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India acquires anti-missile capability


Oct 22, 2007
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Updated at 10.30 pm
NEW DELHI: Indian military scientists today achieved a major breakthrough in their efforts towards developing a weapon to shoot down an incoming enemy missile.
For the first time in Indian history, an indigenously developed missile system was able to track an incoming missile and shoot it down successfully this morning, said military sources. The successful test is a major boost to indigenous efforts in developing anti-missile defense system. It also puts India in a select league of nations with such ability.
According to military sources, a target Prithvi missile was launched form the Interim Missile Test Range at Chandipur in Orissa at 10.15 am. The missile was picked up in a few minutes by monitoring radars, and successfully intercepted by another Prithvi missile fired from Wheeler Islands. "It is a historic day," a DRDO scientist told DNA.
Sources said more such interception exercises, termed the Prithvi Air Defence Exercise, would be undertaken in the future. The missile that shot down the incoming missile is termed Prithvi-II, and is believed to be a 250-kilometer range liquid-propellant
ballistic missile.
Only a handful of countries such as the US, Israel, Russia and France have developed such fire power. However, today's success is no guarantee that the Defence Research and Development Organisation is anywhere close to deploying an effective anti-missile shield for the country.
The target missile took off from the launch complex number 3 of the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, some 15 kilometers from Balasore. After tracking the missile and determining its coordinates, the second missile was fired from launch complex number 4 located on Wheeler Island off Bhadrak district. As a precautionary measure, the Balasore district administration had temporarily evacuated about 600 families living in a 2-kilometer radius around Chandipur test range.

Bang on Target

Source for this news is Daily Newspaper DNA
It was not an indigenously produces missile, but a Israeli and Indian co-production.:argh:
Can this missile be fired within the 4 minutes it would take a Shaheen II to reach the farthest part of India? Then it has to track, catch up and hit it too.

It would probably miss it's target 90% of the time.

You need lasers to shoot down incoming missiles. Missile on missile action just won't do it.
Can this missile be fired within the 4 minutes it would take a Shaheen II to reach the farthest part of India? Then it has to track, catch up and hit it too.

It would probably miss it's target 90% of the time.

You need lasers to shoot down incoming missiles. Missile on missile action just won't do it.

That is what these are supposed to do!!!!!!

Missile defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

such systems exist, the first real war stop of a scud missile was made in gulf war 1 by america in 91, though it was only 1 in some 100 or so attempts, the world has progressed from then on to much higher level.

All good ships already have them, read about barak.

and please no one except probably idiots of media, are saying that India has such a system ready. it is some more years(atleast 5) to fruitition for even a basic functioning system. These are simply trials for achieving that.
Anti missile system has longway to go. Even non of any country yet has developed a perfect system. These systems might be good for slow moving objects like SCUD A B. But not good for low flying land hugging missiles or high speed.
In Pakistan and India scenario anti missile system is total failure. Because it just cross the border, has speed, accuracy and variety of low and high flying missiles. And majority of time these anti missile systems are victim of bad weather and fake incoming projectiles.
It was not an indigenously produces missile, but a Israeli and Indian co-production.:argh:

I think you are referring to the Arrow missile system which was slated to be purchased by India from Israel; but the sale was blocked at the last minute by the USA because it would have changed the "strategic equation" between India and Pakistan.

The Green Pine radar system that guides the Arrow missiles were however purchased in small numbers; but I don't think the current air defense missile system are integrated with the Israeli made radar.
Anti missile system has longway to go. Even non of any country yet has developed a perfect system. These systems might be good for slow moving objects like SCUD A B. But not good for low flying land hugging missiles or high speed.
In Pakistan and India scenario anti missile system is total failure. Because it just cross the border, has speed, accuracy and variety of low and high flying missiles. And majority of time these anti missile systems are victim of bad weather and fake incoming projectiles.

I think in India's case, they probably intend to install a radar network starting from the border and only employ the missile systems around key cities.

Other than that, it will be impossible to offer coverage to the entire nation.
hm..... ????? Israel had it before i think then why it's System failed agents HAZBULLAH ? if it could not worked agents Hazbullah RPG then how it can work agents Pakiz Missilzzzz can any one Explain me :-*
hm..... ????? Israel had it before i think then why it's System failed agents HAZBULLAH ? if it could not worked agents Hazbullah RPG then how it can work agents Pakiz Missilzzzz can any one Explain me :-*

The system is designed to deter long range ballistic missiles, not shoulder fired or small unguided rockets.
Isreali defence system painted as an Indian missile. Rings the bell?

Anyways, a good capability for sure. Pakistan needs one too. Quickly!
Isreali defence system painted as an Indian missile. Rings the bell?

Anyways, a good capability for sure. Pakistan needs one too. Quickly!

I think that the chinese made FT-2000 if acquired will serve as a long range interceptor for both anti aircraft and anti ballistic roles for pakistan.

Rehan is talking about a different system. This system is designed for vehicles with a thinner skin than the tanks. Yes israel has the system and no it was not installed on the israeli apc's. The reason---the seargent who became the defence minister did not authorize the purchase.
That is what these are supposed to do!!!!!!

Missile defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

such systems exist, the first real war stop of a scud missile was made in gulf war 1 by america in 91, though it was only 1 in some 100 or so attempts, the world has progressed from then on to much higher level.

All good ships already have them, read about barak.

and please no one except probably idiots of media, are saying that India has such a system ready. it is some more years(atleast 5) to fruitition for even a basic functioning system. These are simply trials for achieving that.

Arrow misisle system is also in the same league of Systems which can shoot down a medium range and short range ballastic Missile like PAC-III and S-300. Furthermore, Solid fueled ballastic missiles are very speedy in approaching their target and their is no way the Systems like S-300, PAC-III and ARROW can intercept them with even 50% efficiency. SCUD and other 70's era missile are not comparable with latest IRBM's, MRBM's and Cruise Missile threats.

Shaheen missiles are very competent missile and by far are the best in IRBM class in Asia... Not only they are speedy they aslo have very good guidance and countermeasure systems which are not vailable with Ghauri series. Shaheen I and Shaheen II are not interceptable by these missile defence systems on Shelves..
Pakistan also has cruise missiles which can avoid such Interception and also all these Anti Missile Systems are yet to be tested in Real war against advanced ballastic missiles. :coffee:

No need to worry about ABM systems, Pakisan Should consider deploying Shaheen I ad II on large numbers...
so they are setting new challenge for us......
so they are setting new challenge for us......

Its not a new challenge, these systems are only show pieces to strenghten you morally but in actual war no one has been tested against true Ballastic Missiles and Cruise missiles of modern age...

Not to mention that with Pakistan no able to MIRV its warhead it gives the Intercepter lesser chance even if it is able to Intercept.
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