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India: a global hub for warship building

If, instead of using your incredible guessing, you can bring out the fact that more than 2 mil children died a year in China, I will let the Chinese know, in their own web sites, in their own language.

If instead of using your incredible guessing, you can bring out the fact that China is covering up 2 mil child death a year in China, I will let the Chinese know, in their own web sites, in their own language.

I'm not making fun of you. The British paper is not making fun of you. It is your denial of fact that is making fun of you.

You are making big fun of you!

China is also an open book. But you don't care to read it. you read it through biased lens. That is not my problem.

Incredible..which part i said is not got in to your thick head??I asked you to point out any independent survey done in your country??since you cant find it out how any one can?..I am not saying that those link your gave us are not facts ..yes we have problems to solve and we cant run away from it..But your countrymen saying like there is no problem in your country..its you and your countrymen making fun of your self ...talking all kind of rubbish and claims to be humble ..

Well make as much fun as you can ..its shows only the insecurity of you guys about us..The fact is we are going to give you stiff competition in coming decades..The more we grow the more you will feel insecure and more you try to insult us..

And about China being an open book well lol at it
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Can anyone tell me what hungry Indians, China's super duper manufacturing capability, super fantastic technology and super amazing communist ideology have to do with India's potential to become a global hub for ship building?

How is this thread even remotely related to China? if it isn't then why are off topic posts being addressed? Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore.

This thread is about INDIA not some other country!

The entire thread has been derailed, just like many others, the trolls are doing their job, why are you guys entertaining them? report the off topic posts, ignore garbage, focus on the topic and let the mods do their job.

lets discuss ship building not other BS.


Post reported ! :tup:

Tip: Stop using Chinese for your off topic pep talk !

it can be loosely translated into English as:

tomorrow after tomorrow, there are always another tomorrow, nothing can be achieved if I spend my entire life waiting for tomorrow.
your translation is so good.i am in favor of it
Good news!
I think many countries will buy warship from India in the future, since the cheap price and good quality.
Good news!
I think many countries will buy warship from India in the future, since the cheap price and good quality.

now we are having the news of india su-30 crashes on a monthly basis, if they do become the global hub warship building, then I guess we will hear the sinking news on a monthly basis.
now we are having the news of india su-30 crashes on a monthly basis, if they do become the global hub warship building, then I guess we will hear the sinking news on a monthly basis.

It is not our fault if you read the same sukhoi crash news every month and assume that a new aircraft has crashed.:azn:
likewhise we hear chinese products getting banned on daily basis..
dont derail the thread......
feel free to disagree cheers
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they read what they are allowed to read.....
BTW imho calling india a global hub for warship building right now is not correct....but if private players are allowed to construct thn scene may change in next 20 yrs.... because tleast this time frame is needed to fulfll even indian navy's demand...
feel free to disagree :cheers:
On shipbuilding capability/capacity:

"Almost 80% of the world's shipbuilding industry is located in Japan, Korea, China and the EU." -- EU official website: European Commission : Trade : Shipbuilding

As for an article of Indiadefencereview claims that in 2005, Korea, Japan , China and EU are the top 4 in world shipbuilding with share of 35%, 33%, 20% and 8% respectively in world share. `As per data available in the year 2007, the Indian owned Fleet of Foreign going ships is presently 257 ships with 7.75 million GT. This is less than 1% of the total world 810 million GT... and 40% of the Indian owned fleet is more than 20 years old , ! `

(source -- India Lags Behind in Shipbuilding | Indian Defence Review)

China will account for almsot 40 percent of world shipbuilding capacity by the end of 2010 with an accumulative production base of 52 million dwt on an annual basis...in fact China will move on step further to the top of world´s shipbuilding capacity by 2012. `

(source -- China shipbuilding industry keeps growing Marine BizTV. For alternative sourccs, one can just google it up, it is a common knowledge now.)

