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In the shadow of war: Indian offers biryani comfort to Israeli troops

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Mughals were Indians. PERIOD.

Mughals told British that they were Hindustani. Go find out when they said they were Pakistani? Till then dont bother.

The legacy of all Muslims belongs to Pakistan. You bhaiyas are driving me crazy today.
In any case, It's not Indian either, and the best Biriyani in the subcontinent is made by Muslims. Stick to your daal and chapati.
Muslim does not mean non Indian. The hyderabadi and UP muslims are also Indians, not purelanders who blow up for being the wrong kind of pure.

It is more Indian than Pakistani. There was no such thing as Pakistani before 1947, but there was Bharat, there was Arabia, there was Afghanistan, there was Persia, there was Turkey. Don't try to borrow all these people's accomplishemnts and call it yours, as you did.
The legacy of all Muslims belongs to Pakistan. You bhaiyas are driving me crazy today.

The legacy of all Muslims belongs to Pakistan. You bhaiyas are driving me crazy today.
HAHA. So like I said before, you try to bask in the reflected glory of other people. Pathetic.

BTW there is another thread running that Arab muslims have been forbidden from marrying Pakistanis. Pity they don't share your idea of borrowed legacy - they distance themselves from you.

You are Pakistanis - nothing more. You have no cultural accomplishments of your own, so you try to pretend other people's as yours. You have no history, no pride. You are Pakistani. Deal with it.
Muslim does not mean non Indian. The hyderabadi and UP muslims are also Indians, not purelanders who blow up for being the wrong kind of pure.

It is more Indian than Pakistani. There was no such thing as Pakistani before 1947, but there was Bharat, there was Arabia, there was Afghanistan, there was Persia, there was Turkey. Don't try to borrow all these people's accomplishemnts and call it yours, as you did.

Such attitude after being ruled for 1000 years only proves that you bhartis resent us, but you should be happy we introduced these cuisines to you, otherwise you would be eating daal chapati and paneer.
Such attitude after being ruled for 1000 years only proves that you bhartis resent us, but you should be happy we introduced these cuisines to you, otherwise you would be eating daal chapati and paneer.

1000 yrs? Plz count the start to end date? Sorry if I asked a Mathematical task. U can deny if its beyond ur abilities. :D
Such attitude after being ruled for 1000 years only proves that you bhartis resent us, but you should be happy we introduced these cuisines to you, otherwise you would be eating daal chapati and paneer.
Ruled by whom? You? You were also ruled. Much more so than us. If I change my religion to christianity tomorrow, I will not boast of having set up an empire on which the sun never sets.

Present day Pakistan was ruled by Indians, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Arabs, Turks, Afghans etc. Your history is the history of being conquered and pillaged. In present day India, most parts have not had such a fate. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Assam etc were not ruled by Arabs or TUrks or afghans. While they were ruling you, we had our own Chola and MAratha and other empires.

For the last time - you were not the conquerer; you were the conquered, no matter what your mullah told you. And finally when you had a country of your own, we cut it into two, with one part being our client and the other being one of the worst places on earth.
Looks like a good PR and Advertising initiative for her business
Why not biryani to Palestine children and civilians. When children get hurt, we should condemn bombing , no matter who they are.
No water, no food, No shelter for Palestinians. They are hungry and thirsty from weeks.
Ruled by whom? You? You were also ruled. Much more so than us. If I change my religion to christianity tomorrow, I will not boast of having set up an empire on which the sun never sets.

Present day Pakistan was ruled by Indians, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Arabs, Turks, Afghans etc. Your history is the history of being conquered and pillaged. In present day India, most parts have not had such a fate. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Assam etc were not ruled by Arabs or TUrks or afghans. While they were ruling you, we had our own Chola and MAratha and other empires.

For the last time - you were not the conquerer; you were the conquered, no matter what your mullah told you. And finally when you had a country of your own, we cut it into two, with one part being our client and the other being one of the worst places on earth.

And the slave tells re-written history to his master. The pompous attitude of you bhaiyas is flabbergasting.
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