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India abstains from voting against Sri Lanka at UNHRC

abstaining is cowardly , nothing much to crow about !!!

When justice to Tamils is denied , all enemies pally up - India, China Pakistan - still long way for Tamilandu to wake up .....

Probably India saw that the motion was going to be passed without its vote making any difference to the results. Since either option had its costs, abstaining makes sense.
Pakistan has guts to say No. Not like some neighbour who was abstaining from voting ;)
oh really you didn't share such wisdom when India, China, Pakistan, Russia etc ganged up to wipe out Tamils , or when South Asia's regional terror outfit RAW trained and armed LTTE ?

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers' - Indian Express

Ok you are being so emotional .Then I can ask you a question .In future if these so called people gang up and vote for Kashmir against India will you support them or not?
Can you imagine India force to lose Kashmir in similar case?One who trust these US and it allies tactics is absolutely dumb.
If you are these much emotional then spend your all property for SriLankan Tamils and stay away from their fishing area where SL Tamils find their livehood.
Sorry for off topic.
It is the internal matter of SriLanka .I think we also hate when some outsiders interfere
in our internal matters.
Ok you are being so emotional .Then I can ask you a question .In future if these so called people gang up and vote for Kashmir against India will you support them or not?
Can you imagine India force to lose Kashmir in similar case?One who trust these US and it allies tactics is absolutely dumb.
If you are these much emotional then spend your all property for SriLankan Tamils and stay away from their fishing area where SL Tamils find their livehood.
Sorry for off topic.
It is the internal matter of SriLanka .I think we also hate when some outsiders interfere
in our internal matters.

Has he said anywhere that he's an Indian Tamil? I don't think he is.
Pakistan has guts to say No. Not like some neighbour who was abstaining from voting ;)

Pakistan dont know about the emotions of Tamils and Tamil Nadu.Pakistan vote decision will not cause any internal problem in Pakistan.But India case is not like that.Tomorrow if the same US and its allies bring a resolution by questioning the Pakistan authority in Balochistan.Your opinion will drastically change.
My heart goes to the Doctor. No matter what ethnicity a Doctor is, like here we have a Sinhala Doc, hes always the saviour.

I know Pakistani and Chinese wud still support Sri Lanka just coz they think SL is a strategic asset. But if you guyz support what we saw in the Video and suppose if its all true, then dont complain when people suffer similary in ur country too. Some reason Pakistan is suffering brutality today.

Now, I dont want to debate the authenticity of what SL Army did. All SL, Pak, Chinese and some Indians wud compare the atrocities of LTTE and justify the SL Army deeds, but no one shud even try to justify misdeeds to the innocent people. What we saw where Army attacks make shift Hospitals, its obvious that that wasnt collateral. It was well planned. And 40-50k tamils killed cant be collateral. Such high numbers cant be produced out of Collateral.

DIKHAO PE MAT JAAO. APNI AKKAL LAGAO. We all r rational and smart enough to understand what is genuine and what is pre planned genocide of innocents.
Nothing personal against Ms. Navi Pillay the Sec Gen of the UNHRC.. But the civil war had obviously two parties to it, One Sri Lankans irrespective of ethnicity or religion and the other the LTTE unfortunately exclusively Tamil, So given that Ms. Pillay herself is a Tamil, Wouldn't that mean a massive conflict of interest ?? You would never see such a precedent in a court of law
Ethnicity isn't a strong enough ground for conflict of interest - else by your logic, how can Indian Judges punish Indians or a Tamil Brahmin Collector administer a Tamil non-brahmin district?

So, it is ridiculous to even try to assert that just being a Tamil creates any conflict of interest for an Indian representing india.
Pakistan has guts to say No. Not like some neighbour who was abstaining from voting ;)
Ohh ya. Brave Pakistanis. 1 Pakistani == 10 coward Indian. Off sSorry. Pakistani version : 1 Pakistani == 10 Hindu. Ohh nahi. 1 Pakistani == 10 Coward Hindus.

Ab theek hai.
Can you imagine India force to lose Kashmir in similar case? One who trust these US and it allies tactics is absolutely dumb.

And what has India done to stop Tamil genocide in SL ? US might have its own political agenda, but it provides a short term relief for Tamils living in genocidal Lanka. Lets see where this resolution leads too, I don't pin to much hope on US , UN resolution etc, ultimately Tamils have fight on their own.

Minister Wimal Weerawansa today said that the United States backed resolution against Sri Lanka would ultimately lead to an Interim Administration in the North and East (N/E) Provinces under the supervision of the United Nations (UN).

