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India aborts a human Moon mission

Pakistanis are so happy to hear this BS news!!:cheers:
BTW I dont get this at all:
During first week of September, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. V. Narayanasamy, mentioned there are no immediate plans for such a mission, although India remains interested in human spaceflight to low Earth orbit.
Firstly all that Mr.V. Narayansamy has said is that India has no IMMEDIATE plan for a human moon mission he never said that the plan has been dropped.A moon mission is a big thing which involves huge technological strides!!Firstly before a moon mission India for sure would be going for a manned space lift in the low EO atleast twice or thrice I guess to test the reliability of critical components and this itself would take more than 10 years and honestly I feel that a 2020 manned moon mission was always too early a deadline.And on the brighter side we already have successfully carried out an unmanned Lunar landing during Chandryaan 1 and during Chandrayaan 2 (scheduled in 2016) we are going for a soft landing and that would be another major milestone.

Indian manned space flight delayed further
by F wire Sep 17, 2012

Bangalore, S Sep 17 (IANS) India’s first human space flight would be delayed further for want of requisite technologies and capabilities, a top space official admitted Monday.

“The launch programme of our first manned mission in space is going in a skewed phase. Though we have identified critical technologies for such an ambitious project, we have to build the capabilities for undertaking such a challenging mission,” Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman K. Radhakrishnan told reporters here.

The state-run Indian space agency in 2006-07 planned to send a two-member crew into the space orbit for seven days and bring it back safe to Earth by 2014-15 at an estimated cost of Rs.12,400-crore ($2.8 billion).

“A human space flight is a complex mission requiring a host of things such as a heavy rocket, re-entry vehicle, space capsule, space suits, environmental control, life support systems and an escape system for the crew at the launch-pad and during the flight to be safe in the event of a mishap,” Radhakrishnan pointed out.

The space agency, however, has commissioned pre-project studies for the manned mission with Rs.150 crore grant from the government.

“With human life at stake, there is no room for error at any stage of the flight mission. Though we had successfully conducted a 12-day space capsule recovery experiment using a lower-orbit rocket in January 2007, we have to work on a full-fledged project on mission mode for the human space flight at a revised cost,” Radhakrishnan observed.

The Indian space agency plans to undertake 58 missions over the next five years during the 12th plan period (2012-17) spanning communication satellites, remote-sensing satellites for earth observation and space applications.

“As of now, we do not have a programme to launch a human space flight over the next five years. We are also yet to get approval from the government for the manned mission,” Radhakrishnan added.

The proposed missions, however, include Chandrayaan-2, India’s second mission to moon, by 2016 after Chandrayaan-1 in 2008.
Indian manned space flight delayed further | Firstpost
India made a lot of noises in the past 10 years for publicity stunt and Moon Men mission was one of them. Very shrewd yet worked great for India but eventually gone to gutter as expected.
Yes and I guess carrying out 100 space launch and that too commercially and sending a probe to moon involves Bangladeshi technology?? Mate India is counted amongst the big three in Asia as far as space capabilities are concerned.Russia would have been no. 1 if it had not been for the fact that they had already demonstrated their capabilities in this field during the Soviet era!!
I know, India has 5 in Top 500, but 4 made by HP, 1 made by IBM, no one made by India, so I do think this must be another unreached plan
EKA (supercomputer)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Active October 2007
Operators Computational Research Laboratories, Tata Sons
Location Computational Research Laboratories, Pune, India
Memory 28.7 TeraByte
Storage 40 TeraByte[2]
Speed 172.6 TeraFLOPS[3]
Cost USD 30,000,000
INR 180,000,000
Ranking Top500: 58, 16 September 2011
Purpose Multipurpose
EKA is a supercomputer built by the Computational Research Laboratories (a subsidiary of Tata Sons) with technical assistance and hardware provided by Hewlett-Packard.
Eka means the number One in Sanskrit.
EKA uses 14,352 cores based on the Intel QuadCore Xeon processors. The primary interconnect is Infiband 4x DDR. EKA occupies about 4000 sq. feet area. It was built using offshelf components from Hewlett-Packard, Mellanox and Voltaire Ltd.. It was built within a short period of 6 weeks.At the time of its unveiling, it was the 4th fastest supercomputer in the world and the fastest in Asia[7]. As of 16 September 2011, it is ranked at 58[5].
EKA (supercomputer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After being denied Cray supercomputers as a result of a technology embargo, India started a program to develop indigenous supercomputers and supercomputing technologies.Supercomputers were considered a double edged weapon capable of assisting in the development of nuclear weapons.For the purpose of achieving self sufficiency in the field, the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) was set up in 1988 by the then Department of Electronics with Dr. Vijay Bhatkar as its Director.The project was given an initial run of 3 years and an initial funding of 300,000,000 . Because the same amount of money and time was usually expended to purchase a supercomputer from the US.In 1990, a prototype was produced and was benchmarked at the 1990 Zurich Supercomputering Show. It surpassed most other systems, placing India second after US.
The final result of the effort was the PARAM 8000, which was installed in 1991.It is considered India's first supercomputer.

