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In preparation for war with China, the US military will purchase over 12,000+ JASSM stealth cruise missiles and 1,300+ LRASMs and may increase further

lol, and the PLAN never fought before.
Chinese navy fought the South Vietnamese navy in SCS as SVN got lots of big destroyers and frigates from the US navy in 1970s when US was leaving.

You can 'mean' or interpret whatever you want. Just know that no one serious about war is going to take advice or even motivation from an anonymous internet twerp.
You are nobody just posting your nonsense on the forum too, no military will take your advice.
China should have secretly supplied weapons to Russia. They will regret it later on, even though China will only continue to more powerful economically and militarily.

I said that at the beginning of this conflict, it would have been the best solution to create havoc in Europe at the expense of Russia. This would have allowed the European homeland to bear the brunt, test, and improve the weapons supplied. On top of that, you will exhaust them over time in this conflict while you, in the meantime, get your house in order and re-strategize how you will fight the West and learn to improve operationally.

Most importantly, it would have been possible to keep the West in its continent and not free them to come to East Asia. Eventually, they'll come, no doubt.
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Except that the US is investing to increase its share of semiconductor manufacturing, decreasing the dependence on Taiwan. That might decrease Taiwan’s ability to pay for military supplies.

A lot of what China has to do to prepare to fight and win the war as well as “win the peace” is prepare its population demographically, as well as it spot Erika economic partners. Sure the west is as economically large as ten Africa’s at present, but it doesn’t have to remain that way.

Greater inroads and development of Asian, Africa, and Latin America could make Chinese companies competitive enough to maintain market share and influence in Europe.

This steady economic growth over the next 25 years would help China build up its military, to try to reach its goal of reaching parity as much as possible with the U.S. by 2049 as possible.

China is the largest trading partner with most of the world, usually to its own benefit. Now it needs to build up these countries so they can export more and afford to import more from China, especially in goods they normally import from the west.
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Only thing is, US will not let Taiwan go most likely even until they can replace or catch up with Taiwan semi conductor industry, and anytime before that we will see a dependence of Taiwan and anytime after that Taiwan would still rake in million if not billions of royalties. There are going be a long while before we are all paying the Taiwanese.

On the other hand, there are not much China can do in Africa, it's too unstable for them to be fully developed and China cannot intervene in term of security until they dominate Indian Ocean, otherwise China can't effectively intervene or dictate term in Africa, Latin America is America backyard, I doubt they will allow China a foothold int South America, I mean even country that anti-US to the max does not really allow much economic development with China, which mean the only way China can hope to replace EU and US is Asia, as I said, most countries would likely turn away from China if the Chinese Attack Taiwan in the near future.

And finally, economic growth would actually act against China build up on their military, right now China can do what they do because they are 50% less of a dollar value, I mean the undervalue RMB can churn out more equipment because they have more purchase parity, with economic growth, that parity would started to shrink (you can't expect money to stay the same value with economic growth) which mean they would have to put more money into the defence if the purchasing parity decreased, and being a nation with a large population, it's a double edged sword.

I said that at the beginning of this conflict, it would have been the best solution to create havoc in Europe at the expense of Russia. This would have allowed the European homeland to bear the brunt, test, and improve the weapons supplied. On top of that, you will exhaust them over time in this conflict while you, in the meantime, get your house in order and re-strategize how you will fight the West and learn to improve operationally.

Most importantly, it would have been possible to keep the West in its continent and not free them to come to East Asia. Eventually, they'll come, no doubt.
The threat of sanction is one giant big stick that loom over China, that's why they didn't go all in with Weapon to Russia. I mean sure, Iran was already sanctioned, so did North Korea, there are not much else you can do when they supply drone and munition to Russia, I mean, what are you going to do to them? Sanction them more?

China would be a different case, the Chinese would help whatever they can but cannot be seen helping the Russian in board daylight, I mean, EU screw Russia on oil and gas even tho they need them to literally survive the winter, and yet, they still sanction Russian energy product. They would do that mean they would most likely sever ties with China.

China can supplement Russian income and probably send them dual use technology, but that would be the entire scope of what China can help, unless the Chinese go gamble their relationship with EU and US over this.
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Only thing is, US will not let Taiwan go most likely even until they can replace or catch up with Taiwan semi conductor industry, and anytime before that we will see a dependence of Taiwan and anytime after that Taiwan would still rake in million if not billions of royalties. There are going be a long while before we are all paying the Taiwanese.

