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India abstains from voting against Sri Lanka at UNHRC

only those with blood in their hands need to worry

Tamils need foreign (US/UK) intervention, India has lost its regional relevance, at the moment Uncle Sam is Tamils' savior , and I don't care about Kashmir.

you don't have to be SL spokesman, its about war crimes and genocide. The mess the Tamils are in today is/was caused by India, RAW and Indira Gandhi, so don't act innocent

India 'complicit' in killing of 20,000 civilians in Sri Lanka - Telegraph

If you dont care about kashmir .Then you dont have to take credit of Indian achievements in all field .From your words it is proven
you are first a Tamil .then an Indian.I hate people like that.But for me, I am an Indian first ,then only a malayali.
Your relevance certificate is dont need to India.I support the all actions of GoI.
Lots of malayalis in different parts of the world .If they have foreign citizenship ,we dont care about them .Or will not make arrogant noise with 'emotion' for 'helping' them.
If you dont care about kashmir .Then you dont have to take credit of Indian achievements in all field .From your words it is proven
you are first a Tamil .then an Indian
.I hate people like that.

sorry to say, you are at barking at the wrong tree, I have no animosity towards you and respect your misplaced sentiments,
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sorry to say, you are at barking at the wrong tree
only those with blood in their hands need to worry

Tamils need foreign (US/UK) intervention, India has lost its regional relevance, at the moment Uncle Sam is Tamils' savior , and I don't care about Kashmir.

India 'complicit' in killing of 20,000 civilians in Sri Lanka - Telegraph

you don't have to be SL spokesman, its about war crimes and genocide. The mess the Tamils are in today is/was caused by India, RAW and Indira Gandhi, so don't act innocent

Thats single sentence is enough to show your mentality.You need to interfere in the internal matters of a neighbouring country.
.But you cant tolerate when someone interfere in your internal matters.That is hypocrisy
For me and most of Tamilians I interacted SriLanka war and LTTE problem is their own internal issues.Kashmir is our issue.If you dont care about Kashmir ,then it is my response.
No one is perfect .US,India ,China ,Srilanka, no one justice is perfect.All of them only care about their own interest.
Almost complete Asian solidarity except for Mauritius (majority Tamil origin) and South Korea.. Pakistan has always been a steadfast ally.. :pakistan:

Sri Lanka sizzles at UNHRC

  • After two-hour furore US resolution passes with 23 votes for, 12 against, 12 abstentions
  • Sharp divisions emerge at Council on US resolution on Sri Lanka
  • Dramatic scenes at UNHRC as China and Pakistan try to stall proceedings
  • 11th-hour shocker as India decides to abstain on vote
  • Pakistan mounts challenge on funding, suggests no action motion on resolution
  • UNHRC says funding will be additional appropriation from budget
  • Resolution mandates ‘comprehensive investigation’ by OHCHR
  • 42 countries sign on as sponsors of US resolution on Lanka
By Dharisha Bastians

The United Nations Human Rights Council has launched an international probe into alleged rights violations during the last seven years of Sri Lanka’s war, but there were tense moments and dramatic scenes on the floor as the US-led resolution came up for vote in Geneva yesterday.

The 47-member Council adopted Resolution A/HRC/25/L.1 after two hours of tense debate and stall tactics by member states aligning with Sri Lanka, but ultimately passed 23-12 in favour of the US move. Twelve member states abstained from voting. The resolution had 42 co sponsors.

India’s abstention at the vote was by far the most shocking development during yesterday’s proceedings, with the country on the cusp of Parliamentary polls next month. The country’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Dilip Sinha said India firmly believed that adopting an intrusive approach that undermines national sovereignty and institutions was counterproductive.

“The resolution is inconsistent and impractical in asking both the Government of Sri Lanka and the OHCHR to simultaneously conduct investigations,” the Indian Ambassador said.

South Africa, which has been engaging with Sri Lanka on a potential Truth and Reconciliation Commission, also abstained from voting.
However, many African nations abstained or voted in favour of the US resolution.

