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IN YOUR FACE SHANGHIS,BHAKTS !In Kerala, a Beef-Eating Fest to Protest Against Beef Ban

The Hindu Mahasabha trolls are a real problem now. Perhaps they want to be the new Sangh. But they never did much for the people anyway, other than nuisance.
The problem is that people only see Hindu when it comes to this kind of attacks and will consider the whole as dangerous irrespective of reality..Sooner the govt curb this kind of nuicense the better..

I understand. But just the cow. Please, just a request...

Lolz you dont have to worry about me.. In my home we only buy buffalo meat or Ox meat.. Not much that of a cow fan..
The problem is that people only see Hindu when it comes to this kind of attacks and will consider the whole as dangerous irrespective of reality..Sooner the govt curb this kind of nuicense the better..

Lolz you dont have to worry about me.. In my home we only buy buffalo meat or Ox meat.. Not much that of a cow fan..
Yes, but mountains are also rapidly made out of molehills. I hope the media is reined in.
The Government should also do it's bit.
Yes, but mountains are also rapidly made out of molehills. I hope the media is reined in.
The Government should also do it's bit.

The basic point is govt has no right to interfere on what people should eat..Govt here acted as an agent for religious entity..What would be your reaction if govt banned pork to satisfy muslim community?
The basic point is govt has no right to interfere on what people should eat..Govt here acted as an agent for religious entity..What would be your reaction if govt banned pork to satisfy muslim community?
Actually in this case the Government is well within its rights.
1. This is not a new demand. A 19 year old recommendation was passed by the President.

2. This is for Maharashtra. Considering the lack of protests, I will assume it is welcomed on the whole.

3. Promised in the Constitution. Article 48. The different communities were given a bare minimum guidelines to follow. Protection of cow was one of them and still is enshrined in it. There are severe penalties for example if one tears The Holy Quran for example...even though it's printed just like any other book. This article selectively can't go. The protection of other religious sensibilities should also go.
Maharashtra beef traders begin indefinite strike


Even as it looks unlikely that beef traders in Maharashtra will get any relief soon after a new law banned the sale and purchase of bull meat in the State, they have gone on an indefinite strike and boycotted the slaughter of buffaloes, which is permitted under law.

As a result of their strike, activities at the slaughterhouses across Maharashtra including the Deonar Abattoir — the largest slaughterhouse in Asia located in Chembur, a Mumbai suburb — have been severely hit.

Right after President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent to the Maharashtra State Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill (1995) which came into existence during the previous Sena-BJP government, the State cracked down on beef trade causing heartburn to thousands of people engaged in the industry.

As an act of solidarity towards their associates who who sell bull meat — now banned and punishable by five years imprisonment — traders selling buffalo meat, which is permissible under law, have boycotted activities.

Around 900 shops in Mumbai — an overwhelming majority of them are bull meat dealers — and all the associations have decided to stop functioning till the government gives us an alternate means of livelihood,” said Mohammed Qureshi, president of the Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealers’ Association.

The ban on bull slaughter and the dealers' boycott of buffalo slaughter has impacted activities and livelihood at the Deonar Abattoir, which is running a loss of Rs. 80,000 to Rs 1 lakh per day, said K.A Pathan, deputy general manager of the slaughterhouse.

"Only goats and sheep are being slaughtered. Buffalo slaughter has also stopped. It has affected the lives of the assistants, workers and officials who work here,” Dr. Pathan said.

Earlier this week, hundreds of butchers, beef traders, workers at slaughterhouses and employees in the leather and chemical industry, which are closely linked to the supply of cattle, staged a massive dharna at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan. They are now mulling a larger agitation even as they are fighting their cause legally.

According to the traders, bull meat is preferred to buffalo meat and it is pointless to allow the slaughter of buffaloes. “Around 450-500 bulls would be slaughtered at Deonar daily. In comparison, only 10-15 per cent of that figure is buffaloes. So our brothers who sell buffalo meat have lent support to the others and joined the agitation as a sign of unity,” Mr. Qureshi said.

While members of the Qureshi community, traditional butchers, have been severely hit by the ban, the worse affected in the short-run are the workers engaged with the beef business. These workers, labourers and assistants who work on a hand-to-mouth basis earning wages of Rs 350-400 daily find themselves against the wall.

