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Independent Kashmir on cards , your views and worries,

Village life

Oct 8, 2016
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It's being in rumours since long that the international establishments have reached to a understanding that the independent Kashmir would be a solution to the Kashmir issue, as Musharif indicated it long ago. In my view by making some adjustments i.e jamu to be given to India and gilgit baltsitan to Pakistan ,the issue was and is! how to convince right wingers in both countries? ,kashmiries themselves would have happily opted for this solution, in coming days we can see a very deep pain in the hearts of western countries &USA for the kashmiries and they will support them and a move may be made in UNO by some corners for referendum in Kashmir for complete independence , there is something cooking behind the scenes which we don't know,earlier Shah mehmood Qureshi in his address in the Azad Kashmir openly said that the peoples of the occupied Kashmir should not be totally dependent on the Pakistan ! what does this mean?Many will argue that Pakistan will never let this happen had this been the case there would have been preparation for the war on both sides of the border bcoz there is no other option left except war, but till today we are not seeing any massive activity regarding to the deployment of the troop s and for the long term or short term preparation of the war. As I k said that la Ilaha Illallah we will fight had these been the real thoughts there would have been massive preparations on the ground on war footing basis but the things are on routine and the same dirty politics are going on in Pakistan which shows how much serious we are to fight war for Kashmir, do the politicians are deceiving us or the divine forces are making their way for final assault. please share your views, , now please can any one tell me why I don't have the privilege to reply on my own thread ? @Dubious @The Eagle
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It's being in rumours since long that the international establishments have reached to a understanding that the independent Kashmir would be a solution to the Kashmir issue, as Musharif indicated it long ago. In my view by making some adjustments i.e jamu to be given to India and gilgit baltsitan to Pakistan ,the issue was and is! how to convince right wingers in both countries? ,kashmiries themselves would have happily opted for this solution, in coming days we can see a very deep pain in the hearts of western countries &USA for the kashmiries and they will support them and a move may be made in UNO by some corners for referendum in Kashmir for complete independence , there is something cooking behind the scenes which we don't know,earlier Shah mehmood Qureshi in his address in the Azad Kashmir openly said that the peoples of the occupied Kashmir should not be totally dependent on the Pakistan ! what does this mean?Many will argue that Pakistan will never let this happen had this been the case there would have been preparation for the war on both sides of the border bcoz there is no other option left except war, but till today we are not seeing any massive activity regarding to the deployment of the troop s and for the long term or short term preparation of the war. As I k said that la Ilaha Illallah we will fight had these been the real thoughts there would have been massive preparations on the ground on war footing basis but the things are on routine and the same dirty politics are going on in Pakistan which shows how much serious we are to fight war for Kashmir, do the politicians are deceiving us or the divine forces are making their way for final assault. please share your views, , now please can any one tell me why I don't have the privilege to reply on my own thread ? @Dubious @The Eagle

Everything and anything that the Government and Military has said about fighting a war is as a responsive action in the case India attacks.

Imran Khan said we will fight if there's a war. He has already ruled out use of proxy war.
I think most people know that Pakistan wants self-determination for Kashmiris, and can probably live with an independent country.

The right-wing Zaid Hamid types, or religious nutcases are not really relevant or big enough to be concerned about.
Ideally the whole subcontinent should return to just rule under the banner of Islam.
Ideally the entire ummah should return under the banner of Islam.

