1). But then why would they attack him?? Why did they assist Stalin if they planned to destroy Soviet Union??
That doesn't make any sense!
In the end it was Stalin who received billions in military and financial assistance from Capitalist West, it was Stalin who the American and British Capitalists called "Uncle Joe!", NOT Hitler.
Before the war, Harry Truman said - if Russian will win, we will help the German, if Germans will win - we will help Russian. So they acted. Some West companies continued to trade with Hitler until 1944.
Gitler and Nazi Germany were created for one purpose - to destroy the Soviet Union. When Hitler in 1939, refused to attack the Soviet Union - he came out of the submission. So he had to be destroyed. Of course, do not want to fight the Anglo-Saxons. But did everything to Hitler eventually invaded the Soviet Union.
2). It was the USSR under Stalin that had a huge, bloated military industrial complex with more than 20,000 Tanks, 10,000 aircraft, and 1 million paratroopers with millions of soldiers and artillery. When Germans invade USSR they only invaded with 3,000 Tanks, 3,000 aircraft, and 5-7,000 artillery pieces.
USSR twenty times larger than Germany, 3 times more than the United States - of course, the vast country must have a huge army.
So why did Britain and American overthrow pro-German gov.t of Yugoslavia???
When? In 1944?
Stalin, just like Lenin, had expansionist goals. He helped to spread Communism to China, North Korea, and other parts of the world. And his successors continued this by helping to spread Communism to Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa and even Latin America.
USSR supported the anti-Western, anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist movements in the Third World. USSR was not profited from the fact that the communist regime was installed somewhere. USSR did not claimed to be super-nation, created to rule others. Maximum - "Big brother". I would prefer to have an older brother than a master-exploiter, and you?
And secondly, there were still a lot of Jews in the Soviet Communist regime under Stalins rule, one of the most prominent ones and a mass murderer by the name of Lavrentiy Beria
Other prominent Jews and mass murderers under Stalinist regime were Lazar Kaganovich, and Genrikh Yagoda. Stalin's Jews - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
So what? Not all Jews - bankers and imperialists. Stalin cleared the country from agents of the West, and not just the Jews, as Hitler did.
But they did not do that. They invaded North Africa and they did not "enslave" any Arabs or Berbers.
Jews, Poles, and other political enemies are a whole different story, but even they were treated better than how Stalin treated his political enemies and enemy POW's in the GULAGs of Siberia.
The War in North Africa - unimportant episode of the war. Hitler just had no time to enslave the nomadic tribes.
Again you do not understand me. While the German tribes again proclaim himself supernatsiey and other people - less than human, they will make slaves of your people. You will not get better because of all the land around you will belong to Germanic (Swedish, English, Dutch) colonist, and you will become his slave.
What a Gulag? Most of what you read about the "atrocities of Stalin" - invented by Goebbels and his followers in the United States and Britain.
In the United States during the Great Depression, according to various estimates died 3-8 million people from starvation - have you heard about this? I think not. BUT 1000000 times you've heard about the "atrocities of Stalin." In the U.S. per capita is much more prisoners nowadsys than it was under Stalin. In Ukraine, now 30 times more police per capita than it was under Stalin.
China is not a purely Communist state. Communism is a failed system despite many Communists tried to change it continually throughout the years since its inception.
I know that today's China - not a communist country. I talked about the fact that China has a well-established mechanism of transfer of power. In the USSR, such a mechanism was not, which is why the authorities were able to come to the agents of the West, the system will fall apart from the inside.
Of course not, but Hitler never aspired to invade and take over South Asia.
National Socialism= Every nation and people possesses the right to self preservation.
Can you please quote from Mein Kampf where Hitler said he wanted to "enslave" all "inferior" (non-German) races.
If Germany and Japan would have won the USSR - some of them would become the owner of Pakistan. You'd be somebody's slave, as we are.
