plzz put this sh_t thread in the indian section no space for it here is ! this section is for PAF or Pakistan avation.
Updated at 10.30 pm
NEW DELHI: Indian military scientists today achieved a major breakthrough in their efforts towards developing a weapon to shoot down an incoming enemy missile.
For the first time in Indian history, an indigenously developed missile system was able to track an incoming missile and shoot it down successfully this morning, said military sources. The successful test is a major boost to indigenous efforts in developing anti-missile defense system. It also puts India in a select league of nations with such ability.
According to military sources, a target Prithvi missile was launched form the Interim Missile Test Range at Chandipur in Orissa at 10.15 am. The missile was picked up in a few minutes by monitoring radars, and successfully intercepted by another Prithvi missile fired from Wheeler Islands. "It is a historic day," a DRDO scientist told DNA.
Sources said more such interception exercises, termed the Prithvi Air Defence Exercise, would be undertaken in the future. The missile that shot down the incoming missile is termed Prithvi-II, and is believed to be a 250-kilometer range liquid-propellant
ballistic missile.
Only a handful of countries such as the US, Israel, Russia and France have developed such fire power. However, today's success is no guarantee that the Defence Research and Development Organisation is anywhere close to deploying an effective anti-missile shield for the country.
The target missile took off from the launch complex number 3 of the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, some 15 kilometers from Balasore. After tracking the missile and determining its coordinates, the second missile was fired from launch complex number 4 located on Wheeler Island off Bhadrak district. As a precautionary measure, the Balasore district administration had temporarily evacuated about 600 families living in a 2-kilometer radius around Chandipur test range.

Bang on Target

Source for this news is Daily Newspaper DNA

Anti-Missile capability is not a big issue ,it can be easily cope up with MIRV,thats why instead of spending lot of money on R&D for ABM Pakistan is working on MIRV

ABM systems were developed initially to counter single warheads launched from large Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The economics seemed simple enough; since rocket costs increase rapidly with size, the price of the ICBM launching a large warhead should always be greater than the much smaller interceptor missile needed to destroy it. In an arms race the defense would always win.
Conditions changed dramatically with the introduction of Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warheads. Suddenly each launcher was throwing not one warhead, but several. The defense would still require a rocket for every warhead, as they would be re-entering over a wide space and could not be attacked by several warheads from a single antimissile rocket. Suddenly the defense was more expensive than offense; it was much less expensive to add more warheads, or even decoys, than it was to build the interceptor needed to shoot them down
Anti-Missile capability is not a big issue ,it can be easily cope up with MIRV,thats why instead of spending lot of money on R&D for ABM Pakistan is working on MIRV

Wrong ABM is the most complex system... MIRV is easier compared to ABM... ABM will be effective if there is a quick reaction and can take of the war heads before it enters POST boost phase where the war heads are likely to split and enter RV stage.. As of now we have to check at what altitude Pakistan missiles do RV... and whether our ABM can reach that point before your missile ....

Please dont live in delusion that ABM are useless.. the thing is Maturity is needed for this technology
Wrong ABM is the most complex system... MIRV is easier compared to ABM... ABM will be effective if there is a quick reaction and can take of the war heads before it enters POST boost phase where the war heads are likely to split and enter RV stage.. As of now we have to check at what altitude Pakistan missiles do RV... and whether our ABM can reach that point before your missile ....

Please dont live in delusion that ABM are useless.. the thing is Maturity is needed for this technology

Re-Read my post and point out where i said that ABM is not a complex technology? or ABM is not more complex then MIRV?

i simply said that instead of spending too much on ABM Pakistan is rather working on MIRV and then i explained it in the next para that why ABM is not effective or least effective against MIRV

I m not in any kind of delusion but i think you have some kind of reading prob or sheer pessimism,instead of focusing on what i said you came up with your own thing
Can this missile be fired within the 4 minutes it would take a Shaheen II to reach the farthest part of India? Then it has to track, catch up and hit it too.

It would probably miss it's target 90% of the time.

You need lasers to shoot down incoming missiles. Missile on missile action just won't do it.

Goo point made....this is a liquid based missile which will take 10-20 minutes to fuel....abit late for the missile capabilities of a neighbouring country.......and the last I remember, the US missile shield tests had failed and is still be perfected as much as possible in order to shoot down ramjet design engines, whilst scramjets are still in early research stages..........

I think the Indians are getting excited prematurely.........

Missile on missile - What do you mean........have you not seen Mahabharat.......they can do anything.....

By the way, this is in the wrong section.............please move to INDIAN DEFENCE
as usual funny topic move to comedy section "Indian Defence Section" ... we know what india make and who make for india and how much india is capable... and who provide support for any thing to india.. move this thread thr!

Rehan is talking about a different system. This system is designed for vehicles with a thinner skin than the tanks. Yes israel has the system and no it was not installed on the israeli apc's. The reason---the seargent who became the defence minister did not authorize the purchase.

Hahahahha ....

really how ironic !
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