It's being in rumours since long that the international establishments have reached to a understanding that the independent Kashmir would be a solution to the Kashmir issue, as Musharif indicated it long ago. In my view by making some adjustments i.e jamu to be given to India and gilgit baltsitan to Pakistan ,the issue was and is! how to convince right wingers in both countries? ,kashmiries themselves would have happily opted for this solution, in coming days we can see a very deep pain in the hearts of western countries &USA for the kashmiries and they will support them and a move may be made in UNO by some corners for referendum in Kashmir for complete independence , there is something cooking behind the scenes which we don't know,earlier Shah mehmood Qureshi in his address in the Azad Kashmir openly said that the peoples of the occupied Kashmir should not be totally dependent on the Pakistan ! what does this mean?Many will argue that Pakistan will never let this happen had this been the case there would have been preparation for the war on both sides of the border bcoz there is no other option left except war, but till today we are not seeing any massive activity regarding to the deployment of the troop s and for the long term or short term preparation of the war. As I k said that la Ilaha Illallah we will fight had these been the real thoughts there would have been massive preparations on the ground on war footing basis but the things are on routine and the same dirty politics are going on in Pakistan which shows how much serious we are to fight war for Kashmir, do the politicians are deceiving us or the divine forces are making their way for final assault. please share your views, , now please can any one tell me why I don't have the privilege to reply on my own thread ? @Dubious @The Eagle
What is wrong with independent Kashmir. Are you a warmonger? If peace can be got then this is the best way forward. For the sake of the poor in both Pakistan, India and Kashmir. And I thought "Mission Kashmir" is about welfare of the Kashmiri's and not land grab or nationalism?
I think most people know that Pakistan wants self-determination for Kashmiris, and can probably live with an independent country.

The right-wing Zaid Hamid types, or religious nutcases are not really relevant or big enough to be concerned about.

Um’ no. You are mistaken. Pakistanis only want peace for Kashmiris and we do NOT want India to kill Kashmiris anymore.
They have all the right to choose who they want to be with. Pakistan or India.
Only difference is, Indians do understand if referendum takes place, Kashmiris either will get independence from India and become a new state or be with Pakistan. India isn’t in their option.
So we Pakistan only speak for humanity. Know that.
Um’ no. You are mistaken. Pakistanis only want peace for Kashmiris and we do NOT want India to kill Kashmiris anymore.
They have all the right to choose who they want to be with. Pakistan or India.
Only difference is, Indians do understand if referendum takes place, Kashmiris either will get independence from India and become a new state or be with Pakistan. India isn’t in their option.
So we Pakistan only speak for humanity. Know that.

Self-determination means they can choose for themselves via referendum.

Choosing India is near impossible but even if it was hypothetically possible and they did choose India then Pakistans official position to see through the UN resolutions mean we would have to just walk away.
Independant Kashmir will be proxy in the center of Pak china india and russia some one will solve this issue soon i feel like UNO is going to solve it and hold the control of it...
Its kind poison either you take whole dose of eat it up slowly means we can fight with india or they will who ever start both will be lose or we let UN to take over and die slowly.
Um’ no. You are mistaken. Pakistanis only want peace for Kashmiris and we do NOT want India to kill Kashmiris anymore.
They have all the right to choose who they want to be with. Pakistan or India.
Only difference is, Indians do understand if referendum takes place, Kashmiris either will get independence from India and become a new state or be with Pakistan. India isn’t in their option.
So we Pakistan only speak for humanity. Know that.
Independent Kashmir cannot survive on its own because other than fruits Kashmir will be dependent on everything imported with no exports of its own.
Secondary independent Kashmir will be in the same pre 1947 position surrounded by three big powers looking for their strategic interests.With no military of its own and deterrence of atomic bomb it will be prone to another Kashmir war between India,china and pakistan like we had in 1948 and China had in 1962. So the only permanent solution for Kashmir is to merge with either India or pakistan. History has clearly shown kashmiris can't live with indians so based on the Muslim majority kashmiris should (they really want to)opt for pakistan.
There is a reason why Kashmir is called the unfinished business of partition.Left for us by britishers deliberately.
Can,t believe me ? Just have a look at our azad Kashmir they have no problem of living with Pakistani Muslims ,infact the region we control is not part of a Kashmir problem if we look at ground realities.
This further validates the two nation theory of great MA Jinnah :pakistan:
i think this makes the things pretty much easy for pakistan. let them cross the LOC. lets see how many actually cross the LOC. they want freedom from pak. we should give it to them. but is greatly helps us in making up our mind that fighting for kashmir and putting survival of our country at stake will be a foolish idea. when they dont want to live with pakistan then why we are so much eager to keep them with us. why we are wasting our resources on them? why pakistani PM is calling himself to be the ambassador of kashmir? when i went to kashmir for the first time i was astonished when they asked from me "are you from pak?"
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