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India abstains from voting against Sri Lanka at UNHRC

Out of the 47 members of the UNHRC 23 voted for the resolution and 12 opposed it while another 12 abstained from voting.

Voted against the resolution are

Algeria, China, Congo, Cuba, Kenya, Maldives, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Abstained from voting are
Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Gabon, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Morocco, Namibia, Philippines and South Africa.

Voted for the HRC25 are

Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cote DeVore, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Montenegro, Peru, Korea, Romania, Sierra Leone, FYR Macedonia, UK and the US

Brazil always votes with the US I guess.
oh really you didn't share such wisdom when India, China, Pakistan, Russia etc ganged to wipe out Tamils , or when South Asia's regional terror outfit RAW trained and armed LTTE ?

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers' - Indian Express

LTTE were scumbags who deserved to be wiped out, who made children and women fight for them, do suicide bombings and also used them as human shields. I dont care shit about them :coffee:. No one ganged up to wipe out tamils, everyone ganged up to wipe out LTTE.
Why does India really want to get into the UN Security Council? Just so they can abstain from almost every damn resolution?

India should have voted. For or against does not matter. Taking a stand and showing some spine does. We cannot afford to act like Bats on the World stage.
LTTE were scumbags who deserved to be wiped out, who made children and women fight for them, do suicide bombings and also used them as human shields. I dont care shit about them :coffee:. No one ganged up to wipe out tamils, everyone ganged up to wipe out LTTE.

Even the US the main sponsor of this drama.. That the LTTE rump is hailing as their saviors now.. Little do they realise the politics behind this move and no love for them, Blind hate makes them blind.. How gullible

Why does India really want to get into the UN Security Council? Just so they can abstain from almost every damn resolution?

India should have voted. For or against does not matter. Taking a stand and showing some spine does. We cannot afford to act like Bats on the World stage.

It's not that simple.. The GOI is not politically strong.. There are domestic political compulsions and geo politics that threaten the Indian union it self.. It needs to balance the act.. Despite anti Indian rhetoric on forums by some Lankans on the issue.. Bureaucrats from both India and Lanka understand the realities
LTTE were scumbags who deserved to be wiped out, who made children and women fight for them, do suicide bombings and also used them as human shields. I dont care shit about them :coffee:. No one ganged up to wipe out tamils, everyone ganged up to wipe out LTTE.

and LTTE scumbags were trained, armed by Master Scum RAW

all the so called suicide bombing were false flag carried out Lankan terrorist, Indian and Lankan have Tamil blood in their hands ..

the international investigation by UN is about Sri Lankan army WAR CRIMES , go and read up, before your spew your nonsense ..
oh really you didn't share such wisdom when India, China, Pakistan, Russia etc ganged up to wipe out Tamils , or when South Asia's regional terror outfit RAW trained and armed LTTE ?

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers' - Indian Express
I understand your sentiments....I think India did the right thing here.
LTTE deserved what they got...but I will always sympathize with Innocent SL Tamils and SL Singhalese who got killed in this conflict....its SL people who are killing each other. Its none of my business except to condone both sides...By the way I am originally from Chennai ..... Lived there until 1997(Thiruvanmiyur, Valmiki Nagar, Chennai)..I had a lot of friends from SL ..who were Tamil speaking. We used to always argue and fight about the injustice done by both (LTTE as well as SL Gov...)..Its their problem..let them sort it out.
It's not that simple.. The GOI is not politically strong.. There are domestic political compulsions and geo politics that threaten the Indian union it self.. It needs to balance the act.. Despite anti Indian rhetoric on forums by some Lankans on the issue.. Bureaucrats from both India and Lanka understand the realities

Trust me, India will find some reason to abstain from most such resolutions, not just this one. This pusillanimity is not restricted to issues that concern our domestic polity. India also abstained from voting on the Syrian resolution.
I understand your sentiments....I think India did the right thing here.
LTTE deserved what they got...but I will always sympathize with Innocent SL Tamils and SL Singhalese who got killed in this conflict....its SL people who are killing each other. Its none of my business except to condone both sides...By the way I am originally from Chennai ..... Lived there until 1997(Thiruvanmiyur, Valmiki Nagar, Chennai)..I had a lot of friends from SL ..who were Tamil speaking. We used to always argue and fight about the injustice done by both (LTTE as well as SL Gov...)..Its their problem..let them sort it out.

comparing Tamils and Sinhalas casualties of war is ridiculous as Tamils were at the receiving end of sophisticated modern weapons of mass destruction

It was/is an on going genocide and the outside world need to know the truth and hold Lanka accountable

how many Sinhala civilians did the LTTE kill or rape during the conflict , just show me 1 case of rape by LTTE scumbags ?

It was a war with no witness and international aid to Tamils were deliberately stopped by the genocidal Lankan regime,

BBC News - Sri Lanka: UN admits it failed to protect civilians
Trust me, India will find some reason to abstain from most such resolutions, not just this one. This pusillanimity is not restricted to issues that concern our domestic polity. India also abstained from voting on the Syrian resolution.

India has it's own issues and are vary of external interference also once you give the west mechanisms through to UN systems to interfere in to sovereignty of nations.. It gives them legitimacy to do what they were doing illegally all these years.. India knows this.. Also India knows Syrian conflict is a not a populist one but a mere attempt at regime change by the the west.. Assad still holds considerable popularity among vast majority of Syrians
India has it's own issues and are vary of external interference also once you give the west mechanisms through to UN systems to interfere in to sovereignty of nations.. It gives them legitimacy to do what they were doing illegally all these years.. India knows this.. Also India knows Syrian conflict is a not a populist one but a mere attempt at regime change by the the west.. Assad still holds considerable popularity among vast majority of Syrians

What you said about the Syrian resolution is correct. Yet, India did NOT vote against it. It's not like the US hasn't pressurized other Nations to influence such votes. But fact remains that India hasn't shown the spine that countries far smaller to it in size and clout have.
India should have voted in favor of trial ....... Any way Srilankan Tamils got justice ..... :cheers:
Once again Indian Wastages of Vote at world bodies continues. Whats the point of having votes if it is used only for "Abstaining"?
A drastic change in foreign policy is needed .
Makes me think twice before whats India going to do in UNSC if it does have Veto power.

Why does India really want to get into the UN Security Council? Just so they can abstain from almost every damn resolution?

India should have voted. For or against does not matter. Taking a stand and showing some spine does. We cannot afford to act like Bats on the World stage.

Excatly. India is thinking by Abstaining it can "satisfy" both sides of the coin. But as India develops, and is already being started to be seen seriously by developing countries we need to show some spine. With time, we will be seen as double faced ""@@@@@@@@".
Until India change its foreign policy, we should never be granted UNSC permanent place.
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