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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force

You Indians and Americans are real Diseaes on the face of the earth you Indians have killed 100000 in Kashmir Raped thousands of women and America according to its own think tank that since the day it has been created it is involved in the killing around half of the billion people around the world

LOL! What flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking my friend? Statments like this really show how Ignorant of facts you are....
LOL! What flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking my friend? Statments like this really show how Ignorant of facts you are....

Is he ignorant of the facts, really?? Care to shed some light on how many around the world the US has murdered directly and indirectly ever since its creation? You might be in for a shocker bro.
This is where you become unrealistic, you honestly believe that your forces could have shot down a US military helicopter even if it violated your airspace? Do you realize the consequences, this is the point I was trying to focus on........if in Pakistans shoes, would your country be willing to go to war with the US?

I feel that you have no experiance in military operations, when a unidentified aircraft or chopper is located in a country the first thing would be to scramble jets to identify the UFO, the second thing is to radio contact it, in the motive of grounding the UFO to the nearest military base, if the radio call is unanswered a warning should will be delivered close to the UFO, yet if it does not respond the last is to go for the kill.
Indian air force would have stick to the above procedure even if the UFO bears the sign that it is from USA.
I requested an honest answer and you came back with a pathetic joke! The US can flatten your country in a matter of weeks and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about that. India is too powerful militarily??? Can you even take back Azad Kashmir from a rag tag Pakistan?? You have disappointed me no end!

First of all, We do not need certification from you to reveal to the world that my country is one of the strongest military force. secondly people like you are interested in seeing that we end up in a collision course with Pakistan and ruin our growth and prosperity and you have lost it due to civil unrest.
From what I see from your post you are a kind of person, who will sacrifice two of your eyes to know that your opponent has lost atleast one of his eye.
Your country is going down due to civil unrest and daily bomb blast and so you want to see that India too suffer by going on a unprovoked war so that your country will make the situation as a excuse to drop the A bomb on us and the Israel.

You asked the question WAT WUD INDIA do if they where in pakistan shoes re USA stealth helicopter.


Responsible nations do not get them selves into situations where WOT is in their back yard.

The situation in pakistan wud not happen in india or countries that lead the world like japan europe even china.

How can PAF be a leading air force WHEN THE NATION is in political turmoil and its economy in tatters.

IMO your military including the PAF will have the same discipline and morals and professionalism as your GOVT leaders and your best industrial brains.

YOU CANNOT BE CALLING YOURSELVES LEADING AIR FORCE wen every other aspect of the nation is in chaos

Your first mistake - To not take my question as a hypothetical one, as requested by me.

Your Second mistake - To consider India on par with leading economies such as Japan, Europe, China. Have a look at Per Capita Income and living standards of a common man in any of those countries, compare it to India and then you can simply sit back and not even humiliate yourself any more. You think just because you have some buying power you are comparable to Japan and Europe? You house 1/5th of the worlds population yet your GDP position stands at 138 and you want to compare yourself to Europe! You will not even be shamed by the fact that 70% of Indians live under the poverty line, many of them on the streets!

Your Third Mistake - To suggest that responsible states do not get themselves in this situation whereby you have completely ignored the 2 basic facts.....a) The same Terrorist was a leading figure during the USSR invasion and was hailed a hero by the same countries that today brand him a terrorist which means that the person in context had intimate knowledge of borders b/w Afghanistan & Pakistan, not to mention the fact that it was USA that let him slip numerous times! b) Your responsible country was severely disgraced when the most wanted man, allegedly in Pakistan, was found in Delhi which your country had demanded from Pakistan through official diplomatic channels.

You continue to make mistake after mistake in your posts but hopefully this is enough to satisfy you, well this is enough to embarrass any sane person.
First of all, We do not need certification from you to reveal to the world that my country is one of the strongest military force. secondly people like you are interested in seeing that we end up in a collision course with Pakistan and ruin our growth and prosperity and you have lost it due to civil unrest.
From what I see from your post you are a kind of person, who will sacrifice two of your eyes to know that your opponent has lost atleast one of his eye.
Your country is going down due to civil unrest and daily bomb blast and so you want to see that India too suffer by going on a unprovoked war so that your country will make the situation as a excuse to drop the A bomb on us and the Israel.

What utter rubbish, what a retarded post. I post facts and you post garbage! this is typical of some of you.
I feel that you have no experiance in military operations, when a unidentified aircraft or chopper is located in a country the first thing would be to scramble jets to identify the UFO, the second thing is to radio contact it, in the motive of grounding the UFO to the nearest military base, if the radio call is unanswered a warning should will be delivered close to the UFO, yet if it does not respond the last is to go for the kill.
Indian air force would have stick to the above procedure even if the UFO bears the sign that it is from USA.

Is that before or after the USAF neutralize the IAF??
What utter rubbish, what a retarded post. I post facts and you post garbage! this is typical of some of you.

What you posted was not fact that was your imagination. as you said US can flatten India in a matter of weeks, are they ready to do that is my question if we shoot down one of its aircrafts for violating our airspace. Come up with some thing that might happen and do not post wild dreams that what if a war occurs which is not going to happen in modern times. The purpose of building a countries military is to stop aggression both from forign and domestic threat and not to go on a rampage war.
By Raja G Mujtaba

“The Pakistan Air Force is stronger than ever. Since the last Indo-Pak air war of 1971, the Pakistan Air Force has with steely determination built up numbers, lethal capabilities and a combat force now counted as one of the most disciplined and well-trained air forces in the world. Headlines Today has a disturbing proof that all this has made India worried.” India Today 20th April 2011

Over the years since 1971 the leadership and planners of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) have not slept, they did not believe in status quo. 1971 was the watershed period of PAF when the country had fallen from grace and truncated through internal and external conspiracies. To rise from ground zero is no mean job. But PAF has been lucky that by and large it remained in the hands of committed, dedicated professionals who took the challenge from the horn.