Maharashtra beef traders begin indefinite strike - The Hindu
Maharashtra beef traders begin indefinite strike


Even as it looks unlikely that beef traders in Maharashtra will get any relief soon after a new law banned the sale and purchase of bull meat in the State, they have gone on an indefinite strike and boycotted the slaughter of buffaloes, which is permitted under law.

As a result of their strike, activities at the slaughterhouses across Maharashtra including the Deonar Abattoir — the largest slaughterhouse in Asia located in Chembur, a Mumbai suburb — have been severely hit.

Right after President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent to the Maharashtra State Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill (1995) which came into existence during the previous Sena-BJP government, the State cracked down on beef trade causing heartburn to thousands of people engaged in the industry.

As an act of solidarity towards their associates who who sell bull meat — now banned and punishable by five years imprisonment — traders selling buffalo meat, which is permissible under law, have boycotted activities.

Around 900 shops in Mumbai — an overwhelming majority of them are bull meat dealers — and all the associations have decided to stop functioning till the government gives us an alternate means of livelihood,” said Mohammed Qureshi, president of the Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealers’ Association.

The ban on bull slaughter and the dealers' boycott of buffalo slaughter has impacted activities and livelihood at the Deonar Abattoir, which is running a loss of Rs. 80,000 to Rs 1 lakh per day, said K.A Pathan, deputy general manager of the slaughterhouse.

"Only goats and sheep are being slaughtered. Buffalo slaughter has also stopped. It has affected the lives of the assistants, workers and officials who work here,” Dr. Pathan said.

Earlier this week, hundreds of butchers, beef traders, workers at slaughterhouses and employees in the leather and chemical industry, which are closely linked to the supply of cattle, staged a massive dharna at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan. They are now mulling a larger agitation even as they are fighting their cause legally.

According to the traders, bull meat is preferred to buffalo meat and it is pointless to allow the slaughter of buffaloes. “Around 450-500 bulls would be slaughtered at Deonar daily. In comparison, only 10-15 per cent of that figure is buffaloes. So our brothers who sell buffalo meat have lent support to the others and joined the agitation as a sign of unity,” Mr. Qureshi said.

While members of the Qureshi community, traditional butchers, have been severely hit by the ban, the worse affected in the short-run are the workers engaged with the beef business. These workers, labourers and assistants who work on a hand-to-mouth basis earning wages of Rs 350-400 daily find themselves against the wall.

Maharashtra beef traders begin indefinite strike - The Hindu

This is wonderful :yahoo:

Now even the lives of buffalo's will be saved. :tup: ............... Things are getting better and better.
North India's Hinduism and it's core elements like RSS wants to dominate infidels viz., Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc. Since they are against beef, they want to implement cow slaughter ban, pan-India. same way, the bigotry to enforce Hindi as national language. I am proud of Kerala..This knickeratti army must be feeling very frustrated to learn that India is not equal to North India.
I blamed Tamils for their nationalistic tendencies and their defensive ways against RSS guided North Indian agendas like all Indians are one race, all ancient Indians spoke Hindi/sanskrit and trying to legitimize OIT by sponsoring scientific studies to suit their propaganda. Annadurai and few other tamil leaders understood during the British Raj itself that, Northern India irrespective of being Hindu majority have the same mindset and similar people like Afghans and Pakistanis..they are ethnically driven and they see NE, South as territories more or less.
T T. Krishanamachari said:

We disliked the English language in the past. I disliked it because I was forced to learn Shakespeare and Milton, for which I had no taste at all. If we are going to be compelled to learn Hindi, I would perhaps not be able to learn it because of my age, and perhaps I would not be willing to do it because of the amount of constraint you put on me. This kind of intolerance makes us fear that the strong Centre which we need, a strong Centre which is necessary will also mean the enslavement of people who do not speak the language at the centre. I would, Sir, convey a warning on behalf of people of the South for the reason that there are already elements in South India who want separation..., and my honourable friends in U.P. do not help us in any way by flogging their idea of "Hindi Imperialism" to the maximum extent possible. So, it is up to my friends in Uttar Pradesh to have a whole India; it is up to them to have a Hindi-India. The choice is theirs.

Very few people in south have understood that Nation's key is in the hands of Delhi-Punjabi-UP babus who have no tolerance to other cultures. They want India=Punjab-Delhi-UP-Bihar.. The most fanatic Hindutva fascists also hails from the north of India and their indoctrination directly or indirectly through propaganda made India elect a rightwing radical party in the centre.

