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India - A sacred geography bound by Dharma

@Mafiya aliens (humanoid) too has God and his name is Brahma.... He God of our universe and one of God amoung Billion Gods who rules Billion other universe.... Now even scientists agrees that our universe just one among billion other universe.... Arcturians prays to lord Brahma and so does all humanoids.... The cosmic energy is the love Brahma showring on humans.... Humanoids are creation of universe (all good and bad aliens too) and we humans are creation of humanoids so we all creation of universe particles.... Its true that there is one god and he is Lord Brahma.... He god of other Gods and that other Gods are humanoids who prays to Brahma.... Must read....
(48) The exact calculations of the age of Brahma and the existing manvantar according to the Bhagwatam.
Yes it would seem 'ridiculous' because you have to be an Indian to understand that abstract feeling, which sadly you are not. As ridiculous as it may seem to a Chinese when I say if not for the Mongols (Yuan) China would not have been unified.

When we talk about history, we do not o by feelings, but by facts. The fact is they India was created by Britain. Without them, evidence base on hitrick facts indicate that India would not be united
Pure coincidence bro :mod:. I consider myself just a nationalist who is tired of the pseudos running around and who wants a united, strong, inclusive India rooted in its age old civilization and heritage. Or may be this is what Hindu Nationalism means, i dont know, after all doesn't the land itself hold a spiritual meaning for many, including me ?
a country cant be united without strong Cultural Bond & with a common Ancestral Heritage ... unless we have common origin we cant be united specially for a ancient country like India...when some fool think that they r the grandChildrens of invaders of India who looted her...

the thing is that some idiots want to import American Culture here (athough thats not wrong or there is any fault in it) but they present our Culture as backward & western as better ... its the comparison which is bad... they show that our values r pretty medieval... while they r quite modern with adopted western culture... we have generation who thinks going Temple is backwardness while going churches is cool... Naming themselves with some western name is cool ... Keeping Choti or wearing Yojnapavitam is a joke or Discussing Mahabharata or Ramayana is radicalness ...

These mindset needed to be changed, pride in our Culture has to be brought with ancient values But along with modern outlook...

a Culture revolution ... We r one even if we r Hindu , Muslim, christian ... thats Hindu Nationalism ... that alone can change the country ...
a country cant be united without strong Cultural Bond & with a common Ancestral Heritage ... unless we have common origin we cant be united specially for a ancient country like India...when some fool think that they r the grandChildrens of invaders of India who looted her...

the thing is that some idiots want to import American Culture here (athough thats not wrong or there is any fault in it) but they present our Culture as backward & western as better ... its the comparison which is bad... they show that our values r pretty medieval... while they r quite modern with adopted western culture... we have generation who thinks going Temple is backwardness while going churches is cool... Naming themselves with some western name is cool ... Keeping Choti or wearing Yojnapavitam is a joke or Discussing Mahabharata or Ramayana is radicalness ...

These mindset needed to be changed, pride in our Culture has to be brought with ancient values But along with modern outlook...

a Culture revolution ... We r one even if we r Hindu , Muslim, christian ... thats Hindu Nationalism ... that alone can change the country ...

I like how you point out that India is tie together by Hindu nationalism. If for some reason Christianity become the most dominate religion, India would cease to be a nation and any national boundaries would be determine by the language people speaks, which in most case is the state boundary, as its Hinduism that tie India together as a country. As a result, conversion of Hindus to another faith is treasonous to the Indian national state. So Hindu extremism is the same Hindu nationalism.
I like how you point out that India is tie together by Hindu nationalism. If for some reason Christianity become the most dominate religion, India would cease to be a nation and any national boundaries would be determine by the language people speaks, which in most case is the state boundary, as its Hinduism that tie India together as a country. As a result, conversion of Hindus to another faith is treasonous to the Indian national state. So Hindu extremism is the same Hindu nationalism.

Nice try Sherlock.

When we talk about history, we do not o by feelings, but by facts. The fact is they India was created by Britain. Without them, evidence base on hitrick facts indicate that India would not be united

Just because ignoramuses saying "the fact is..", "the fact is.." it does not become the fact. Now my turn, the fact is Bharat as a civilizational entity was long there even before the Romans entered Brittania. And as ajtr pointed out the British did not create India, they just divided it.
Actually, India was forged together by British supremacy in the Indian subcontinent. If Britain was not able to kick out the French orDutch, India would be divided into any mall pieces. So India owe its creation to Britain.

Since you credit British domination in terms of colonial competition to creation of India, then by extension of your logic PRC should cease to exist. Considering the fact that there many colonial enitities competing in colonial China.

You may consider PRC to be non-existant, we humans do though.

Look at Spain, portugal, and Italy, ain't their culture, language and religion even more homogeneous among themselves as compare to Indian states.

Proof? or runaway like a fility liar :)

But Britain politically united India, like how Britain united various part of south Africa.

Nice display of perverted affinity for UK.

But we people of post-colonial imperialism world seek something known as proof

Not the words of a delusional masochistic imperialism cheeleader. :)
The shared religion helped Indian stayed together as a nation after independent.

If its was shared religion as a uniting factor, then Nepal should have been part of India.

But this common ground did not united India. It's clear historic fact that after many invasions and empires, it's the British colonialism that finally united India.

Historic facts as per CCP-certified Red book? :lol:

But existing Indian culture helped maintained this unity that was started by the British.

