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incredible india and the truth about real india

WIth new law now even if you continously see a girl for 10 sec that can come under sexual assault.
I vividly remember the day when Delhi Rape victim succumbed to injuries, TOI (the most BS paper in our country) putting three videos hailing the girl on its website. Just below the videos where another three set of videos related to Raunchy no.s, affairs etc.
I felt ashamed that i subscribe to such a newspaper.
While any crime against women needs strongest possible condemnation, our media, as several members have pointed out, requires more reforms than anyone else. For increasing their viewer ship, these guys can go to any lengths and any expectation of sensitivity is totally futile.
What is population of India and what is the population of Sweden? Your logic to win favor is totally skewed.

You have no idea about what the statistics are saying.

Only an idiot would report rape to local authorities in a country like India. They will just be asking for more trouble. The standard procedure is to report the crime to the consulate of their own countries. But in most cases, nothing will happen.

Its obvious that any woman that do not want to risk being raped should avoid a countries like India.

On that note Chinese media is silent for these incidents as per CCP rules, No need to point at India you need freedom of speech first then you can cure these evils, On that note Indian society is far more advanced :wave:

In case of sweden women can get on with their lives with a bit of therapy but same cant be said when it comes to south asian countries. In countries such as india women after getting raped are looked down even in their own families. It is a pity that rather than comforting them we drive them to the brink of suicide. I am not generalizing india as this is a problem faced in all the south asian counries.

That is the point of "Anti rape movement in India and the laws recently drafted in favor of women" :cheers:
Man why are we being STUPID ??? Who the f@ck cares about what some ranking says? ANd who cares who is ahead or behind us. What is important is to accept that yes, THE SITUATION IS REALLY DAMN SERIOUS and we need to do something about it NOW.

Who is denying the facts, the statistics are showing rape the ratio is high in other countries than India. In India these things are highlighted for good cause.

It is you who are acting stupid and favoring some propaganda which may hit Tourism in India. Try to understand the point before a debate.

Already anti rape laws are drafted and some changes are on the cards in the security establishment to protect women in India.

Do not think India is the only country and this is a recent trend.
You have no idea about what the statistics are saying.

On that note Chinese media is silent for these incidents as per CCP rules, No need to point at India you need freedom of speech first then you can cure these evils, On that note Indian society is far more advanced :wave:

That is the point of "Anti rape movement in India and the laws recently drafted in favor of women" :cheers:

Problem here is not with the law but with society. Laws can be made but slow and steady metal growth of society is also required for the implementation of those laws.
Problem here is not with the law but with society. Laws can be made but slow and steady metal growth of society is also required for the implementation of those laws.

Yes Surprisingly India is moving ahead with its law and empowerment compared other developed countries in this case.
Even USA and South African media acknowledged this fact.
Who is denying the facts, the statistics are showing rape the ratio is high in other countries than India. In India these things are highlighted for good cause.

It is you who are acting stupid and favoring some propaganda which may hit Tourism in India. Try to understand the point before a debate.

Already anti rape laws are drafted and some changes are on the cards in the security establishment to protect women in India.

Do not think India is the only country and this is a recent trend.

WTF do you mean 'propoganda against tourism'? How can there be tourism when these kinds of incidents take place? You think Swiss tourists should continue to come to India when one of their own people has gone through this? Or are you saying 'it's ok because there are other countries where these things happen too, so don't worry- your chances of getting attacked are no greater than anywhere else'. Intead of being obsessed with 'looking' good, try to be more concerned with what is actually happening.
WTF do you mean 'propoganda against tourism'? How can there be tourism when these kinds of incidents take place? You think Swiss tourists should continue to come to India when one of their own people has gone through this? Or are you saying 'it's ok because there are other countries where these things happen too, so don't worry- your chances of getting attacked are no greater than anywhere else'. Intead of being obsessed with 'looking' good, try to be more concerned with what is actually happening.

These things are common in every country better do not post your B.S here. I have already posted by views on the topic and do not act like you are the only one here who is accepting the truth. Some kind of enlightened.

These things are common in every country better do not post your B.S here. I have already posted by views on the topic and do not act like you are the only one here who is accepting the truth. Some kind of enlightened.


Your 'acceptance' of the 'truth' is not a true one. The idea that somehow the gravity of the crime can be reduced by quoting stats is an immature one. For some things there are no relative comparisons. There are only absolutes.
Your 'acceptance' of the 'truth' is not a true one. The idea that somehow the gravity of the crime can be reduced by quoting stats is an immature one. For some things there are no relative comparisons. There are only absolutes.

You have no idea what the stats are pointing at, and you are questioning my motives with out reading my posts.
You lost the debate when you said that stats are not pointing to the facts.
You have no idea what the stats are pointing at, and you are questioning my motives with out reading my posts.
You lost the debate when you said that stats are not pointing to the facts.

I'm not questioning your 'motives'. I'm saying don't be so much of a fanboy that when a situation is as serious as this, you try to convince yourself that 'that is how it is everywhere'.
I'm not questioning your 'motives'. I'm saying don't be so much of a fanboy that when a situation is as serious as this, you try to convince yourself that 'that is how it is everywhere'.