On the other hand, there are not much China can do in Africa, it's too unstable for them to be fully developed and China cannot intervene in term of security until they dominate Indian Ocean, otherwise China can't effectively intervene or dictate term in Africa, Latin America is America backyard, I doubt they will allow China a foothold int South America, I mean even country that anti-US to the max does not really allow much economic development with China, which mean the only way China can hope to replace EU and US is Asia, as I said, most countries would likely turn away from China if the Chinese Attack Taiwan in the near future.

And finally, economic growth would actually act against China build up on their military, right now China can do what they do because they are 50% less of a dollar value, I mean the undervalue RMB can churn out more equipment because they have more purchase parity, with economic growth, that parity would started to shrink (you can't expect money to stay the same value with economic growth) which mean they would have to put more money into the defence if the purchasing parity decreased, and being a nation with a large population, it's a double edged sword.

The threat of sanction is one giant big stick that loom over China, that's why they didn't go all in with Weapon to Russia. I mean sure, Iran was already sanctioned, so did North Korea, there are not much else you can do when they supply drone and munition to Russia, I mean, what are you going to do to them? Sanction them more?

China would be a different case, the Chinese would help whatever they can but cannot be seen helping the Russian in board daylight, I mean, EU screw Russia on oil and gas even tho they need them to literally survive the winter, and yet, they still sanction Russian energy product. They would do that mean they would most likely sever ties with China.

China can supplement Russian income and probably send them dual use technology, but that would be the entire scope of what China can help, unless the Chinese go gamble their relationship with EU and US over this.
The first step is indeed building up BRI in Asia. They also lack in soft power, so they need to find a way to help their partner nations that are pariahs or in some form of frosty relations with the international order, exit this status, so they can bring engines of growth and export destinations for China. Finally, helping these countries run efficiently, and have the finances to spend on social services while not endangering their ruling elites will be crucial for making in roads into Africa.

If China can help broker good management in partner nations and get nations to work together , they could only then have a unique angle to be the tech and infrastructure provider of Africa’s growth and benefit accordingly.

Myanmar, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, and the Arab nations will be where China’s Soft power will be made or broken. their deal between the Iranians and the Saudis was the first real step in this regard. All this will probably have to get done over the next 10-15 years too. They will need to do a Palantir style AI advisor system to help their partner nations, who’s elite are based on loyalty more so then competence, run their countries better.
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US must avoid as on paper atleast it want her name to be written as super power loosing influence in Asia special all middle east weaken USA alot soon more nations will be joining against us dollar and it's hagemony USA this time made same mistake pulling string poking nose too all countries matters at once and no one likes this time to be dictatated
China doesn't have much of a choice here..

China is being circled they either spread legs and take it from the behind or come out and push back against this.. Russia did the same thing in regards to Ukraine because both being encircled.

The Americans started encircling the Russians and now attempting to do the same with China but I gotta give it to the Americans they have balls of steel..

China already knows how this is gonna play out there will be 2 decades of tensions here and there before collision.. China fancy itself in this and working tirelessly on making the odds virtually impossible for them to lose any conflict

The US really has no choice if it wants to keep its hegemony. Its either now or never.
With Big Guns come big balls. Its all part of calculation.
The first step is indeed building up BRI in Asia. They also lack in soft power, so they need to find a way to help their partner nations that are pariahs or in some form of frosty relations with the international order, exit this status, so they can bring engines of growth and export destinations for China. Finally, helping these countries run efficiently, and have the finances to spend on social services while not endangering their ruling elites will be crucial for making in roads into Africa.

If China can help broker good management in partner nations and get nations to work together , they could only then have a unique angle to be the tech and infrastructure provider of Africa’s growth and benefit accordingly.

Myanmar, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, and the Arab nations will be where China’s Soft power will be made or broken. their deal between the Iranians and the Saudis was the first real step in this regard. All this will probably have to get done over the next 10-15 years too. They will need to do a Palantir style AI advisor system to help their partner nations, who’s elite are based on loyalty more so then competence, run their countries better.