Now, We are told that eating beef makes you a infidel..I mean what is the difference between you fanatic lot and Taliban? You have no respect for other Indians following non-Hindu religions. You don't respect adhakruta castes and tribes, your Hindutva is brahmin supremacy at the end. the baggage of hatred from partition against Muslims also is a big reason. Your India and their India is different. Their(Sangh-NI) India is the India for the Hindu. Other religions are perpetually cornered into Dhimmitude, all thanks to the fanatic nature of North Indian Hinduism. constricted view of India..Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan...baaki sab kaafir
North India's Hinduism and it's core elements like RSS wants to dominate infidels viz., Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc. Since they are against beef, they want to implement cow slaughter ban, pan-India. same way, the bigotry to enforce Hindi as national language. I am proud of Kerala..This knickeratti army must be feeling very frustrated to learn that India is not equal to North India.
I blamed Tamils for their nationalistic tendencies and their defensive ways against RSS guided North Indian agendas like all Indians are one race, all ancient Indians spoke Hindi/sanskrit and trying to legitimize OIT by sponsoring scientific studies to suit their propaganda. Annadurai and few other tamil leaders understood during the British Raj itself that, Northern India irrespective of being Hindu majority have the same mindset and similar people like Afghans and Pakistanis..they are ethnically driven and they see NE, South as territories more or less.
T T. Krishanamachari said:

We disliked the English language in the past. I disliked it because I was forced to learn Shakespeare and Milton, for which I had no taste at all. If we are going to be compelled to learn Hindi, I would perhaps not be able to learn it because of my age, and perhaps I would not be willing to do it because of the amount of constraint you put on me. This kind of intolerance makes us fear that the strong Centre which we need, a strong Centre which is necessary will also mean the enslavement of people who do not speak the language at the centre. I would, Sir, convey a warning on behalf of people of the South for the reason that there are already elements in South India who want separation..., and my honourable friends in U.P. do not help us in any way by flogging their idea of "Hindi Imperialism" to the maximum extent possible. So, it is up to my friends in Uttar Pradesh to have a whole India; it is up to them to have a Hindi-India. The choice is theirs.

Very few people in south have understood that Nation's key is in the hands of Delhi-Punjabi-UP babus who have no tolerance to other cultures. They want India=Punjab-Delhi-UP-Bihar.. The most fanatic Hindutva fascists also hails from the north of India and their indoctrination directly or indirectly through propaganda made India elect a rightwing radical party in the centre.

Now, We are told that eating beef makes you a infidel..I mean what is the difference between you fanatic lot and Taliban? You have no respect for other Indians following non-Hindu religions. You don't respect adhakruta castes and tribes, your Hindutva is brahmin supremacy at the end. the baggage of hatred from partition against Muslims also is a big reason. Your India and their India is different. Their(Sangh-NI) India is the India for the Hindu. Other religions are perpetually cornered into Dhimmitude, all thanks to the fanatic nature of North Indian Hinduism. constricted view of India..Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan...baaki sab kaafir

This is exactly how I feel. Folks from the North are less tolerant than their southern folks whether it concerns - diet, religion, language, etc... Tamils sensed this long ago, pre-independence. They single handed took the blame for anti-hindi agitation and and rest of us enjoyed the benefits of this pluralism. Just imagine, the central entrance exams in Hindi, we would have been at a severe disadvantage. English evens the playing field. All hail our Tamil brethren.

We need a true federalism, a true devolution of powers in all aspects except defense.

Indian states ranking by fertility rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The center of gravity of India is already moving North. See the chart above. South India is already having a declining population [2.1 required for a sustaining population], along with WB,HP, Punjab. Hope all us become more tolerant/liberal before any serious friction emerges.
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North India's Hinduism and it's core elements like RSS wants to dominate infidels viz., Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc. Since they are against beef, they want to implement cow slaughter ban, pan-India. same way, the bigotry to enforce Hindi as national language. I am proud of Kerala..This knickeratti army must be feeling very frustrated to learn that India is not equal to North India.
I blamed Tamils for their nationalistic tendencies and their defensive ways against RSS guided North Indian agendas like all Indians are one race, all ancient Indians spoke Hindi/sanskrit and trying to legitimize OIT by sponsoring scientific studies to suit their propaganda. Annadurai and few other tamil leaders understood during the British Raj itself that, Northern India irrespective of being Hindu majority have the same mindset and similar people like Afghans and Pakistanis..they are ethnically driven and they see NE, South as territories more or less.
T T. Krishanamachari said:

