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'India: a spiritually diverse yet integrated nation' Ambassador Roemer

Oh I am not debating your secularism; please be free to exercise what you deem fit.

All I am pointing out was the facts quoted as "Indian Muslim" amalgamation were incorrect.

Praying 5 times a day, fasting one month a year may constitute to Secularism but not Islam.

So me merry with Indian "self proclaimed muslims but really are not" .

Here we go again. Seems like Pakistanis think that they have the right to pass judgment about who is Muslim and who is not. Self-appointed Thekedars of South Asian Islam, sliding down a slippery slope of denial.:disagree:
Each religion in itself is a nation without boundaries across MANY-MANY countries.

Why restrict to 2 nations?: There are many: One each for each religion..

Welcome to Matrix of Religions across Countries!!

Countries should be run independent of religion. However, they should run with the country with great teachings of religion interpreted correctly!!!

We should start living in Human World...
In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque

HUBLI: As the nation anxiously awaits one mosque verdict, villagers in Karnataka's Gadag district have made their judgment clear as far as their local mosque is concerned. The spirited folk of Purtageri, a village around 500km from Bangalore, dissolved religious lines to come together and rebuild a mosque that was crumbling.

The 50-year-old mosque in this predominantly Hindu village was in urgent need of repair: with heavy rains lashing the region, the bamboo roof leaked. Around 20 Muslims of the village - which has 150 Hindu families - were struggling to pray there. That's when the Hindus laid some solid bricks of communal harmony.

Village elders and the gram panchayat inspected the mosque and realized that rebuilding the roof with reinforced concrete was the only permanent solution. As they began rebuilding the mosque, help both in cash and kind began pouring in.

While cement and slab dealers gave construction material, workers offered to put in free labour. "The villagers volunteered to donate cash ranging between Rs 100 and Rs 1,500," said Shivabasappa Hadagali, a village elder.

Construction work began about a month ago and so far, the renovation has cost Rs 1 lakh. Another Rs 50,000 may be needed. "We're planning to get the mosque ready by mid-December," said panchayat member Lakshmana Gooli.

"Had our Hindu brothers not helped, the mosque would not have got refurbished," said Allasaab Nadaf, a daily wager at a sawmill. "None of the Muslims are involved in the renovation as they are all poor and can't afford to miss even a day's wage."

Hanumant Mushigeri, a first-year BA student in Bhoomaraddi Arts and Commerce College here, said he was proud to come from a village which upholds secularism as much in deed as in words.

Read more: In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque - The Times of India In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque - The Times of India

Read more: In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque - The Times of India In Karnataka village, Hindus rebuild a crumbling mosque - The Times of India
All I am pointing out was the facts quoted as "Indian Muslim" amalgamation were incorrect.

Praying 5 times a day, fasting one month a year may constitute to Secularism but not Islam.

So me merry with Indian "self proclaimed muslims but really are not" .

What a wonderful example of being Muslims you set in Pakistan eh!
Restricting, killing and exterminating shias, barelvis, christians and Hindus in the name of religion. Indulging in extremist and terrorist activities, blowing up innocent people.

Sorry if your Islam means all of the above, then I am happy to not be a part of that Islam, I am happy and proud to be an Indian Muslim. And before you question my belief, look closer home, things are not so well there ;)
What a wonderful example of being Muslims you set in Pakistan eh!
Restricting, killing and exterminating shias, barelvis, christians and Hindus in the name of religion. Indulging in extremist and terrorist activities, blowing up innocent people.

Sorry if your Islam means all of the above, then I am happy to not be a part of that Islam, I am happy and proud to be an Indian Muslim. And before you question my belief, look closer home, things are not so well there ;)

Huh .. you replied out of spite; and not rational.

I never claimed what we are doing is 100 % correct.

My argument is that even if it is incorrect it is far better than joining the pagan way of life.

btw, why did u not quote the first line of my comment

Oh I am not debating your secularism; please be free to exercise what you deem fit.
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i have a small question here if idol worship is prohibited in Islam why is that all Muslims pray in the direction of Kaaba(mecca) .. if god is every then why one must pray only in the direction of mecca.. does it not symbolizes as idol worship(is am not asking sarcastically... i just wanted to know why is it done that way)
yesterday i was watching video about Kaaba.. why is that only royal family is allowed to enter into Kaaba.. does it not follows same practice that is used in my country which discriminates people on different caste in temples.

We do not worship Kaaba.
It is illegal to pray ON Kabaa.

We only point in the direction of Kabaa for the sake of prayer uniformity and a symbol of Muslim solidarity through out the world.
and all muslims believe that Kaaba will one day be destroyed.

Before Kabaa we used to point to Masjid Aqsa (Jerusalem).

it is very sad when one thinks about it ....
how can human brain, which is capable of realizing the theory of general relativity, which is capable of undertaking stars and planets
yet not accept that the fact that God does not need to be visibly present to be worshipped.

