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India - A sacred geography bound by Dharma

can agree with u on some part.....

but this union was bound to happen as we shared the same culture

if not the britishers , some other factor wud have formed the indian union

The factor you would be referrring to is this -

They “knew” the geography from the frozen peaks of the Himalayas in the north where Shiva resided to the four “dhams” threading the east, west, north and south.

India in the end is “more than a map” and it lives as a “three-dimensional sacred landscape, linked by its storylines.” Every place has a story, and every story a god.

And ofcourse Sardar Patel...:enjoy:
@loveicon mantras are not for harming anyone.... Atlantis empire gave 4 saint job to recite mantras and make greece weapons weak.... Mantras made them weak by creating a invisible sheild.... Greece was defeated. Than atlantis empire moved towards rama empire of india and attacked whole asia.... Rama empire was weaken and confused by the mantras power and it nuked our own ally middle east.... However Enlil spoke with whole humanoid race and brought natural disaster in atlantis which made the saints loose concentration and than Rama empire's Lord krishna nuked atlantis empire.... While our saint started reciting mantras to heal whole asia and middle east.... Moon was brought by Enlil to sunk Atlantis empire and it made atlantis empire sunk in sea while they escaped in space to find new planet.... Mantras are the most powerful words. Mantras was not created for hindus.... Mantras were created for world humans but its the indians who accepted mantras while world forgoten it.... Mantras are perfect words.... Bible and Quran too made by words and people do read it.... So in a way they reciting mantras....

Muslim Sufi's like khawaja chishti, fareed ud din ganj baksh shakkar, baba bullay shah yielded great powers. But they didnt belived in demi alien Gods. They believed in One GOD who created the universe. So how how come you can claim aliens are the creators of universe when we have tons of powerful spritual people examples who worshipped and believed in on GOD. For me these aliens are part of universe, not the creators of universe. I suggest you read about spritiual world running parallel with this physical world. And how this spritual world is led by people of different ranks called ghous, qutab, abdal etc etc.!
The factor you would be referrring to is this -

And ofcourse Sardar Patel...:enjoy:

yaa it had started with shivaji ....

maratha empire had expanded to quite a large extent, mughals were getting weaker

sooner or later rajputs, maratha and the other small hindu kingdoms wud have surely joined hands......

so the indian union was bound to happen
Muslim Sufi's like khawaja chishti, fareed ud din ganj baksh shakkar, baba bullay shah yielded great powers. But they didnt belived in demi alien Gods. They believed in One GOD who created the universe. So how how come you can claim aliens are the creators of universe when we have tons of powerful spritual people examples who worshipped and believed in on GOD. For me these aliens are part of universe, not the creators of universe. I suggest you read about spritiual world running parallel with this physical world. And how this spritual world is led by people of different ranks called ghous, qutab, abdal etc etc.!

Dude I am a devout Hindu and according to my belief I should believe Brahma created this universe. And as a Hindu I also somewhat believe in it (not absolutely). But then there is also a chance that human being is just another scientific experiment of some remote alien culture who had some free time to play with. As an example, was Dolly created by God or man ? What makes you believe absolutely that you are not just another 'Dolly' but in the bigger context ? Our earth is just one tiny tiny tiny speck in this whole universe. One hair follicle on an entire brown bear. What makes you think that we are as much significant to God ?

And then ofcourse is evolution which is my favorite possible explanation.

You can believe in your faith, but that doesnt automatically make what some Sufis wrote as the absolute truth and you cant use them as proof to disprove some one else. Heck not even all Muslims believe in Sufis.
Muslim Sufi's like khawaja chishti, fareed ud din ganj baksh shakkar, baba bullay shah yielded great powers. But they didnt belived in demi alien Gods. They believed in One GOD who created the universe. So how how come you can claim aliens are the creators of universe when we have tons of powerful spritual people examples who worshipped and believed in on GOD. For me these aliens are part of universe, not the creators of universe. I suggest you read about spritiual world running parallel with this physical world. And how this spritual world is led by people of different ranks called ghous, qutab, abdal etc etc.!

ur shallow knowledge is showing on ur words...... if u wud have ever delved deeper into sufism , u wud be never saying such words.
sufis said that all religions are the path to same god..... i.e y sufis are respected by hindus

can u say it for muslims too...... a hindu shows respect and pays homage to all sufis but can a muslim ever in life show respect to hinduism .... NEVER

Actually, India was forged together by British supremacy in the Indian subcontinent. If Britain was not able to kick out the French orDutch, India would be divided into any mall pieces. So India owe its creation to Britain.
Actually they divided the subcontinent.Before british came people used to travel from rangoon to kabul without anyone stopping them without this nonsense of papers etc.now they dont even know that even after months of trying they will get the visa etc for a visit.
The pity is that not many can understand this very basic fact and you still have Indians who espouse views like those in post #18. And think that the native idealogies and the civilization that fed off them have nothing to do with the national integration or even the very survival of the country.

