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India abstains from voting against Sri Lanka at UNHRC

what the **** man India ought to have voted against lankans, our politicians are truly spineless, let Modi come to power and everything will be alright

Yeah keep dreaming.. Except for the geriatric Yashvant Singhe.. Every other top BJP leader are supportive of a more pragmatic relationship with SL.. The BJP is more vary of external interventions on sovereign nations than even the Congress led govts..


The Bharathiya Janatha Party (BJP) candidate K. Raja, who is contesting the Sivagangai, the constituency of Indian Finance Minister and Congress stalwart P. Chithamparam in Tamil Nadu, has stated that once the BJP-led Government was formed it would not support any division in Sri Lanka or the creation of a separate Tamil State.
Raja, in a press conference in Chennai on Wednesday, said his Party, the BJP, was not for any form of extremism in Sri Lanka. "The BJP believes that the Lankan Tamil crisis could be solved through negotiations. We want the Tamils in the island to live by enjoying all equal rights with dignity", he said.He also criticized the Congress Government for not helping the Tamils politically to solve their problems.

Commenting on a question, whether the BJP would welcome President Rajapaksa to India? Raja said there was nothing wrong in that as Rajapaksa was a Head of State and when he was invited by a country that country should give him the right reception.
He also added that all parties could not be on the same policy and the centre could have its own policy and the regional parties could have their own policies without endangering the overall national policy of the country.
Yeah keep dreaming.. Except for the geriatric Yashvant Singhe.. Every other top BJP leader are supportive of a more pragmatic relationship with SL.. The BJP is more vary of external interventions on sovereign nations than even the Congress led govts..


The Bharathiya Janatha Party (BJP) candidate K. Raja, who is contesting the Sivagangai, the constituency of Indian Finance Minister and Congress stalwart P. Chithamparam in Tamil Nadu, has stated that once the BJP-led Government was formed it would not support any division in Sri Lanka or the creation of a separate Tamil State.
Raja, in a press conference in Chennai on Wednesday, said his Party, the BJP, was not for any form of extremism in Sri Lanka. "The BJP believes that the Lankan Tamil crisis could be solved through negotiations. We want the Tamils in the island to live by enjoying all equal rights with dignity", he said.He also criticized the Congress Government for not helping the Tamils politically to solve their problems.

Commenting on a question, whether the BJP would welcome President Rajapaksa to India? Raja said there was nothing wrong in that as Rajapaksa was a Head of State and when he was invited by a country that country should give him the right reception.
He also added that all parties could not be on the same policy and the centre could have its own policy and the regional parties could have their own policies without endangering the overall national policy of the country.
India never takes the side of war criminals, u idiots will pay for what have u done, so shut the f*** up bitch and face the war crimes inquiry
Thank you China & Russia and all other countries who supported Sri Lanka!


Offcourse you have to thank them bcoz ur *** is saved from the humilation

So basically 23 voted for and 24 against (12 abstentions is a polite no).. :lol:

I feel sorry for the LTTE rump.. Wasting those hard earned billions washing toilets in the west buying off NGO's, petty politicians and western propaganda media outlets .. We might also see a couple of self immolation's down in Tamil Nadu..

Hardly there are self immolation these days bcoz we know we cant expect some humanity from animals
India never takes the side of war criminals, u idiots will pay for what have u done, so shut the f*** up bitch and face the war crimes inquiry
Offcourse you have to thank them bcoz ur *** is saved from the humilation

Hardly there are self immolation these days bcoz we know we cant expect some humanity from animals

:lol:.. Just another couple of stupid Madrasis that does not realize nobody really give two hoots about thier stupid antics.. Least of all India.. You jokers just got bum fucked yet again.. Just nothing but a nuisance to all and sundry :p:
:lol:.. Just another couple of stupid Madrasis that does not realize nobody really give two hoots about thier stupid antics.. Least of all India.. You jokers just got bum fucked yet again.. Just nothing but a nuisance to all and sundry :p:
i am a north Indian, i belong to UP, but being an Indian i hate srilankans, u guys are real assholes
LTTE were scumbags who deserved to be wiped out, who made children and women fight for them, do suicide bombings and also used them as human shields. I dont care shit about them . No one ganged up to wipe out tamils, everyone ganged up to wipe out LTTE.

This is not about LTTE. This is about innocent people and their lives.

what the **** man India ought to have voted against lankans, our politicians are truly spineless, let Modi come to power and everything will be alright

Hope at least Modi will understand Tamil's sentiments.
If this bureaucrats keep on discarding Tamil's voice then we are not sure what's the eventual fate will be for India and Tamil Nadu.

Oh yeah and we're loosing sleep over it..o_O

Get real kid.. :lol:

No one cared about your sleep but you got your face smacked. :rofl:
You talk bad about Indian Tamils then you have whole Indians to face. :haha:
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how many Sinhala civilians did the LTTE kill or rape during the conflict , just show me 1 case of rape by LTTE scumbags ?