Pakistan, which slammed the US resolution as being “more about politics than human rights,” mounted two challenges to the US resolution while it was on the floor of the Council.
The Pakistan delegation insisted that the Council did not have the funds at the present time to launch the investigation into Sri Lanka. “Where is this money going to come from? If it comes from the co-sponsors, this investigation will be seen as tainted,” the Pakistan representative charged after the UN said the inquiry by the OHCHR would require additional funding.
Pakistan then called for a no action vote on the resolution to postpone the discussion since funding was unavailable. The vote was defeated, 25-16 in favour of the US and other co-sponsors.
Pakistan also insisted on a vote on Operative Paragraph 10 of the US-sponsored resolution which sets up the OHCHR probe into violations in Sri Lanka. The vote was also won by the co-sponsors, who won 23-14 with 10 abstentions to keep the key paragraph.

“The international community has become increasingly concerned by the continued lack of progress in achieving reconciliation, justice and accountability for serious allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,” Paula Schriefer, Head of the US delegation, told the Council.
The Government of Sri Lanka categorically and unreservedly rejected the resolution. Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ravinatha Aryasinha asked member states of the Council to appeal to their conscience. “Sri Lanka has embarked on a painful path to national reconciliation. Don’t put spokes in the wheel,” he charged.
‘Sri Lanka categorically and unreservedly rejects this draft resolution as it challenges the sovereignty and independence of a member state of the UN… and is inimical to the interests of the people of Sri Lanka,” the Sri Lankan envoy said before the vote.
Why does India really want to get into the UN Security Council? Just so they can abstain from almost every damn resolution?

On a wider point, it is really not clear what India would do in the UN security council. We as a people, have very limited ability to see things in Black & white on matters where we don't have a direct interest. It is a cultural thing, won't change any time soon. We simply see too many sides into a particular situation.

The SL situation is always a complicated one. Let alone the worry of what precendents that might be set, the situation in Sl does not allow for simple chararacterisations. A long, bloody civil war has now ended, that needs to be appreciated. While I'm reasonably certain that the SL army & administration are guilty of some human right violations & cold blooded murders, there has to be an appreciation that there probably was no other way and that it is much more easier to pontificate after the event. The SL victory was extraordinary & something that looked like it might never happen. To then assume that in the face of such a chance at victory, that the SriLankans would worry too much about collateral casualties is not commonsensical. The best thing to do here is to give the Tamils in SL a future, worrying too much about a past is pointless. The Sri Lankans simply cannot try & convict their "heroes", any more that we would in similar conditions.

Even New Zealand shows more spine.

Easy when you are New Zealand. Everything is too far away to be directly connected to and nobody cares what NZ does.:D
Easy when you are New Zealand. Everything is too far away to be directly connected to and nobody cares what NZ does.:D

Except when the Americans backed out of a free trade deal when New Zealand refused to go to war in Iraq.

New Zealand politicians thought, our Army is miniscule, the American won't be slighted.

And because of New Zealand's anti-nuclear stance, ANZUS treaty was strained, and the French bombed the Greenpeace vessel, the Rainbow warrior.

But it still doesn't mask the fact that we 10 sheep to one person ration LOL.
Except when the Americans backed out of a free trade deal when New Zealand refused to go to war in Iraq.

New Zealand politicians thought, our Army is miniscule, the American won't be slighted.

And because of New Zealand's anti-nuclear stance, ANZUS treaty was strained, and the French bombed the Greenpeace vessel, the Rainbow warrior.

Generally referring to non-European/American interest in NZ. There isn't any.
LTTE were scumbags who deserved to be wiped out, who made children and women fight for them, do suicide bombings and also used them as human shields. I dont care shit about them :coffee:. No one ganged up to wipe out tamils, everyone ganged up to wipe out LTTE.

No one is talking about LTTE.. they were denied equal rigts... it started out peaceful but it didnt work...
Stop giving opinions before knowing anything on ground

Ok you are being so emotional .Then I can ask you a question .In future if these so called people gang up and vote for Kashmir against India will you support them or not?
Can you imagine India force to lose Kashmir in similar case?One who trust these US and it allies tactics is absolutely dumb.
If you are these much emotional then spend your all property for SriLankan Tamils and stay away from their fishing area where SL Tamils find their livehood.
Sorry for off topic.
It is the internal matter of SriLanka .I think we also hate when some outsiders interfere
in our internal matters.

When India can enter BD whats wrong in Sri Lanka..