We disliked the English language in the past. I disliked it because I was forced to learn Shakespeare and Milton, for which I had no taste at all. If we are going to be compelled to learn Hindi, I would perhaps not be able to learn it because of my age, and perhaps I would not be willing to do it because of the amount of constraint you put on me. This kind of intolerance makes us fear that the strong Centre which we need, a strong Centre which is necessary will also mean the enslavement of people who do not speak the language at the centre. I would, Sir, convey a warning on behalf of people of the South for the reason that there are already elements in South India who want separation..., and my honourable friends in U.P. do not help us in any way by flogging their idea of "Hindi Imperialism" to the maximum extent possible. So, it is up to my friends in Uttar Pradesh to have a whole India; it is up to them to have a Hindi-India. The choice is theirs.

Very few people in south have understood that Nation's key is in the hands of Delhi-Punjabi-UP babus who have no tolerance to other cultures. They want India=Punjab-Delhi-UP-Bihar.. The most fanatic Hindutva fascists also hails from the north of India and their indoctrination directly or indirectly through propaganda made India elect a rightwing radical party in the centre.

Now, We are told that eating beef makes you a infidel..I mean what is the difference between you fanatic lot and Taliban? You have no respect for other Indians following non-Hindu religions. You don't respect adhakruta castes and tribes, your Hindutva is brahmin supremacy at the end. the baggage of hatred from partition against Muslims also is a big reason. Your India and their India is different. Their(Sangh-NI) India is the India for the Hindu. Other religions are perpetually cornered into Dhimmitude, all thanks to the fanatic nature of North Indian Hinduism. constricted view of India..Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan...baaki sab kaafir
there are many in the north who oppose the ban, based not on religion but for the sake of personal freedoms.

modi has seen the light, he is the no1 pillar in the RSS fifth column.. sabka saath, sabka vikaas ;)

big business got it under control, bad both for sons of cows chaddis and mullahs alike.. noone will be allowed to get in the way of progress, wait and see :coffee:
The problem is that people only see Hindu when it comes to this kind of attacks and will consider the whole as dangerous irrespective of reality..Sooner the govt curb this kind of nuicense the better..

WRT the attack:
Petrol bombs thrown at the TV office, no damage,to property or people
Incident happened at 3 AM Chennai, but the guy surrendered at 8 in the morning at the Madurai high court..he took a flight to surrender there?
Also while surrendering, always wear full saffron, shirt veshti, cap etc

Maybe he could not find saffron slippers :lol:
Part of some random group called "Hindu Ilaingyar Sena" ..group never heard of.
very strange?

You will see more of these "attacks" happening just like how they started in Delhi and then Mangalore.

NGO funding is being squeezed, you can see reactions to this both here (with such incidents) and the U.S:
Religious freedom slipped in India, US Senators told | Zee News
Bhai, I am frm Hyderabad... :agree::agree: and yeah !! kerala's secularism at times makes tears roll in my eyes...:cry::cry:


Mate, three RSS persons had arrested for throwing beef inside the temple to create communal tension..I have posted the news on Kerala Corner some times back..

WRT the attack:
Petrol bombs thrown at the TV office, no damage,to property or people
Incident happened at 3 AM Chennai, but the guy surrendered at 8 in the morning at the Madurai high court..he took a flight to surrender there?
Also while surrendering, always wear full saffron, shirt veshti, cap etc

Maybe he could not find saffron slippers :lol:
Part of some random group called "Hindu Ilaingyar Sena" ..group never heard of.
very strange?

You will see more of these "attacks" happening just like how they started in Delhi and then Mangalore.

NGO funding is being squeezed, you can see reactions to this both here (with such incidents) and the U.S:
Religious freedom slipped in India, US Senators told | Zee News

Four persons were arrested after police verfying CCTV camera..As for he is wearing safffron dress, may be he is hard core just like a mullah type..
Seriously @Gufi You think i am worried about your negative rankings, infact every Negative rating is a KUDOS i earned for me for my nation against Pakistan :D
Drop the facade we are Enemy states.:D
Ask your handlers.

@Gufi Give me another Kudos,:D Come on! ;)

Good! another one @Gufi

Good! Give me another one @Gufi i am waiting,LoL
Do you think i care about your ratings? For me it's a blessing :D

One thing, you can never expect is Mercy from us .
@Gufi ;) Gimme another Negative rating!

Congratulations on your Negative Rating :tup: ............ that is now 20 Medals.

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