Try this think of an entity which
made the planets and the universe
laid down the precise scientific rules,
which created humans

can be visualized in this world ? doesn't it defeat the super set / sub set relationship ?

how can God which created the universe be then fit in it ?

and since you asked me a question based on belief, let me ask you one.

Please explain to me, that how can God ( Whose ever ) the supreme creator of humans, universe and all within; exhibit human emotions and characteristics as depicted in your texts ?
Huh .. you replied out of spite; and not rational.

I never claimed what we are doing is 100 % correct.

My argument is that even if it is incorrect it is far better than joining the pagan way of life.

If you think living harmoniously with other religions is the pagan way of life and you see something wrong with it, what do you suggest?
What should the Indian muslims do, move to Pakistan? are they 100% safe in Pakistan, esp ahmadis and shias?
We do not worship Kaaba.
It is illegal to pray ON Kabaa.

We only point in the direction of Kabaa for the sake of prayer uniformity and a symbol of Muslim solidarity through out the world.
and all muslims believe that Kaaba will one day be destroyed.

Before Kabaa we used to point to Masjid Aqsa (Jerusalem).

it is very sad when one thinks about it ....
how can human brain, which is capable of realizing the theory of general relativity, which is capable of undertaking stars and planets
yet not accept that the fact that God does not need to be visibly present to be worshipped.

Try this think of an entity which
made the planets and the universe
laid down the precise scientific rules,
which created humans

can be visualized in this world ? doesn't it defeat the super set / sub set relationship ?

how can God which created the universe be then fit in it ?

and since you asked me a question based on belief, let me ask you one.

Please explain to me, that how can God ( Whose ever ) the supreme creator of humans, universe and all within; exhibit human emotions and characteristics as depicted in your texts ?

So, what is your view on the demolition of Babri masjid and the riots after that? Should it have been treated as an attack on the religion or attack on a building?
Huh .. you replied out of spite; and not rational.

I never claimed what we are doing is 100 % correct.

My argument is that even if it is incorrect it is far better than joining the pagan way of life.

What spite? why should I be spiteful if you are mis-guided about your opinion on Indian Muslims. And please don't talk about rational, there is no rationality in your debate.

And what pagan way of life are you talking about? Being friendly with non-muslims is pagan? Existing peacefully side by side with them is paganism?

There may be some muslims who believe in more than one religion and do some shirk acts, but generalizing that all Indian Muslims are not muslims due to the act of few is hardly rational. Besides who are you to judge that they are not true muslims. First strive to be a good muslim yourself and let Allah be the judge.

Such Bigotry.
yet not accept that the fact that God does not need to be visibly present to be worshipped.

Try this think of an entity which
made the planets and the universe
laid down the precise scientific rules,
which created humans

can be visualized in this world ? doesn't it defeat the super set / sub set relationship ?

how can God which created the universe be then fit in it ?

And what if I were to tell you that God didn't create the Universe and that he doesn't exist ? :coffee:

And before you label me off an as Atheist do remember that religions like Buddhism reject the concept of a creator.

Please explain to me, that how can God ( Whose ever ) the supreme creator of humans, universe and all within; exhibit human emotions and characteristics as depicted in your texts ?

Typical holier than thou attitude
hindu dominance.

Can you people give it a rest? Yes the country is majority Hindu, but those majority Hindus voted in people of different faiths many time as PMs and Presidents. Please just save it. People can never understand. They have only one view of India.
What spite? why should I be spiteful if you are mis-guided about your opinion on Indian Muslims. And please don't talk about rational, there is no rationality in your debate.

And what pagan way of life are you talking about? Being friendly with non-muslims is pagan? Existing peacefully side by side with them is paganism?

Such Bigotry.

Nopes that is not paganism, and I am not against that.

Let me be very clear, I 100% say that every religion (except for 1) should be allowed and it's followers be let free.

However, being Muslims the duty is to struggle and set to seek and to work to establish Islam's law and will.

If that duty is betrayed, or sent to the back seat ; or traded for worldly peace
that is Shirk.

And before you label me off an as Atheist do remember that religions like Buddhism reject the concept of a creator.
Typical holier than thou attitude

Please read the post, to which I was responding;

All I am asking for is knowledge, help me understand.
Nopes that is not paganism, and I am not against that.

Let me be very clear, I 100% say that every religion (except for 1) should be allowed and it's followers be let free.

However, being Muslims the duty is to struggle and set to seek and to work to establish Islam's law and will.

If that duty is betrayed, or sent to the back seat ; or traded for worldly peace
that is Shirk.

huh :what: Where the hell did you come up with that????

Show me one authentic hadees or verse where it says that if you do not struggle to force people to believe what you believe, it amounts to shirk!

Unless then refrain from branding things as shrik, that is the duty of Allah.
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