You measure the cruelty of the war by rape?

Do you no how many Tamil girls who got conscripted to LTTE was raped? Do you know how many Tamil girls conscripted to LTTE were used as prostitutes for LTTE leaderships and chosen foreigners?

how many Sinhala civilians did the LTTE kill or rape during the conflict , just show me 1 case of rape by LTTE scumbags ?

You measure the cruelty of the war by rape?

Do you no how many Tamil girls who got conscripted to LTTE was raped? Do you know how many Tamil girls conscripted to LTTE were used as prostitutes for LTTE leaderships and chosen foreigners?

Instead you put the blame on Sri Lankan soldiers for raping Tamil women.

What we saw where Army attacks make shift Hospitals, its obvious that that wasnt collateral. It was well planned. And 40-50k tamils killed cant be collateral. Such high numbers cant be produced out of Collateral.

Exactly there cannot be such a high number of causality. The more sensible figure is around 8000 produce by the SL government with statistics. The 40,000 figure was just a rough calculation based on hypothetical scenario by foreign organizations who do not even see what has happened.
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You measure the cruelty of the war by rape?

Do you no how many Tamil girls who got conscripted to LTTE was raped? Do you know how many Tamil girls conscripted to LTTE were used as prostitutes for LTTE leaderships and chosen foreigners?

You measure the cruelty of the war by rape?

Do you no how many Tamil girls who got conscripted to LTTE was raped? Do you know how many Tamil girls conscripted to LTTE were used as prostitutes for LTTE leaderships and chosen foreigners?

Instead you put the blame on Sri Lankan soldiers for raping Tamil women.

Exactly there cannot be such a high number of causality. The more sensible figure is around 8000 produce by the SL government with statistics. The 40,000 figure was just a rough calculation based on hypothetical scenario by foreign organizations who do not even see what has happened.
Well, if u guyz r so sure on basis of possibilities then whats the reason u are refusing an international probe. Its not like SL has its critical defence assets to safeguard like India and China. so why refusing? Its shows something is fishy.
Well, if u guyz r so sure on basis of possibilities then whats the reason u are refusing an international probe. Its not like SL has its critical defence assets to safeguard like India and China. so why refusing? Its shows something is fishy.

Does India conduct an international probe in Kashmir? In fact no sovereign country will conduct international probes on internal matters.
You measure the cruelty of the war by rape?

Do you no how many Tamil girls who got conscripted to LTTE was raped? Do you know how many Tamil girls conscripted to LTTE were used as prostitutes for LTTE leaderships and chosen foreigners?

rape was one of the weapons used by the occupying army on Tamil women, LTTE was only accused of using child soldiers, your baseless allegation is simply the usual Sinhala neo Nazi propaganda

LTTE was a well disciplined fighting forced unlike Sinhala barbaric army of looters, rapist and mass murderers

Rape as a Weapon of War in Sri Lanka: Young girls and women are raped, tortured and murdered - CNN iReport

Tamil women and young girls have been systematically tortured and murdered by SriLankan armed forces over the past two decades
Many are tortured or simply shot. There are also reports of regular rapes,` Medico International quoted Thomas Seibert in a press statement this month, a well known German writer and Human Rights activist who visited Sri Lanka in a humanitarian trip, conducting personal interviews that described the plight of civilians kept as near-prisoners under the SLA occupation. Tamil Internally Displaced People inside the barbed-wire internment camps in Sri Lanka.

'Rape used as weapon of war in Sri Lanka' - Hindustan Times

Sri Lanka on Thursday brushed aside US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's comment that rape was used as a weapon of war during the fighting against the separatist LTTE.
Does India conduct an international probe in Kashmir? In fact no sovereign country will conduct international probes on internal matters.
Well Kashmir is a different case unlike LTTE. We have a country Pakistan which is creating all sorts of Demographics change especially with the ousting of Kashmiri Pandits. U need to understand Kashmir before commenting.

In Jaffna Case, I wud have supported ur stance if India was anywhere supporting LTTE. Even u know since 1991 India has infact supported Sri Lanka against LTTE after the Rajiv Gandhi demise. So u have no opposing party here which can create problems in independent probe.
In Jaffna Case, I wud have supported ur stance if India was anywhere supporting LTTE. Even u know since 1991 India has infact supported Sri Lanka against LTTE after the Rajiv Gandhi demise. So u have no opposing party here which can create problems in independent probe.

Ok now Sri Lanka should conduct a international probe because India didn't supported LTTE from 1991. Then what would you say to the support given to the LTTE by Norway, Sweden, England and other countries. SL authorities has all the evidence including the serial numbers of the weapons LTTE possessed which belong to the Armies of Western countries.

And you still believe there are no opposing parties and you claim to know everything about the SL conflict. It seems that you hardly know anything about it.
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