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In preparation for war with China, the US military will purchase over 12,000+ JASSM stealth cruise missiles and 1,300+ LRASMs and may increase further

I doubt if US will bring everything there just for Taiwan, besides, with China's unrivaled shipbuilding capability, we'll see a major shift of naval power in 10-15 years, the window is closing fast on US.

The U.S. can as quickly take out another country's ship-building capacity, and even if the Chinese do the same to the U.S., enough friendly countries are willing to build up and supply the U.S.
As we've seen in Ukraine & Russian Wars, the U.S. doesn't need to move, supply locally and turn the conflict into a meat grinder. However, the longer you wait, the fewer the chances of a successful recapture. Taiwan will be built into a fortress island.
I doubt if US will bring everything there just for Taiwan, besides, with China's unrivaled shipbuilding capability, we'll see a major shift of naval power in 10-15 years, the window is closing fast on US.

The US will surge every capability it has in a war with China. The US has two and a half times the VLS cells China has, and unrivaled carrier aviation and nuclear powered submarine fleets.

Chinas lead in overall ships is due to its frigate, corvettes, and missile patrol boats. Those ships aren’t going to last long against the US.
The U.S. can as quickly take out another country's ship-building capacity, and even if the Chinese do the same to the U.S., enough friendly countries are willing to build up and supply the U.S.
As we've seen in Ukraine & Russian Wars, the U.S. doesn't need to move, supply locally and turn the conflict into a meat grinder. However, the longer you wait, the fewer the chances of a successful recapture. Taiwan will be built into a fortress island.
You can bet US putting everything they have on Taiwan conflict, I won't. what Taiwan is to China is different from what it is to US, US has other interests across the globe, it won't risk losing everything in a reginal conflict, its priority is still on Europe. US knows that Taiwan is so close to China and no one can change this fact and sooner or later Taiwan will be reunited, US may delay it but can't stop it from happening eventually, so risking everything is too big a stake for US to just delay something inevitable for some time.

The US will surge every capability it has in a war with China. The US has two and a half times the VLS cells China has, and unrivaled carrier aviation and nuclear powered submarine fleets.

Chinas lead in overall ships is due to its frigate, corvettes, and missile patrol boats. Those ships aren’t going to last long against the US.
You are just a big mouth, as always.
You can bet US putting everything they have on Taiwan conflict, I won't. what Taiwan is to China is different from what it is to US, US has other interests across the globe, it won't risk losing everything in a reginal conflict, its priority is still on Europe. US knows that Taiwan is so close to China and no one can change this fact and sooner or later Taiwan will be reunited, US may delay it but can't stop it from happening eventually, so risking everything is too big a stake for US to just delay something inevitable for some time.

You are just a big mouth, as always.


Nope, not talk. These are US Navy ships under construction or about to be under contract.
The U.S. can as quickly take out another country's ship-building capacity, and even if the Chinese do the same to the U.S., enough friendly countries are willing to build up and supply the U.S.
As we've seen in Ukraine & Russian Wars, the U.S. doesn't need to move, supply locally and turn the conflict into a meat grinder. However, the longer you wait, the fewer the chances of a successful recapture. Taiwan will be built into a fortress island.
China should have secretly supplied weapons to Russia. They will regret it later on, even though China will only continue to more powerful economically and militarily.
China should have secretly supplied weapons to Russia. They will regret it later on, even though China will only continue to more powerful economically and militarily.


I wouldn’t say that it is—yet. It may yet develop into that. But we’ve seen some economic assistance; not strong in terms of the military piece of this. Whatever exercises they do are small, relatively inconsequential. I mean, they’re not without consequence, but they’re not huge military exercises together. In terms of military support and lethal support to Russia, nothing really significant yet. The Russians have asked, for sure; they’re asking a lot of countries for ammunition and so on. But there is a relationship, military relationship, with Iran and Russia, for example—that’s not good.

But with China it’s been very, very modest. And President Xi, I would argue that he—very, very tough guy, hard guy, consummate realist. Very ruthless, Chinese Communist Party, very ruthless; but they’re very realist in the sense that they are keenly aware of cost, benefit, and risk, and they too do not want outright armed conflict with the United States. They recognize—the Chinese do—how powerful the United States is. Despite what people may say out there, the Chinese are fully aware of how powerful the United States is. And so they’re not looking for that kind of armed conflict either. They want to achieve their national objectives, but they want to actually do it without armed conflict.

So we’ll see where that goes, but we’re not seeing yet a full-fledged, really cemented, long-lasting, resilient geopolitical alliance between China and Russia. Could that happen in the future? It could, and we need to be wary of that, and we need to do what we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

They don’t support Russia because China, at its core, fears the United States.


I wouldn’t say that it is—yet. It may yet develop into that. But we’ve seen some economic assistance; not strong in terms of the military piece of this. Whatever exercises they do are small, relatively inconsequential. I mean, they’re not without consequence, but they’re not huge military exercises together. In terms of military support and lethal support to Russia, nothing really significant yet. The Russians have asked, for sure; they’re asking a lot of countries for ammunition and so on. But there is a relationship, military relationship, with Iran and Russia, for example—that’s not good.

But with China it’s been very, very modest. And President Xi, I would argue that he—very, very tough guy, hard guy, consummate realist. Very ruthless, Chinese Communist Party, very ruthless; but they’re very realist in the sense that they are keenly aware of cost, benefit, and risk, and they too do not want outright armed conflict with the United States. They recognize—the Chinese do—how powerful the United States is. Despite what people may say out there, the Chinese are fully aware of how powerful the United States is. And so they’re not looking for that kind of armed conflict either. They want to achieve their national objectives, but they want to actually do it without armed conflict.

So we’ll see where that goes, but we’re not seeing yet a full-fledged, really cemented, long-lasting, resilient geopolitical alliance between China and Russia. Could that happen in the future? It could, and we need to be wary of that, and we need to do what we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

They don’t support Russia because China, at its core, fears the United States.
Keep up the self-glorification, that's what Yankees are good at like US is the indispensable savior and leader of the world indeed the universe. By the way, didn't you run away from the barefooted Taliban in Afghan lately ?
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All those navy ship will going to replace all your old navy ships that are still servicing now. Most of your battle ship were build in 80s that not capable to fight in a future naval battle.
You do know most Chinese ship are also old, look at how many 052D you guys actually have? And then look at how many AB Class Flight 2 and Flight 2A the US have? The "new" ships PLAN built is the 8 Type 055, 25 Type 052D and the Light Carrier they are building. That's not going to be enough to deal with the 52 Flight 2/Flight 2A destroyer

That is before I even have to bring up Ship from Japan, South Korea and even Australia.

You really think Chinese Navy can take out the USN? Honestly?
There will be no cold war.

China is a businessman, they aren't die hard like Soviet back in the days, Chinese works as long as there are interest on them, that's why they can't and won't get into situation like Vietnam or Afghanistan. Unless there is a vested interest for them.
I agree, Taiwan will just say out of reach, and both sides will probably build up until something economically or politically changes on one side or the other in a few decades.

For the PLA, it needs a couple decades of China building up its economic alternatives as well as capacity in the military to be able to asymmetrically deal with these large volumes of threats.

A lot of technological and economic offset strategies expected in this decade, on both sides.

It’s the economic sustainability that China needs to achieve, outside of depending on its current main customers in the west.

Probably many proxy political conflicts in the global south (especially Africa) as both sides vi for influence.
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