Sanatan Dharma is the soil in which the tree of India is rooted in. If you take the tree out of the soil either forcibly or willingly it will wither very soon.

The shared religion helped Indian stayed together as a nation after independent. But this common ground did not united India. It's clear historic fact that after many invasions and empires, it's the British colonialism that finally united India. But existing Indian culture helped maintained this unity that was started by the British.
ur shallow knowledge is showing on ur words...... if u wud have ever delved deeper into sufism , u wud be never saying such words.
sufis said that all religions are the path to same god..... i.e y sufis are respected by hindus

can u say it for muslims too...... a hindu shows respect and pays homage to all sufis but can a muslim ever in life show respect to hinduism .... NEVER


Which you have stated incorrectly..

The essence of Sufism is not all "all paths lead to god"..
Its guiding those on different paths to god.

The reason why Sufis were succesfull where the conquerors had failed.. is that they wont(like many today) reject a Hindu who came to listen.. or pay respect outright. They did not act as bureaucrats when preaching Islam..
They slowly brought the person in, one step at a time.. just as the prophet did.
Using the language and the good aspects of the local culture.
Belief in god was the first step.. and slowly but surely.. the pillars of Islam were taught..and then taught to enforce..

The reason why they are also respected.. is that they never turned away anyone's calls for prayer..
All were welcome at the meal distribution, all were welcome to listen , all were welcome to ask for prayer..
yaa it had started with shivaji ....

maratha empire had expanded to quite a large extent, mughals were getting weaker

sooner or later rajputs, maratha and the other small hindu kingdoms wud have surely joined hands......

so the indian union was bound to happen

No historical precedence for this. All empires in India exists to serve themselves, nt nation building.
The shared religion helped Indian stayed together as a nation after independent. But this common ground did not united India. It's clear historic fact that after many invasions and empires, it's the British colonialism that finally united India. But existing Indian culture helped maintained this unity that was started by the British.

No you are wrong and you want to be wrong.The reasons I hav given in plenty. And I cant wake up someone who pretends to be asleep. Moreover you are not even my intended audience. So be comfortable in your idea.

No historical precedence for this. All empires in India exists to serve themselves, nt nation building.

Serving themselves is indirect nation building. Again you are using the western concept of nation-states to describe the situation in India which falls flat on its face. Similar is the case when Indian "intellectuals" use the western terms of "Right vs Left", "secularism" etc in an ill-defined manner that does not suit with the Indian situation.
No you are wrong and you want to be wrong.The reasons I hav given in plenty. And I cant wake up someone who pretends to be asleep. Moreover you are not even my intended audience. So be comfortable in your idea.

Serving themselves is indirect nation building. Again you are using the western concept of nation-states to describe the situation in India which falls flat on its face.

Your assumption about India would join together without the British is wrong. The people there has many centuries to create a nation and no identity of an Indian was created until British colonialism. So your assumption that Indians by themselves would unite nationally like after British India is ridiculous.
Your assumption about India would join together without the British is wrong. The people there has many centuries to create a nation and no identity of an Indian was created until British colonialism. So your assumption that Indians by themselves would unite nationally like after British India is ridiculous.

Yes it would seem 'ridiculous' because you have to be an Indian to understand that abstract feeling, which sadly you are not. As ridiculous as it may seem to a Chinese when I say if not for the Mongols (Yuan) China would not have been unified.
KS what ur talking is nothing but Soft Hindu Nationalism ... U explain it in a softer way... Although i am a very nonviolent man in person But when i write it looks like to be written by a militant ...

The idea is same but the tone which u & I use is different...

& a good thread indeed...
KS what ur talking is nothing but Soft Hindu Nationalism ... U explain it in a softer way... Although i am a very nonviolent man in person But when i write it looks like to be written by a militant ...

Pure coincidence bro :mod:. I consider myself just a nationalist who is tired of the pseudos running around and who wants a united, strong, inclusive India rooted in its age old civilization and heritage. Or may be this is what Hindu Nationalism means, i dont know, after all doesn't the land itself hold a spiritual meaning for many, including me ?

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