Hitler proclaimed the need to "fight for living space" for the German nation. What do you think - he wanted it to Mars win? No. Germany wanted to expand at the expense of their neighbors. In the conquered lands of the Germans to become landowners and gentlemen, and other nations - slaves.
The Baltic people never wanted to be a part of Russia, which is why they joined forces with the Germans, and which is why to this day they regard Estonian, Lithuanian, and Latvian Waffen SS soldiers as National Heroes.
Finland never wanted to be a part of Russia and fought against Soviet invasion.
If these countries were proud to be a part of Soviet Union they would not have separated.
This is not true. Most of the population of the Baltic states - workers and peasants wanted to be part of the Soviet Union and welcomed the decision of their authorities . Because they live poorer and had almoust no rights than the workers and peasants in the Soviet Union .
Soviet Union did not intend to include Finland - the task was to push the frontier from Leningrad. Finland was proposed an exchange offer - land near Leningrad to vast areas in Karelia. As a result, Finland has received neither the one nor the other .
The cult of Nazism in the modern Baltic states artificially fueled by the West - is part of an anti-Russian propaganda, which is provided in all countries and spheres of life.
You want "international" "universal" Socialism then please let millions of illiterate and poor Africans, Arabs, and Mexican immigrants into your country and share your Mother Russia's wealth with them for free.
As i said in my previous post: Would you want millions of African and other non-Russian/Slavic immigrants to flood Russia and destroy Russian/Slavic culture and identity?
No one helps anyone for free of charge. If Russia gives assistance to a country then it expects something in return.
Why would they want to go somewhere, if we will help them to build factories, universities? hospitals, schools? They will be working at home - it is better to live at home and work than go somewhere, right? Exactly in that way the Soviet Union was acting - he tried to pull up the standard of living in the third world. People in Eastern Europe - Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, lived richer than in the USSR. But the Soviet Union never attempted to make them poorer, to enrich themselves, this is the difference between the USSR and the West.
India is not a Socialist country, and from most of these country millions of people migrate to West.
India got on the map because there was a time when there were going to build socialism.
Communism failed wherever it was implemented, and not a single NATO soldier put foot on Soviet soil.
Capitalism is exploitation of the weak, but Communism has so many shortcomings that make it a failed system. It is against the natural law.
Decomposition of the feudal system and the transition to capitalism began in Italy in the 13-14 centuries - Italy has been advanced state. And it ended only in 19-20 centuries. And in some states, there is still feudalism .
However , capitalism has replaced feudalism - although it took several centuries. There have been cases where after the Bourgeois Revolution came the Restoration . Exactly the same things we can see now - after more progressive social system will return to the past. It does not mean anything . Progress will either go ahead - and mankind will move to socialism in the following centuries. Or progress will stop and we will be back in the Middle Ages .
It is the law of evolution. It works just as well in biology as in social unit.
Why Communism failed:
1). No Freedom of religious practice.
It is not true, no one forbade people to go to church - except for the period of Trotskyism. My mother was baptized. Putin was baptized. Of course, classmates could laugh at you, but the ban was not.
2). No Freedom of speech.
You should not confuse freedom of speech with an attempt to destroy the state. In the Soviet Union there was a true democracy - that is, the power of the people, not the power of bankers.
3). Does not permit the right to own property.
Also not true. Under Stalin, there were allowed the collective non-state enterprises. They were covering the half needs for food, shoes, clothes and alcohol in the USSR.
Khrushchev had forbidden it. Like so many things - essentially, he laid the foundation for the future collapse of the Soviet Union.
4). No emphasis on the importance of the individual.
Not true. In the USSR, there were much more opportunity for self-realization than in the West. Anyone with even a peasant from the remotest settlements could easily get the best education by his choice and do exactly what he wants.
5). Equalizes the masses through coercion.
People are equal by birth and have equal rights. In the Soviet Union it was so. In the West, a man is judged by his financial account, and not on the individual qualities. This is absurd.