This is going to be harder than it sound. Of the BRI, the only country that can remotely have a mutually beneficial relationship with China is Brazil, but then that would depend on how US influence in Brazil, Think Tank in US politic thought once Lula comes up and ousted Bolsonaro that US-Brazil relationship is going to go, as Lula is very left leaning, while Lula did warm up with China and Russia since he is in, he hasn't really dropped the relationship completely with the US, mostly because US have a strong say with Brazilian politics and COA have a lot of push into South America, both Russia and China did not, and Lula would need to keep such ties with the US for the sake of Domestic Politics.

Russia is probably going to be a lost clause, as the war with Ukraine drag on, their economic survival is completely depending on China, and I don't know if China would take it up, maybe as a pet project, but most likely what China would do to Russia is to just do the minimum to keep it alive, well, it won't change until at least Putin is gone, that's a sure thing because any money and resource devoted to Russia would just be lining Putin and his friends pocket. It's not going to work

India will probably never going to have a cooperative relationship with China, India want what China has, and they are domestic competitor. I mean if any wester corporation are leaving China, their first place to shop is going to be India, I would doubt China will do anything that benefit India in such a way, i mean sure, if there are mutual benefits. But it probably wouldn't develop India to get them to be more competitive to China......

The thing about soft power is that you cannot have soft power unless you have hard power. I mean, look at US for an example. The US does not get all the allies they have now with just money and development. In fact, US was one time or another at war with most of their allies (Mexico, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain and so on) the concept of soft power borne from hard power, it's the basic stick and carrot policy, you can't separate one another. The problem for China is, until they get to become the undisputed leader in Asia, which mean they have to beaten, most likely militarily and subdue all Asian nation until they can enjoy the same level of Soft Power US enjoy, and if you are just going by and pump money and resource into someone infrastructure, chances are one flip of leadership or just a flip of a mind of leadership, all those effort would have been gone. That's what the US learn from trying to engage in Africa, reality is, once they change the leader, they will just take your money and leave, that's exactly what the Chinese are feeling at the moment.

Without the ability to control that continent, there are no way you can have sure fire return on any development, the US tried it in Americas and Europe and succeed, they tried it in Africa and they failed, would China be able to do the same in Asia? That is the big question anyone should ask.
Well, no, China can't do that too, and China is seriously lacking of ship to the American. Yes, they have a bigger navy, but the most advantage they have is small tonnage corvette and missile boat, it won't work in an open ocean fight. If you just count capital ocean going ship, you have a list like this

A bulk of PLAN ship are old, and when you do a comparation of USN and PLAN. You will see the following difference.

Fleet Carrier - US -11, China - 0
LHD - US -10 - China 3
LPD - US - 12 - China 8
Cruiser - US 22 - China - 7
Destroyer - US -73 (3 Zumwalt Class Destroyer) - China - 40 (30 of those are 052)
LCS/Frigate - US 32 - China - 43
Attack Sub - US - 52 (all nuclear sub) - China -58 (6 Nuclear Sub)
Ballistic Sub - US -14 +4 - China - 12

And that's just PLAN heads up with USN. Japan have 2 LHD, and 2 LPD, 36 Destroyer, 20 Frigate, and around 20 Sub. It will take China a long way to make a combine force bigger than US pacific asset + allies.

Man, your figure is really outdated for China.

The fleet carrier isn't correct, and the nuclear attack sub is way off.
Man, your figure is really outdated for China.

The fleet carrier isn't correct, and the nuclear attack sub is way off.
lol, sure, China have 50 nuclear sub and 11 Fleet Carrier stashed somewhere......
You do know most Chinese ship are also old, look at how many 052D you guys actually have? And then look at how many AB Class Flight 2 and Flight 2A the US have? The "new" ships PLAN built is the 8 Type 055, 25 Type 052D and the Light Carrier they are building. That's not going to be enough to deal with the 52 Flight 2/Flight 2A destroyer

That is before I even have to bring up Ship from Japan, South Korea and even Australia.

You really think Chinese Navy can take out the USN? Honestly?
Yes, I would say Chinese navy has ability to take out most of your USN in first first island chain。 Most important is U.S navy building speed can not keep up with China speed.
Yes, I would say Chinese navy has ability to take out most of your USN in first first island chain。 Most important is U.S navy building speed can not keep up with China speed.
Based on what?

First, You do not have enough Naval unit to do that. Again, this is the comparison in case you have not noticed.