Indian culture started by British? :woot:

I though Chinese members said caste system was particular t Indian culture, you are blaming UK now for caste system. :woot:

What next Taiwanese culture, Nanking culture attributed to Japan?

No historical precedence for this. All empires in India exists to serve themselves, nt nation building.

Concept of nationalism was from Europe
Your assumption about India would join together without the British is wrong.

Based CCP-certified book on events in parallel universe.

The people there has many centuries to create a nation and no identity of an Indian was created until British colonialism.

Concept of nationalism cam from Europe somewhere in the 17th century. How was Indians supposed to adopt it when it did not exist centuries ago? Unless you state the India should have come up with the concept irrespective of what so ever.

So your assumption that Indians by themselves would unite nationally like after British India is ridiculous.

Your degenerate Indo-phobic perversions of alternate history seems very amusing.

When we talk about history, we do not o by feelings, but by facts.

Finally a sentence that makes sense Bravo!
The fact is they India was created by Britain.

Zombiefied symptoms of CCP brainwashing

Without them, evidence base on hitrick facts indicate that India would not be united

hitrick facts? is the name of hritick roshan in the alternate / parallel universe?
I like how you point out that India is tie together by Hindu nationalism.
So you agree India is tied because of Hindu nationalism?

If for some reason Christianity become the most dominate religion, India would cease to be a nation and any national boundaries would be determine by the language people speaks, which in most case is the state boundary, as its Hinduism that tie India together as a country.

I beg to differ, i think you are showing brazen anti-Christian sentiments like your fellow Chinese.

I know Taiping rebellion has been very hard on Chinese mindset.

But stating Christianity incapable of creating unity if wrong.

I'm sure if events during Taiping rebellion had gone the other way, and entire Chinese would have converted to Christianity, China would have been united long ago and done so with out say: ethnic dilutions etc.

See the light in the Lord Path!

Amen! :)

As a result, conversion of Hindus to another faith is treasonous to the Indian national state.

If the above is true then Indian Govt should passed a law against onversion to Christianity and ban Christianity .

Last i recall our Defence minister was Christian.

So Hindu extremism is the same Hindu nationalism.

Religious extremism is same as Religious nationalism?

So , by extension of your logic, Pakistani religious extremists are Pakistanis nationalists? So if terror groups like TTP whom brave Pakistani forces fights against, is actually against Pakistanis nationalists. You should have some shame.
Just because ignoramuses saying "the fact is..", "the fact is.." it does not become the fact. Now my turn, the fact is Bharat as a civilizational entity was long there even before the Romans entered Brittania. And as ajtr pointed out the British did not create India, they just divided it.

I think it would be easier to convince a Japanese war veteran his Army's acts in Nanking were wrong.
I think it would be easier to convince a Japanese war veteran his Army's acts in Nanking were wrong.

actually I dont know why I even tried to convince him. He just doesn't matter. :(
An excelent read i must say...:enjoy:

Our relation to this land predates centuries n milleniums.

Although India is a Hindu majority(80%) country but Hunduism concept of being all inclusive has also helped a lot in unifying our nation.

I mean every year thousand of Hindus visit various Dargahs like the Ajmer Sharif n also visit Golden temple or other nearby Gurudwaras.

It a rare thing too watch in any other part of the world but a common scene in India...:)

I really think that we have immense potential to become the biggest tourist hub in the entire world provided we exploit our potential.
I mean just look around u we have a 1000 year old temple very 100 kms:woot: we have immense natural beauty from worlds highest ranges to tropical rain forests to deserts to beaches to islands, we such ancient arcitechers that can screw mordern day best builders n designers i mean just look at the Ajanta Caves people will have hard time designing such masterpiece even with all the mordern tech avilable today...:smitten:
The shared religion helped Indian stayed together as a nation after independent. But this common ground did not united India. It's clear historic fact that after many invasions and empires, it's the British colonialism that finally united India. But existing Indian culture helped maintained this unity that was started by the British.

I did not fully disagree with you about the British part. But more than that there were/are something which KS trying to explain. If your logic is correct, Burma should have Indian part since it was also the part of British colony.
I did not fully disagree with you about the British part. But more than that there were/are something which KS trying to explain. If your logic is correct, Burma should have Indian part since it was also the part of British colony.

Hey did you think he did not understand what I said. Nope. He knows fully well. It's just that he could not resist from feigning ignorance and try to project that Indians are an artificial entity created by Britain. Stockholm syndrome. Comes with the package.
Imagining India: A sacred geography bound by Hinduism | Firstpost

An excellent read. As said by me many times - the real glue that binds this land of disparate cultures,ethnicities, tribes, languages and even religions is the native idealogy that we call Sanatana Dharma, it's offshoots and its sacred association with this land which itself holds a spiritual meaning and if anything happens to it, then this country as we know it will simply cease to exist.

This is who India is from its heart.

Prince Arjuna and Shri Krishna



Buddhist martial performers from Sikkim.


Guru Rinpoche


Sikh Nihangs


Guru Nanak Deva (as he's known in eastern India)


Shri Mahavira

ps.: This article is not about any Hindutva cheerleading or secularism. SO please dont indulge in that and also Pakistanis - this is not about Akhand Bharat. So please dont bring your insecurity also into this thread.

Even if it is, so what? I am sure our Chinese friends here with their version of logic would agree with this as they claim so in their case.

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