Read the link and see if all the conditions for genocide exist in Kashmir for the answer

8 Stages of Genocide – Sri Lankan Style. | UKTamilNews
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"UKTamilNews"... :omghaha:

Ethnicity isn't a strong enough ground for conflict of interest - else by your logic, how can Indian Judges punish Indians or a Tamil Brahmin Collector administer a Tamil non-brahmin district?

So, it is ridiculous to even try to assert that just being a Tamil creates any conflict of interest for an Indian representing india.

She is South African not Indian.. And as the arbiter she does have complete affiliation to one side and non to other.. The examples you presented is not even remotely similar

Then again i'm not saying she is bias but how lop sided is the mechanism presented.. would a powerful country like the US or even any western country accept it if it was them who is scrutinized at a similar circumstance??
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Pakistan has guts to say No. Not like some neighbour who was abstaining from voting ;)
pakistan is a gutty country.....it feels great when it votes in the UN, but cant safeguard its own democracy at home....now thats what i call guts....
@Topic : india seems to be maturing in handling its foreign policy.
And what has India done to stop Tamil genocide in SL ? US might have its own political agenda, but it provides a short term relief for Tamils living in genocidal Lanka. Lets see where this resolution leads too, I don't pin to much hope on US , UN resolution etc, ultimately Tamils have fight on their own.

Read the link and see if all the conditions for genocide exist in Kashmir for the answer

8 Stages of Genocide – Sri Lankan Style. | UKTamilNews

Perhaps you may get my point.What will your response when some foreign powers ganged up and orders us to leave up Kashmir?Can you support that?Can you support the interference of some foreigners in to our land?
This is may be what SL felt.They cant allow foreigners to unanimously exert their decision against them.
LTTE makes the situation worse.Now you claim RAW armed them.But that is only at initial stage .LTTE later supported by overseas Tamils.
Fight between LTTE and SL Army was their internal matter.It is not a concern of India.They may be Tamils .But not Indians .So it is not India duty to protect them.We already try it by IPKF .And someone in LTTE and SL govt sabotage all system and LTTE turn against IA.So issues of SL Tamils is not more a concern for India.We can help in humanitarian ground and GoI already trying it.
Not more than that.Dont interfere in the matters of SriLanka.
Perhaps you may get my point.What will your response when some foreign powers ganged up and orders us to leave up Kashmir?Can you support that?Can you support the interference of some foreigners in to our land?

only those with blood in their hands need to worry

Tamils need foreign (US/UK) intervention, India has lost its regional relevance, at the moment Uncle Sam is Tamils' savior , and I don't care about Kashmir.

This is may be what SL felt.They cant allow foreigners to unanimously exert their decision against them.
LTTE makes the situation worse.Now you claim RAW armed them.But that is only at initial stage .LTTE later supported by overseas Tamils.
Fight between LTTE and SL Army was their internal matter.It is not a concern of India.They may be Tamils .But not Indians .So it is not India duty to protect them.We already try it by IPKF .And someone in LTTE and SL govt sabotage all system and LTTE turn against IA.So issues of SL Tamils is not more a concern for India.We can help in humanitarian ground and GoI already trying it.
Not more than that.Dont interfere in the matters of SriLanka.

you don't have to be SL spokesman, its about war crimes and genocide. The mess the Tamils are in today is/was caused by India, RAW and Indira Gandhi, so don't act innocent

India 'complicit' in killing of 20,000 civilians in Sri Lanka - Telegraph

India has been accused of complicity in the deaths of 20,000 civilians in the final stages of Sri Lanka's war against the Tamil Tigers
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What you said about the Syrian resolution is correct. Yet, India did NOT vote against it. It's not like the US hasn't pressurized other Nations to influence such votes. But fact remains that India hasn't shown the spine that countries far smaller to it in size and clout have.

Even New Zealand shows more spine.
Hypocrites!!! what about US war crimes in Iraq, and Afghanistan?
What about thousands of innocent deaths in illegal drone strikes in Pakistan?

Geneva: India on Thursday abstained from voting on the US-backed resolution seeking probe into Sri Lankan war crimes at the UN Human Rights Council.

A tweet from the Ministry of External Affairs handle read, "#India abstaining on #SriLanka resolution at #UNHRC citing resolution's potential to hinder efforts rather than contribute constructively."

The United States had called for an international probe against alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. India while making its stand clear in the matter cited that the resolution would rather hinder efforts than contribute constructively.

India abstains from voting against Sri Lanka at UNHRC
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