Fleet Carrier - US -11, China - 0
LHD - US -10 - China 3
LPD - US - 12 - China 8
Cruiser - US 22 - China - 7
Destroyer - US -73 (3 Zumwalt Class Destroyer) - China - 40 (30 of those are 052)
LCS/Frigate - US 32 - China - 43
Attack Sub - US - 52 (all nuclear sub) - China -58 (6 Nuclear Sub)
Ballistic Sub - US -14 +4 - China - 12

Second, you do not have any defensive position around First Island Chain, you have your home defence, but you do not have any Island defence on any of the defensive position in Japan, Philippine and West of Taiwan. How do you suggest you can break thru those island defence?

And finally, it's Chinese Navy that have to catch up with the USN, not the other way around. again, refer to the above comparison on how many Naval Asset you have compared to the USN. And then if you want to break the first island chain, you will need to have more ship not just on the USN, but every one of those countries combined.

I would say I have the ability to ask out any supermodel for a date, that does not mean any supermodel have to date me.
Based on what?

First, You do not have enough Naval unit to do that. Again, this is the comparison in case you have not noticed.

Fleet Carrier - US -11, China - 0
LHD - US -10 - China 3
LPD - US - 12 - China 8
Cruiser - US 22 - China - 7
Destroyer - US -73 (3 Zumwalt Class Destroyer) - China - 40 (30 of those are 052)
LCS/Frigate - US 32 - China - 43
Attack Sub - US - 52 (all nuclear sub) - China -58 (6 Nuclear Sub)
Ballistic Sub - US -14 +4 - China - 12

Second, you do not have any defensive position around First Island Chain, you have your home defence, but you do not have any Island defence on any of the defensive position in Japan, Philippine and West of Taiwan. How do you suggest you can break thru those island defence?

And finally, it's Chinese Navy that have to catch up with the USN, not the other way around. again, refer to the above comparison on how many Naval Asset you have compared to the USN. And then if you want to break the first island chain, you will need to have more ship not just on the USN, but every one of those countries combined.

I would say I have the ability to ask out any supermodel for a date, that does not mean any supermodel have to date me.
How? Simple, we are fighting in our back yard but you are not. We can use all our resource and we have short supply line. How can you supply all 11 carrier fleet?
How? Simple, we are fighting in our back yard but you are not. We can use all our resource and we have short supply line. How can you supply all 11 carrier fleet?
You do know we are talking about a "Defensive" situation in the West. China need to break out from US Pacific Asset in the first island chain, not the other way around.

I mean US carrier is going to be around bases in Japan, Philippine and Guam. It's China who need to ATTACK thru the US/Pacific Allies asset in the First Island Chain, not US need to attack China....So the supply issue is on you, as it was always in the attacker, again, the West own all the defense in the First Island Chain, not China...

You are asking how far is the US supplies line for US ship in Japan from the Japanese supply line....(Or Guam or Philippine)
You do know we are talking about a "Defensive" situation in the West. China need to break out from US Pacific Asset in the first island chain, not the other way around.

I mean US carrier is going to be around bases in Japan, Philippine and Guam. It's China who need to ATTACK thru the US/Pacific Allies asset in the First Island Chain, not US need to attack China....So the supply issue is on you, as it was always in the attacker, again, the West own all the defense in the First Island Chain, not China...

You are asking how far is the US supplies line for US ship in Japan from the Japanese supply line....(Or Guam or Philippine)
Wait... only possible China and US in break out war if Taiwan try to claim independent. U.S sent their fleet to help Taiwan during China unify Taiwan by force. China has very right to unify Taiwan for every reason even U.S agree one China policy. So the aggressor is U.S not China. China will not attack U.S fleet and U.S base first but if U.S sent the carrier fleet to intervene Chinese civil war, then China has no choice. You can brock sea lane all you want because you also block your products from China to U.S. China can produce any thing our own. So let see who going to die first.
The US military also has a stockpile of at least 4,000+ Tomahawk cruise missiles.

You see this is why China needs to take Taiwan before 2030. The US is preparing for war with China in the 2030s when all these weapons are in production at scale. That’s everything from B-21, NGAD, Columbia etc, to these weapons.

China needs to move quickly
The utter stupidity of the US. Wht if there is no war? The money you wasted could have beeb us3d to improve th3 lives of your people, the social security in China is now actually better than US in PPP terms. Can you surviv3 without private insurance? We hav3 an obamacare like system overhere. Wake up
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