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In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

Problem with this is that India is supposed to be a secular, democratic nation.

This eating of pork & beef should not constitute on who gets to live in certain areas of India and who doesn't.

If India doesn't stop this, it will be regarded as a banana republic.

Secularism & democracy applies to the land lord as well. It is not restricted to the tenant alone.

Why Muslims ? even hindus get discriminated against for things like eating meat, onions, garlic etc depending on the religion & sensibilities of the land lord.

His property - his rules.
At personal level you can decide what you like and whom you want to be with. Secularism has nothing to do with it.
Govt and commercial establishments cant do it.
It happens every where in south asia. It is ok untill they start kill each others. Can you expect Sindhi and Mohajir to live side by side in karachi.
This happens even in other state. It happens within hindus (upper caste vs lower caste) , govt cant do anything about it, as it is personal choice.
For example, no lower caste people cant enter my house in my ancestral village (even now), what can govt do? Pass a law?
Actually when I first read this article i went into severe depression
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