Why are SL celebrating...
cant they do a basic math?
23 > 12 anyway u see it
what the **** man India ought to have voted against lankans, our politicians are truly spineless, let Modi come to power and everything will be alright
No one is talking about LTTE.. they were denied equal rigts... it started out peaceful but it didnt work...
Stop giving opinions before knowing anything on ground

When India can enter BD whats wrong in Sri Lanka..

Why are SL celebrating...
cant they do a basic math?
23 > 12 anyway u see it

And who the hell are you to tell me when to give my opinion or not o_O? All of us agree that the civilians need to be take care off, but it's Lanka's internal affair, India burnt it's hand and lost 2k IPKF troops and I must say GOI has learnt a very hard lesson, not to interfere in other country internal matters.

and I have been following this manlion guy for quite sometime,he is a certified LTTE supporter besides being a racist troll :coffee:
And who the hell are you to tell me when to give my opinion or not o_O? All of us agree that the civilians need to be take care off, but it's Lanka's internal affair, India burnt it's hand and lost 2k IPKF troops and I must say GOI has learnt a very hard lesson, not to interfere in other country internal matters.

and I have been following this manlion guy for quite sometime,he is a certified LTTE supporter besides being a racist troll :coffee:

Well for a start... this resolution is about atrocities against tamil civilians why did u bring up LTTE.. but i should have put it mildly ... so ill say again... without knowing the background if someone gives their opinion, it doesn't bode well...
There are domestic political compulsions and geo politics that threaten the Indian union it self.. It needs to balance the act.. Despite anti Indian rhetoric on forums by some La
"UKTamilNews"... :omghaha:

She is South African not Indian.. And as the arbiter she does have complete affiliation to one side and non to other.. The examples you presented is not even remotely similar

Then again i'm not saying she is bias but how lop sided is the mechanism presented.. would a powerful country like the US or even any western country accept it if it was them who is scrutinized at a similar circumstance??

The moot point still is - under NO law is ethnicity a conflict of interest and that is what i contested in your assertion.
India was never against Sri Lanka: Indian envoy to UN speaks to NDTV | NDTV.com

India yesterday abstained from the vote at the United Nations session in Geneva which calls for an international investigation into alleged war crimes in the final stage of the island's civil war which ended in 2009.

Indian envoy Dilip Sinha said India does not support the operative para 10 OF the resolution which asks for an international inquiry but encourages Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations of an internal inquiry's report and findings.

Mr Sinha speaks to NDTV's Noopur Tiwari after the vote in Geneva.

NDTV: For the last two years, here at the Human Rights council India has been voting "yes" for the adoption of resolutions on Sri Lanka. What made India decide to abstain this year?

Dilip Sinha: As I mentioned in my explanation of vote, for the last two years we voted for the resolutions because they were in line with our policy on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Human Rights Council. This year the resolution had a certain provision that can't go along with that policy of ours, which was introducing the concept of international investigation which was there in the operative paragraph ten*. This was a matter of concern for us, which made us decide to abstain on the resolution.

NDTV: At one point in the proceedings, Pakistan made a request that this para ten be removed from the resolution, had the council voted for this para to be removed (which it didn't) would India have voted "yes" for the resolution?

Dilip Sinha: There were other concerns also so I wouldn't speculate on what would have happened then. As far as para ten is concerned, that was a major point of concern, there were other concerns as well, but this operative para ten was the most important concern. It was a concern that we had expressed last year also in terms of any references to any international investigation.

NDTV: Does that mean that India's position is that there should be no monitoring from the Human Rights Council in Sri Lanka?

Dilip Sinha: The role of the council and of the Office of the High Commissioner have been laid down in what is called the institutional package which was approved by the Human Rights Assembly when the Human Rights Council was created. There have been other resolutions as well laying down the mandates of these various bodies. The most important idea is that the international community, which in this case is the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner, their role is supportive. They provide assistance to national institutions to help countries strengthen their national institutions so that they can protect human rights. The primary responsibility of protecting human rights lies with the national institutions.

NDTV: In the report of the Office of the High Commissioner of the Human Rights Council, some issues have been raised about the implementation of the recommendations of Sri Lanka's own LLRC (Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission) and other issues as well, you raised some of them too.

Dilip Sinha: We encourage Sri Lanka to fulfil its own commitments that it has made, both to the Human Rights Council in the process that's called UPR, as well as its own internal investigations through its LLRC and its National Action plan. We encourage Sri Lanka to fulfill its own commitments and conduct its own investigations in such a way that they are credible and are looked upon by others as acceptable investigations.