The acknowledgement is already done by me and GOI and necessary steps are being taken, this is nth number of time this topic is discussed.

It is good that even though the rapes occurrence to people ratio in India is very less compared to other countries, GOI is drafting new anti rape laws and giving enough coverage to this topic in the media.
In these 4 pages of discussion following points can be pointed out

1. We Indians agree that womens abuses have went up high in recent years
2. We and GOI is in the process of strenghthening the laws and public awareness agaist r@pe
3. We are not the only one where this is happening, although we should have zero tolerance for this. The one who are bashing India and Indians here should look in their backyards and try to resolve their issues rather than trying to help us.
4. I think rest of the discussion should be in a civilized manner and understand that few black sheeps dont change the color of whole flock... (Few disgusted scumbags dont represent whole Indian society)..

Dear Chinese tiger, thanks for meaningfull contribution..

EzioAltaïr;4059445 said:
India has a rate of 1.8 per hundred while Sweden has 46 per 100. How is that not better than Sweded,?

Great!!!!!! India is really shining. Keep living in denial.
Rape is not India’s only story/

For several years, India’s Ministry of Tourism has had an marketing campaign called “Incredible India,” intended to woo foreigners to Indian shores. The ads are evidently pitched towards foreign tourists and non-resident Indians as they are broadcast mostly on international cable channels.

A recent ad, released in November, I found especially striking. It featured an attractive fair-skinned young woman, presumably from North America or Europe, on a voyage of discovery of India. We see her enjoying a cricket game with an Indian flag painted on her face, learning to mediate and practicing yoga, snowboarding and motorcycling in India’s far north, swimming with an elephant, and playing carom (a popular Indian board game) with Buddhist monks. She even trusts Ayurvedic medicine to treat her injured elbow and is so enticed by the famous Indian head shake that she does it in her sleep. What makes this ad fascinating is that she’s traveling the breadth and depth of India as a single woman. She displays no fear in her travels and bestows her trust in complete strangers. The only thing that scares her is the portrait of a fearsome-looking Indian prince in what looks like a boutique heritage hotel.

This is the image of India that the government would like to project abroad and no doubt there’s some truth to it. Unfortunately, the ad was poorly timed, because a month after it first aired the gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi was telegraphed around the world. As if to show that the plight of women in India affected both locals and visitors, the headlines this past week were filled with news of another horrific gang rape, this time of a Swiss tourist, camping with her husband, in the remote forests of Madhya Pradesh. This is definitely not what you would expect to see in Incredible India.

The situation is evidently severe enough that along with the usual advisories about being careful visiting Kashmir or the regions bordering Pakistan, Britain for one has issued travel warnings pointing to the dangers faced by women travelling alone in India.

Which is true, the Incredible India ad or the British government’s warning?

Each is true in its own way. It’s certainly possible for a single woman traveling in India to have a wonderful adventure of the type depicted in the ad, elephants and all, but equally it’s true that Britain and other governments need to alert their citizens to the possible dangers.

Violence against women in India is an increasingly reported issue in both the domestic and international media, perhaps creating the perception that things are spiraling out of control.

But is it increasingly a problem?

If one goes by the number of crimes reported, either to the police or in the media, you would conclude that the problem must be getting worse. Yet the fact that more crime is being reported, and reported upon, doesn’t necessarily mean that its incidence is increasing.

As I’ve explored in my recent book, scholarly research suggests that at least some part of the increased reporting of violence against women reflects exactly that: more reporting rather than necessarily more crimes. In fact, to the extent that reporting has increased because women feel more empowered and willing to come forward rather than suffer in silence, the increased reporting could represent good rather than bad news.

But this doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. India, like many traditional societies, still has a strong strain of patriarchy and misogyny.

For example, recently during a debate in the the lower house of the Indian parliament over the new anti-rape bill inspired by the Delhi tragedy (it was passed), a few members of parliament spoke sensibly and intelligently about the bill, but several MPs revealed their mindset in their comments to the house. One prominent MP argued against making voyeurism and stalking offenses illegal, opining that doing so would be a disservice to India’s youth. After all, he explained, he himself followed women around in his younger days.

But the good news is that despite such attitudes, India’s political class and its urban middle classes are talking about sex, and in particular about violence against women – something you’d never have dreamt of hearing in “polite” company even a few years ago in what is still a puritanical country. And the bill, although watered down to win parliamentary support, is at least a step in the right direction.

The reality of contemporary India is still some distance from the carefree and joyous world depicted in Incredible India. But we can hope that the reactions of many Indians – women and men alike – to the scourge of violence against women will help move us closer to that idyllic world.

Rupa Subramanya is co-author of “Indianomix: Making Sense of Modern India,” published by Random House India. You can follow her on Twitter @RupaSubramanya

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This is important to fight for the rights of our Tamil brethren. We must look beyond national interest and not be self-interested like India.

We should care about human rights, dignity, and the right to self-determination by all communities.

Having a free Tamil Eelam without TN is like saying you have a free Kosovo with an occupied Albania or a free Northern Ireland with an occupied Ireland.

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