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India 121st in global information and communication technology rankings

The next superpower china is nowhere close to the top 10, not even top 50. And china has more It & telecom companies than India. What are your Huwaei , ZTE doing !???

Unlike India, we never claim to be a superpower.

Our official goal is to become a "middle income country".

Now... listen to the words from India's favourite President:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

Now tell me who is being ridiculous? Brazil has a bigger GDP than India, and far less poverty, but you never see them claiming to be a superpower.
India an IT power?

Don't kid yourselves。IT backwater more likely。

Indians should stop talking and start acting。

Mountains of tallkings would only make outside people look down and laugh at you。
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Name a quality product from China?

Atleast IT services needs graduates and software professionals, But manufacturing only needs peasants from chinese villages working overtime with little wages, in a prision like enviroment with out human rights.

You see, you are a prime example of Indians in posting without using their grey matters.

According to your claim, we all must be very afraid of the Chinese, since those undereducated farmers are able to build grandiose infrastructures, factories, 24/7 electricity, etc. Just imagine if they would have gotten some decent education, they would have been able to flush all the rest of us away like this *snip*.

Those Chinese peasants you call living in a prison without freedom and human rights are mysteriously the biggest spenders in international travel and luxury good despite having small wages, while highly paid and educated Indians have crappy infrastructure and their spending power is pathetic.
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Now African countries are being compared with India in terms of progress.....we should be really ashamed.....:ashamed:
If Indians don't realize immediately that we're actually going down due to our vote-bank politics, corruption, nepotism etc.....then I guess, the Pakistani and Chinese dream of seeing India disintegrated might become reality.....
Indians should remember, India has already been divided once due to political greed.....

Take it easy bro. One doesn't immediately believe everything they read on the internet. For the most part, surveys/polls aren't reliable enough to go by. I can bet your country is doing decently well in the field of IT.
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you look like having an IQ below your average cheerleaders (=82). even with so many internet aid etc that doesnt make any sense!

nothing makes sense for those who cant get it. GET IT ? No? Grow up, may be your IQ catches up with your age :(
Now African countries are being compared with India in terms of progress.....we should be really ashamed.....:ashamed:
If Indians don't realize immediately that we're actually going down due to our vote-bank politics, corruption, nepotism etc.....then I guess, the Pakistani and Chinese dream of seeing India disintegrated might become reality.....
Indians should remember, India has already been divided once due to political greed.....

Both African countries and India were created by the British. So there is another similarities between the two.
dumbest post ........this ranking does not have anything to do with "information tech services"....read what the article is about before trolling......the ranking is related to penetration of internet and telecommunication among the percentage of population....yes INDIA will lag in this because we have 1 billion(1/7 th of the worlds population) and providing good internet services is gonna a be really difficult......countries which have lesser population and good economy will top this because of the same reasons, its easier to provide high speed internet for them

If the measurement is about call centers and help desk, then India is clearly #1. India is by far the call center superpower. Though my wife hang up on an Indian because she could not understand this individual's horrible English. Before you make someone pick up the phone for Americans, make sure that they speak clear English. That would be my feed back to India.
Both African countries and India were created by the British. So there is another similarities between the two.
And the dissimilarity is that, India created China but the African countries did not.......so China should always be respectful to India.....
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