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Incredible Bangladesh

But, no self-centered Indian seems to answer this valid question. You should have asked, if any Indian City can match Dhaka?

Lol do i really have to answer that bro, common. You can have a look at the India thread for your answer. Dhaka looks great but dont troll against Indian cities without knowing anything
She actually belongs to Dhaka but she keeps on telling us stories about Chittagong and Sylhet area. I wish to see BD once in my lifetime offcourse with my mother to rejoice the old memories.

My hometown is sylhet and also the greenest place in BD. You love the landscape and off coure lavish tea garden. Dhaka is busy as hell so if you from karachi than just avoid the damn thing. Chitagonj also nice but now a days you can not leave out cox bazar. I hope you visit bd because you will not dislike it. I promise.
My hometown is sylhet and also the greenest place in BD. You love the landscape and off coure lavish tea garden. Dhaka is busy as hell so if you from karachi than just avoid the damn thing. Chitagonj also nice but now a days you can not leave out cox bazar. I hope you visit bd because you will not dislike it. I promise.
Truth is........ though the geographical map has changed but we both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are still brothers. So many things will always unite us such as our beautiful religion where all the Muslims are bond in brotherhood. Our culture is also very same and once upon a time we were one country.

And we are still ONE by our hearts
Truth is........ though the geographical map has changed but we both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are still brothers.

and all Bangladeshi women are my sisters ;)

I have to admit I don't know much about Bangladesh. I used to think that Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis, but after reading some threads on this forum about Bangladesh, it looks like there are some who don't :blink::blink: which is nice.

Anywayz, nice pictures... keep them coming...
and all Bangladeshi women are my sisters ;)

I have to admit I don't know much about Bangladesh. I used to think that Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis, but after reading some threads on this forum about Bangladesh, it looks like there are some who don't :blink::blink: which is nice.

Anywayz, nice pictures... keep them coming...

yes many bengalis hate still Pakistan but slowly slowly the bitterness is decreasing and both nations are coming closer with each other.

I mean 1971 is about 40 years old now and i wasn't even born those days. So why will/should the bengali hate me when i wasn't even born by that time so will he held me responsible for that just because i am a Pakistani?

Now the next generation has grown up so we are not like before
^^ we have nothing to regret, it were them who were traitors and asked helped from the enemies which killed many people. the terrorist organization muti bahini killed many urdu speakers just because they didnt want separation. the army just did to protect pakistan from breaking apart. let bengalis hate us, we have nothing to regret!!! and let them regret for being troubled by india and let them regret the unforgivable location they have got that i-e 95% sorrounded by india who will not let them sleep and can attack them at any direction. they too have unsable govt which merely acts as indian stooge and give nothing to the people.
don't say that brother

don't start again n again.......... both of us were equally responsible and somehow we Pakistanis were more on mistake.

Shaykh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman had won elections so why did your Bhutto and other leaders did not let him form a government?

I don't wanna start again n again but thats a fact
^^ we have nothing to regret, it were them who were traitors and asked helped from the enemies which killed many people. the terrorist organization muti bahini killed many urdu speakers just because they didnt want separation. the army just did to protect pakistan from breaking apart. let bengalis hate us, we have nothing to regret!!! and let them regret for being troubled by india and let them regret the unforgivable location they have got that i-e 95% sorrounded by india who will not let them sleep and can attack them at any direction. they too have unsable govt which merely acts as indian stooge and give nothing to the people.

I sincerely hope you realize what you are saying and what BS you are spreading and regret driveling such immature, intolerant, uneducated and horrible views.

West Pakistan is more responsible for the Fall of Dhaka than any other entity in south Asia. It is moral cowardice not to accept your own faults. Rejecting the reality and mistakes that have happened is easy compared to trying to learn from the mistakes.

For somebody to understand why the people in East Pakistan were asking for their rights, it is as simple as to understand why a poor man asks for his rights. Economic, political and social isolation aside they were portrayed as the "bhooka bengali" in the western arm.