NDTV: But the report of the High Commissioner of the Human Rights Council has said that there is a lack of an independent, credible investigation by the Sri Lankan government.

Dilip Sinha: Other countries, other people are free to comment, but eventually it's for the country concerned to look at these. What is called "peer review" is done over here in the Council where other countries express their concerns. Then it's for the country concerned to take on board these concerns, listen to them and then apply them when it goes back to its own country, in a way that the country's own image is the image of a country that promotes human rights.

NDTV: Did India ask for any changes that were accepted to the current text of the resolution that has been adopted?

Dilip Sinha: The current resolution is that of the sponsors. Our concerns were of course conveyed in terms of the High Commissioner's investigations, also in terms of the role of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council and in terms of some of the comments of the internal issues of Sri Lanka. These are some of the points we have been addressing earlier as well as this year.

NDTV: Are any of these internal issues major concerns for India?

Dilip Sinha: Internal concerns are for Sri Lanka. The LLRC report is there. There are various investigations that have taken place, more needs to be done so we hope Sri Lanka will carry out these.

NDTV: What about the future course of action on Sri Lanka here at the Human Rights Council?

Dilip Sinha: That will depend on the resolutions. This you should ask the sponsors of the resolution.

NDTV: Would you then say that India has give full support to Sri Lanka because there's been a sense that for the last two years India has been going against Sri Lanka in a way?

Dilip Sinha: That was always a sense but we were never against Sri Lanka, we were always with Sri Lanka in this process. At the highest political level, we have conveyed to Sri Lanka that we stand for national reconciliation, peace and prosperity in Sri Lanka and we will do whatever is possible to help Sri Lanka in this process and we wish it success.

Sri Lanka probe 'not ideal' says Australia
Updated: 08:33, Friday March 28, 2014

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says the proposed United Nations investigation of war crimes in Sri Lanka is not the best way forward.

Ms Bishop said the Australian government considered engagement with Sri Lanka to be the most effective way to encourage progress on human rights issues.

Genuine advances in accountability and reconciliation will only be possible with the co-operation of the Sri Lankan government, she said.

That follows the UN decision on Thursday to launch an inquiry into war crimes allegedly committed by both Sri Lankan state forces and Tamil rebels during the long-running conflict that ended in 2009.

Ms Bishop said this resolution was passed by the UN Human Rights Council of which Australia was not a member and did not vote.

'Nevertheless I am not convinced that the resolution's call for a separate, internationally-led investigation, without the co-operation of the Sri Lankan government, is the best way forward at this time,' she said in a statement.

Ms Bishop said the resolution also did not adequately recognise the significant progress taken by the Sri Lankan government to promote economic growth and its investment in areas formerly dominated by the LTTE rebels in the north and northeast of the country.

'We should recognise the brutality of the LTTE, a prescribed terrorist organisation, during the 30-year civil war from which the country is struggling to emerge,' she said.

Ms Bishop said Australia would increase efforts to work constructively with the Sri Lankan government, the Tamil National Alliance and other stakeholders to promote economic, social and cultural reconciliation.

'I urge the Sri Lankan government to implement the recommendations of its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and to engage with domestic and international stakeholders to advance an effective and transparent reconciliation agenda,' she said.
Well for a start... this resolution is about atrocities against tamil civilians why did u bring up LTTE.. but i should have put it mildly ... so ill say again... without knowing the background if someone gives their opinion, it doesn't bode well...

Seems like your the one giving the opinion without knowing facts and going on with heresay and propaganda.. He has every right to bring up the LTTE

The war was indeed against the LTTE and the collateral damage to the civilians were exactly because the LTTE was holding 300,000 people hostage as human shields.. Most of the dead were also insurgents and recruits by the LTTE in the last stages of the war.. Most of them in civil clothes because the terrorists fought most times without fatigues.. Any body with even an iota of knowledge of civil warfare will know this.. they were a guerrilla force after all..

Anyway the death toll is to date unverified and only assumptions made by NGO's, Propagated paid media and a panel appointed by the UN Sec Gen (not commisioned by the UN) that never set foot on the island but based thier claims on unsubstantiated third party witness accounts
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