SAGA 220-The 86th fastest Super Computer in the world.
SAGA-220 is a supercomputer built by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). As of May 2011, it is the fastest supercomputer in the nation with a maximum theoretical speed of 220 TFlops.
It was unveiled on May 2, 2011 by Dr K Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO.
The name SAGA-220 stands for Supercomputer for Aerospace with GPU Architecture-220 teraflops.It is located at the supercomputing facility named Satish Dhawan Supercomputing Facility at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram.As of 11 May 2012, SAGA-220 was ranked 86th on the Top500 list.
EVERY thread goes like this:

Indians put down facts. Chinese mock with their arrogance. pakistanis put their pom poms and cheer for them.
Chinese get more aggressive and start going off topic and insulting everything about india, indians respond and get banned.

All this news says it that it won't happen before 2020 which is logical anyway given that the first manned space mission will only happen by 2017/18. Beyond 2020 it is still very much likely to happen espeically with ISRO's budget increasing yearly and with commercial launches happeing mor and more reguarly costs aren't the issue. Within most of our lifetimes I have no doubt there will be Indian foot prints on the moon.

However it is sensible the ISRO has re-evaluated its prioties- moon missions are mostly for PR and glory, they add very little to human understanding. ISRO is right to focus on earth missions especally launching ever more satillites that tell us ever more information about the world we live on. As of yet only the US has sought to waste its treasure on a manned moon mission anyone following that path would be again only indugling a selfish aspiration but then in a command economy such as China this is more likely than a democracy like India.
86 made by HP/WIPRO, means HP do the main job

you are good in concluding.

It was built using offshelf components from Hewlett-Packard, Mellanox and Voltaire Ltd

Hope you know what is offshelf components :D
I know, India has 5 in Top 500, but 4 made by HP, 1 made by IBM, no one made by India, so I do think this must be another unreached plan

Buying hardware from HP or IBM...does not mean..they made it

It is same like...if I say Lenovo is made by Intel, Seagate etc....
^^^This guy XUXU1457 immediately needs a psychiatrist.He does not even know that all the R&D that companies like HP and IBM outsource to India are undertaken by Indians and not a single foreigner!!
Indian should call for the top500 to change the Year Vendor to SAGA
Russia has only 0.5 types of next generation bird, as the other 0.5 goes to Incredible India.

If any one had a better definition of HYPOCRITE than the dictionary, its over here. All along in other thread they say "T-50/PAKFA a Russian product, Indians just painting it like Bramhos." Now they when it suits their need slither back and say this. I am just surprised how spineless ppl can be from the other side.

Also members from the side opposite saying Russian Tech is dead, and then again cloning the same thing with almost the same paint just a sticker showing some crooked charters spelling a new name, and then they chest thump as "New and Advance ._._._._._._ system designed and produced instantaneously".

And then again Pak as usual jumping on Chini might. I donn get this chini-***** syndrome of the members. Are they on some kinda payroll or lap-dogs for the red flag?? Wat kind of reputation they gain when the red flags do something on their own ??

@topic: Is there any definitive link proving or disproving the OP ?? Even if it is true, there are a million thing good about it. No I ma not talking about toilets. I am talking about JVs that can help us improve our domain knowledge. If its false then I donn think its anywhere wrong. Today India has enough door open, inviting us in. Its just the matter of choice which door we choose to walk through, bcoz at the end we reach the same destination.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3427675 said:
the guys who havent even sent a person in space are talking about the age of sending man to moon is over :lol:

India sent its first astronaut Rakesh Sharma with Soyuz.learn before you talk.and even Russia never sent man to the moon.yet,their space center and technology is far far better than China.India is the third country who successfully conducted a moon mission and we are aiming towards mars now.manned mission is much costly and unpractical.Russia always sent probe and rover on the moon.looks like Indian is following Russia's footstep.

but as usual,belonging to a country whose space center is practically nonexistent,i don't hope much logic for you.continue your trolling.. :tdown:

kid``dig more 'moon mission' threads on PDF you will find out that many delusional indians jumping up and down because they 'planned' to land man on moon on 2020 based on which India's space tech is ahead of China lol```

they were jumping up for a reason..


now,why you are jumping???
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