Much has been penned down in the past three decades to portray India as the evildoer in '71, Mujeeb as the devil and ZAB as the Antichrist. What many fail to realize is that the political alienation had worsened especially after Ayub forced Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy into exile.

It is a separate topic to determine whether it was realistic for a nation to have two arms separated by a hostile enemy, but is within the scope of this topic to determine who shares the most blame. There are a multitude of factors but the single biggest person who faulted was General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan.

Yahay ruled the roost in more than one ways. He was the de-facto President of Facto, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Commander-in-Chief, Pakistan Army. He failed in all of his three positions.

As President, not only did he fail in bringing ZAB and Mujeeb to the table, he only exacerbated the situtation. It was his duty as the man in the seat to negotiate a truce between the two men. He failed.

As Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, he oversaw the war on both frontiers. He held back the attack from the western frontier and the theory that the "defence of the east, lies in the west" thus failed completely. He also failed as the PAF attacks on Indian airfields were delayed (I'm taking points from Shuja Nawaz's and Ahmed Faruqui's books)

As CnC, he oversaw a complete military failure in East Pakistan, supplies were short and a 90,000 strong force surrendered at the hands of an invading Indian Army. Jagjit Singh Arora could have continued slaughtering Pakistanis, he chose to stop when Indira asked so.

Yahya Khan, failed in all of his three roles. He oversaw both the initiation and the commencement of the brutal Operation Searchlight. The number of people killed by the Pakistan Army can be debated, but not the fact that they did kill people. Bangladesh has exaggerated the figures by a large number but the Hamood ur Rehman Commission Report presents a balanced and fair figure which is horrifying to say the least.

There are many people, who will of course defend saying that somehow the people killed ruthlessly were "traitors" and they deserved it. I humbly disagree. Even though the morality of a civil war is a grey area and no black and white lines can be drawn easily but there is no glory and heroism in killing fellow citizens.

India shares the blame as an incoming sea of immigrants is not a reason that can be given for initiating a military conflict nor is there any justification for training rebels. India's war can be summarized as unprovoked, unjustified and clearly aimed at breaking the eastern arm. But this is no reason to completely deny the failures, mistakes and blunders on our side which are far too big to be ignored. The military has purposely tried to disassociate itself from the blunder of East Pakistan and completely laid the blame on ZAB (in the common mentality). The onus, conclusively, lay on Yahya Khan specially and the Pakistan Army in general. The person and the institution failed, let down the country and its citizens and their acts in '71 are shameful to say the least.

Many people, being intolerant and uber-nationalistic, try to associate such views as being treacherous and unpatriotic. The label of "anti-pakistan", CIA/RAW/MOSSAD invariably comes with this. But the history of our nation has been hijacked by a group of people who'd rather have an ignorant, intolerant and opinionated population than a sea of people of embrace diversity, plurality of opinion and can think for themselves rather than relying on jingoistic clap trap that is taught in our history books.

As I said earlier, the people of West Pakistan share quite a lot of blame but India isn't a holy cow here. Infact, I have never been convinced by any book written by Bangladeshis as well as to why they chose to train in camps operated by the IA.

Working the the devil (even if your brother is the devil) is not the right thing to do. Even though I find the actions of many mukti bahinis despicable, inhumane and saddening; I can understand why the people who took up arms but I cannot sympathize with them.

India did not have absolutely any justification for training the mukti bahini and neither did it have any justification of launching a charge on the eastern frontier. Trying to break off the eastern arm is the sole purpose and reason that is visible to me.

Justifications from Indian authors and friends have never convinced me in this regard. I'm open to debate and looking forward to seeing what you have to say about the rationale behind attacking East Pakistan.

Conclusively, the people of East Pakistan were the rightful heirs of the throne of this country. The Punjabi aristocratic elite which sided with the British was nowhere to be seen during the Pakistan Movement. None of these feudals rose to power until Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated. And after that, the Unionist Party dissolved into the Muslim League and became the monster that it is today, feudals who had nothing to do with the creation of Pakistan have forged its policies since then. The Bengalis gave their lives during the Pakistan movement, unlike the thousands of shameless people who were crowned "Khan Bahadur" for the meritorious services to the British crown and the treacherous activities against the nation they belonged to. The Bengalis were deprived economically and politically and they were isolated socially.