The US, true to its traditions dried all sources of military hardware and economic resources. But those sanctions proved blessing in disguise. Pakistan looked inwards and laid the foundations for self reliance with technical assistance from dependable friendly countries like China, Ukraine, Sweden etc. France was also willing to provide but its costs were prohibitive that kept the cooperation to a minimum level.

The bulk work was done with the cooperation of China that helped Pakistan in almost all the defence production, overhauling and rebuilding. The foundation of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra was laid. Here a very modest beginning was made when the light Swedish aircraft (Mashak) was launched as a basic trainer to meet the needs of PAF and Pakistan Army. From assembly to manufacture and enhancement this aircraft became the training bed for a full fledged fighter aircraft production.

F-6 Rebuild Factory that rebuilt the Chinese MIG 19s re-designated by PAF as F-6. When all other sources had dried and Pakistan did not have the finances to go for highly expensive Mirage aircraft F-6 became the mainstay of PAF. It was modernized with latest avionics, ejection seats, armament, breaking system and taxing capability that added much more lethal power to an old vintage technology.

On the drawing boards of F 6 Rebuild Factory, newer aircraft designs were developed that were given computer simulation for design tests. First a Super Saber that was to be developed on the frame of MIG 21 or F-7 fighter bomber but due to some technical snags, it was called off. Then with a little gap and new thought process, a brand new design was developed with active participation of China the end product was JF 17 that exceeded all the performance parameter envelop by significant margins. This aircraft was designed, built, tested and inducted in the PAF in a record time.

JF 17 is a close match to F 16 with a huge price difference. It has been displayed at International Air Shows of China and Farnborough in the UK where it was admired by all. It soon became the most fancied aircraft of the developing world for its performance and low price tags and complete absence of any strings. China has also emerged as a major buyer with 300 copies of JF 17 and about the same number would be acquired by PAF.

Its not just the Chinese origin induction but PAF has also received latest F 16s that has a total strength of 60 aircraft half of which are block 52, the latest upgrade. The F-16 As already on the inventory of PAF are also undergoing major upgrade and soon will become equivalent to Block 52 version, in capabilities.

Not stopping here, as reported by India Today in its latest issue, “There’s a deeper threat at play than just fighter numbers. Consider these newly inducted force multipliers that all but kill the Indian air advantage. Pakistan is inducting four Swedish Saab Erieye and four Chinese Y-8 airborne early warning aircraft, while India, currently, has three. India no longer has the mid-air refueller advantage. Pakistan is inducting four identical IL-78M aircraft.”

After the acquisition of four mid-air refuelers (IL-78) from Ukraine and early warning systems like Saab 2000 from Sweden and ZDK-03 from China, PAF has had a quantum jump in reducing the gap with India over technology and firepower.

Whereas Pakistan is fast phasing out its old vintage, India is still stuck with old Russian equipment that is fast losing its edge over Pakistan. India Today states, “Finally, with an ageing Soviet fleet of aircraft (MIGs)that are troublesome and facing retirement, the Air Force looks at an even greater dip in the numbers advantage. The message to the Defence Ministry and the government is simple. Cut your losses and plan hard for the future. If you don’t, the Indian Air Force will lose the one thing you’ve always counted on: its combat edge.”

PAF has not stopped here. According to official sources, PAF is in the process of acquiring J10 the latest machine from China. The exact number or its assembly or production in Pakistan has not yet been finalized. This aircraft would surpass most of the advance jet fighters and compete with any aircraft in its class.

Now most PAF aircraft are nuclear capable and all can be refueled in mid-air. This is a punch that’s hard to match in any given theatre. What PAF lacked in deep penetration aircraft has more than made up with mid air refueling and latest F-16 Block 52 aircraft, which has a long range.

In last decade, the induction of latest aircraft by PAF has completed the requirements of fighting a modern concept of net centric war, in future. All these modern aircraft and allied air defence systems acquired by PAF are now fully integrated in a net centric environment, ready to deliver a decisive blow to the enemy in any future encounter.

Don't be too happy
The only reason why India is worried because somehow we want our people to support more on defence spending and make the purchase of MMRCA most urgent, and soon as India signs this deal I am sure the Chief of PAF will make such comments and they would also go on heavy spending Spree !!
It works like that
Is he ignorant of the facts, really?? Care to shed some light on how many around the world the US has murdered directly and indirectly ever since its creation? You might be in for a shocker bro.

I thought this was a topic about PAF having an edge on IAF, can people just focus on the topic?
First of all, We do not need certification from you to reveal to the world that my country is one of the strongest military force. secondly people like you are interested in seeing that we end up in a collision course with Pakistan and ruin our growth and prosperity and you have lost it due to civil unrest.
From what I see from your post you are a kind of person, who will sacrifice two of your eyes to know that your opponent has lost atleast one of his eye.
Your country is going down due to civil unrest and daily bomb blast and so you want to see that India too suffer by going on a unprovoked war so that your country will make the situation as a excuse to drop the A bomb on us and the Israel.

Despite suffering the HUMILATION of a rag tag taliban terror attack INSIDE their air base blowing up their maritime fleet only 2 weeks ago

some body decides to post re IAF accepts PAF has a leading air force.

A country on the brink of poltical break down, increasingly isolated esp via the WEST and financially in trouble THEY want IAF acceptance as a leading air power.


PAF is a leading air power in south ASIA

not in ASIA. certainly not in the world.




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