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In the shadow of war: Indian offers biryani comfort to Israeli troops

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The legacy of all Muslims belongs to Pakistan. You bhaiyas are driving me crazy today.
To bhenji why are u getting bothered,first take care of legacy of ur family,then take care of muslims l.
Man curry is awesome.

Though Chinese curry is not the same as South Asian curry, you might be shocked when you see it. It's thin and soupy, based on SE Asian curry, which we got from ethnic Chinese diaspora in SE Asia.
no it was started with dumbs bowing to stones ;)
And who do you bow to? You bow in the direction of Kabba. Do you really believe Allah is present there? All I know is there is a stone sitting in Kabba and for kissing and bowing in front of it, you guys go for haj. So now define me dumbs again?
And who do you bow to? You bow in the direction of Kabba. Do you really believe Allah is present there? All I know is there is a stone sitting in Kabba and for kissing and bowing in front of it, you guys go for haj. So now define me dumbs again?

LOL ur dumb to think that Allah is in the Kaaba LOL that were some stupid fools to worship a stone hahaha what a do do
LOL ur dumb to think that Allah is in the Kaaba LOL that were some stupid fools to worship a stone hahaha what a do do
I never said Allah is there, I was interested in knowing your reasons for bowing to a structure which just host a stone. why exactly you guys bow to a stone when you find it offensive others doing the same?
no 007 the kaaba was built by ABRAHAM (PBUH) and the foundation was laid by ADAM(pbuh) is the first place built for the worship of ALLAH the idols that were put there by the arab pagans were removed by MUHAMMED(PBUH) .all muslims in the world pray facing the Kaaba .
When the pagan arabs had there idols in there Muslims used to face the Mosque in Palestine .
Im Not offended at all in how anyone prays
no 007 the kaaba was built by ABRAHAM (PBUH) and the foundation was laid by ADAM(pbuh) is the first place built for the worship of ALLAH the idols that were put there by the arab pagans were removed by MUHAMMED(PBUH) .all muslims in the world pray facing the Kaaba .
When the pagan arabs had there idols in there Muslims used to face the Mosque in Palestine .
Im Not offended at all in how anyone prays
I replied to one of the Jana's stupid post using her logic against her. My question was not demeaning to any one anyways.

My question still stands why do you bow in the direction of Kaba when you say you bow your head only in front of Allah only and consider bowing head in front of manmade structures unislamic?
Biryani is pakistani dish, the only speciality that indians can offer to the world is perhaps "cow cola" which is indeed their very own indigenous beverage :lol:
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I replied to one of the Jana's stupid post using her logic against her. My question was not demeaning to any one anyways.

My question still stands why do you bow in the direction of Kaba when you say you bow your head only in front of Allah only and consider bowing head in front of manmade structures unislamic?
Actually Kaaba was arab pagan's holy site.It used to generate a lot of income for people of mecca.When Muhammad asked the Meccans to convert to Islam ,they vehemently denied it thinking they would lose all the revenue from Kaaba as Muhammad was against idol worship.Muhammad realised that he could not convince ppl of mecca to his religion if he devoids them of the revenue that was being generated from Kaaba.So,he became a little bit flexible in case of Kaaba and gave it a place in his religion.All the rituals which are being practiced at kaaba and during hajj are directly taken from pre Islamic Arab pagan religion.Kaaba consisted of many idols bcoz of which pagans would kiss it.I strongly believe that when Islam adopted this kissing ritual ,people thought it consisted of Allah.But over a period of time some ppl questioned it.Even today many Muslims believe that Kaaba is the house of Allah and would be ready to sacrifice their life for it.They are infact more idolaters than hindus .This is the history behind Muslims kissing kaaba(Muslims will deny though).Hope it helps you.
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