So india, a global hub for shipbuilding? Nay, it´s a midget in shipbuilding instead, let alone a global hub for warshipbuilding, but in a very distant future (it reminds me of StarWar movie), maybe? perhaps?

Meanwhile, Indians´chest beating soap series here and there are quite entertaining I have to say. :lol:
On shipbuilding capability/capacity:

"Almost 80% of the world's shipbuilding industry is located in Japan, Korea, China and the EU." -- EU official website: European Commission : Trade : Shipbuilding

As for an article of Indiadefencereview claims that in 2005, Korea, Japan , China and EU are the top 4 in world shipbuilding with share of 35%, 33%, 20% and 8% respectively in world share. `As per data available in the year 2007, the Indian owned Fleet of Foreign going ships is presently 257 ships with 7.75 million GT. This is less than 1% of the total world 810 million GT... and 40% of the Indian owned fleet is more than 20 years old , ! `

(source -- India Lags Behind in Shipbuilding | Indian Defence Review)

China will account for almsot 40 percent of world shipbuilding capacity by the end of 2010 with an accumulative production base of 52 million dwt on an annual basis...in fact China will move on step further to the top of world´s shipbuilding capacity by 2012. `

(source -- China shipbuilding industry keeps growing Marine BizTV. For alternative sourccs, one can just google it up, it is a common knowledge now.)

So india, a global hub for shipbuilding? Nay, it´s a midget in shipbuilding instead, let alone a global hub for warshipbuilding, but in a very distant future (it reminds me of StarWar movie), maybe? perhaps?

Meanwhile, Indians´chest beating soap series here and there are quite entertaining I have to say. :lol:

Dude you know how to read English???if you can read the headings carefully :hitwall: :hitwall: ..Its pathetic that in a hurry for India bashing you forget to read what the topic is all about :hitwall: :hitwall:
On shipbuilding capability/capacity:

"Almost 80% of the world's shipbuilding industry is located in Japan, Korea, China and the EU." -- EU official website: European Commission : Trade : Shipbuilding

As for an article of Indiadefencereview claims that in 2005, Korea, Japan , China and EU are the top 4 in world shipbuilding with share of 35%, 33%, 20% and 8% respectively in world share. `As per data available in the year 2007, the Indian owned Fleet of Foreign going ships is presently 257 ships with 7.75 million GT. This is less than 1% of the total world 810 million GT... and 40% of the Indian owned fleet is more than 20 years old , ! `

(source -- India Lags Behind in Shipbuilding | Indian Defence Review)

China will account for almsot 40 percent of world shipbuilding capacity by the end of 2010 with an accumulative production base of 52 million dwt on an annual basis...in fact China will move on step further to the top of world´s shipbuilding capacity by 2012. `

(source -- China shipbuilding industry keeps growing Marine BizTV. For alternative sourccs, one can just google it up, it is a common knowledge now.)

So india, a global hub for shipbuilding? Nay, it´s a midget in shipbuilding instead, let alone a global hub for warshipbuilding, but in a very distant future (it reminds me of StarWar movie), maybe? perhaps?

Meanwhile, Indians´chest beating soap series here and there are quite entertaining I have to say. :lol:

ok enough mr beans(i hope you know beans..!! he is a outright funny comedian..)

What was your ship buiding capacity as a percentage of world capacity in 1900..?????

did i hear 0.0005%..?? come again..???

but right now it is 4-5% or some other figure do u know it or i will have to tell you...!!!

Things change all right..Simple thing i made u understand in simple way with a nice example above...

SO India looking to improve at its figure....and be a major ship building hub with time.......Simple enough again to understand....
and the biggest thing is India looking to have such capacity with the help of the tremendous economic might at its disposal....
So this is what this thread all about...now if you have such poor reading skills u cant understand this simple meaning of this thread than please excuse this forum at least.....
its not about India a global hub for ship building but India a global hub for "WAR "ship building :disagree: :disagree:
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