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In War Season, Beware Of Indian Disinformation Campaigns (Indian media)

No Main stram media reported that. It was another blog called the Quint

Ingact MSM debunked that story. No one in India believed that story

It is more like creating a divergent from the main focus like Kashmir and Pakistan War on Terrorism. Most probably, except such so-called strike, it is going to be a terrorist attack inside Pakistan as usual to validate the Indian statement as "befitting reply" or "to teach a lesson".

Hope the sanity may prevail and Indian Government would grill such fake Media outlets or bloggers to certify it as :Not by GoI" at all.
country who cant shoot JH-7
and capture enemies troops who entered occupied areas
will fights with us
we will directly use NUKES
we make them for india not for showcase

Or you can simply have a civilian walk it over towards the border---drop it at an appropriate location and the other party can come and pick it up---.


I am sure that a strike is going to happen----. India will strike this time---how and when---I do not know that yet---but it will happen.

Well, India will think twice. Because front will be Kashmir. Indian water source .
Muharram is coming-----
Muharram is coming-----

By viewing the track record and after perusal, it is very much possible that such attempt would be like hitting a soft target that we have been facing due to terrorism inside Pakistan and also, not to forget that there would be more apply of force in Kashmir and rise in atrocities. Such stunts could be made to divert attention from the main concern, forcing Pakistan to worry about such attacks from outside yet a possible Terrorism through paid mercenaries.
By viewing the track record and after perusal, it is very much possible that such attempt would be like hitting a soft target that we have been facing due to terrorism inside Pakistan and also, not to forget that there would be more apply of force in Kashmir and rise in atrocities. Such stunts could be made to divert attention from the main concern, forcing Pakistan to worry about such attacks from outside yet a possible Terrorism through paid mercenaries.
Suicide attacks in Pak are a possibility but I was implying something else, war is approaching-------
Suicide attacks in Pak are a possibility but I was implying something else, war is approaching-------

Well in such times where threat is visible, we are ready for any possible attempt though any way of incursion cannot be ruled out and be like staying buckled up.
Well in such times where threat is visible, we are ready for any possible attempt though any way of incursion cannot be ruled out and be like staying buckled up.
Ask paf to mend their ways, their ego would certainly take us down----
Ask paf to mend their ways, their ego would certainly take us down----

I know, for me as well, we have love for the forced yet want to see with everything. In short dear, as I put somewhere else, many of things have started to change even the moving motion got Pace, benchmarks are raised.

Such ego thing is not there but there are certainly some constraints but may need some time as far as I can see hence different and constantly updating strategy at the moment. The element of secrecy cannot be ruled out as well for such development and there are serious concerns, feasibility and work w.r.t tactics of adversary. Hope you understand.
Indian Government and Media Disinformation Lies about the CPI(Maoist) and the Indian Revolution

India is a land of tremendous poverty, and tremendous exploitation and oppression of workers, peasants (small-scale farmers), women, minority nationalities, the lower castes, minority religious groups, and other sections of the people. When the people resist and fight back against this exploitation and oppression, they and their organizations are regularly vilified in campaigns of lies and disinformation by the ruling class and its government and media. This is particularly the case against those who seek to overthrow this system of exploitation and oppression entirely, the revolutionaries and their parties, and especially against the Maoists and the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

While such government and media campaigns of lies and disinformation have existed all along, recently they have been greatly expanded and intensified, as part of a new ruling class effort to wipe out the Maoists and revolutionary movement. While this new effort is primarily a military campaign directed at the Maoists and the masses, the government knows that it cannot be successful unless it also stops the growing levels of mass support for the Maoists and the revolution. It can’t possibly accomplish this by telling the truth about how Maoist revolutionaries arise from and work among the masses and support their interests, big and small, short-term and long-term. Thus the only thing left for the government and ruling class media to do is to spread lies about the revolutionaries.

The Indian lies are many and varied. Individual revolutionaries and leaders of the masses are falsely accused of venal motives, crimes, and pursuit of their own private interests. Chhatradhar Mahato, for example, a leader of the adivasis in the Lalgarh village area of West Bengal, a mass movement which has been supported by the Maoists, has been falsely accused of being a rich absentee landlord himself in another locality. (See Mahato section below.) And all sorts of criminal activities including murders and rapes which occur, including many carried out by fascist gangs organized by the big landlords, or even by the “security forces” themselves, are falsely blamed on the CPI(Maoist). One recent case in point is the Amousi Massacre (see below).

There have in fact been a small number of incidents where the CPI(Maoist) or other revolutionary forces have inadvertently harmed or killed people who were actually part of the masses and not the enemy. One case occurred during the 2009 Lok Sabha elections when some election poll workers were mistaken for paramilitary troops and killed in a bomb blast in the Lalgarh area. But when these very infrequent and unfortunate events do occur the CPI(Maoist) always accepts the blame, publicly admits its error, criticizes itself, and takes steps to try to prevent similar things from happening again. (See “On the Election Boycott Tactic of the Maoists: A Response by a Spokesperson of the CPI(Maoist)” for a discussion of this particular event.) It seems to us that the CPI(Maoist) party has already well demonstrated that part of what they understand to mean their responsibility to the people also means accepting full responsibility for their mistakes.

Consequently, when some new claim of outrageous behavior against the people is ascribed to the Maoists, and the Maoists themselves do not accept responsibility for it, it is reasonable to conclude that this is simply another episode in the continuing disinformation campaign of the government and ruling class media. We at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will do our best to investigate these claims and bring out the actual truth of the matter, whatever that may be. In each section below, the newest items are at the top.
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