Think before you speak next time. Read history and stop spreading hatred. There is no need for you to come on a thread where beautiful pictures of Bangladesh are being posted.

Pakistan Zindabad and Joy Bangla !
and all Bangladeshi women are my sisters ;)

I have to admit I don't know much about Bangladesh. I used to think that Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis, but after reading some threads on this forum about Bangladesh, it looks like there are some who don't :blink::blink: which is nice.

Anywayz, nice pictures... keep them coming...

Shabnam was a Bangali - and she was good!
don't say that brother

don't start again n again.......... both of us were equally responsible and somehow we Pakistanis were more on mistake.

Shaykh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman had won elections so why did your Bhutto and other leaders did not let him form a government?

I don't wanna start again n again but thats a fact

mujeb was not a good guy, he was creating problems for ruling pakistan. why did he sought india's help to create a separate federation, why he didnt negotiate with west pakistan just to satisfy his ego, and why he was responsible for the killings of many urdu speakers and looting there property, why his party supported muki bahini to create the greatest massacres of all time??. why his legacy hasina always bends towards india and behaves like an indian stooge???. bangaldeshis didnt want the separation but it was because of mujeb's propaganda also involving indian propaganda that separated the country and that why i say hes a traitor and bengla treasonand the blood of pakistanis should never be forgiven and forgotten in pakistan.

at sparklingway, being a pakistani what is motivating you to harshly support bengla view?? any reason
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at sparklingway, being a pakistani what is motivating you to harshly support bengla view?? any reason

Because I happen to have studied this subject in detail and am not enclosed in jingoistic clap trap that you've learned from adultered versions of history. My opinion resonates in many, many autobiographies and historical accounts written by known intellectuals, who are sane enough to recognize that denying a sad event cannot bring closure to either Bangladesh or Pakistan.

You happen to have ignored my post entirely, perhaps because you do not have arguments to support your claims except claiming that Mujeeb was a tratior and somehow "Urdu speaking people" were massacred, as you seem to have ignored the blood of Pakistani civilians shed by the guns and bayonets of our very own soldiers.

I am not going to comment further on Operation Searchlight and the massacre that followed because it is heart wrenching and controversial.

I would appreciate if Bangladeshi friends here ignore this unfruitful discussion on a thread supposed to celebrate the beauty of Bangladesh.
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mujeb was not a good guy, he was creating problems for ruling pakistan. why did he sought india's help to create a separate federation, why he didnt negotiate with west pakistan just to satisfy his ego, and why he was responsible for the killings of many urdu speakers and looting there property, why his party supported muki bahini to create the greatest massacres of all time??. why his legacy hasina always bends towards india and behaves like an indian stooge???. bangaldeshis didnt want the separation but it was because of mujeb's propaganda also involving indian propaganda that separated the country and that why i say hes a traitor and bengla treasonand the blood of pakistanis should never be forgiven and forgotten in pakistan.

My dear brother please don't argue on what you know nothing :smokin: you are going to regret if you kept arguing like that. 1-2 Lectures of Mr Hamid (i have watched those videos) will not make you aware of the circumstances from 1962/63 until the 1971 :disagree: you need to read it thoroughly to judge who was on mistake.

Had our west Pakistan showed some signs of maturity and not greedness of power we could still have been the same country.

I would say only 1 word.......... it was Mr Bhutto who said "Udhar tum idhar hum" and not Mujeeb-ur-Rehman or anybody from East Pakistan.

Let Bangladeshi members enjoy posting pictures in this thread and not discuss about this topic further in this thread
Hammy Boy Please don't derail this thread.. please... This thread is about beautiful pictures of Bangladesh.. and it is the right time you make peace with Iranians, Punjabis and Bengalis.. :D

Mods should delete all the irrelevant posts from this thread... ;)
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