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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

USA an Indian Ally? Are you high? USA is nobody's ally. They only care about themselves. A lesson your nation got too late. We have been dealing with terrorists long before USA or any other world power even knew about them.
Yes latest ally and you are getting quite friendly. Yes and your statement shows What you are ?
hey , u sure u lady.
i hv my doubts, and u like science too.
like why sun go up and down and why earth rotates and why we have coca cola and ethanol.
and what are u interested in anything more in particular.

i know a lady who likes microprocessor design... and she's quite lovely... :coffee:
Yes but should be a Muslim and if she marries a non Muslim and as this girl is living in non Muslim country they just needs to boycott her completely and her family needs to boycott her too as long as she stays with this man sorry but according to Islam this marriage never took place and children will be considered illegitimate.

Instead Paksitan would be a better country if they boycott people like you.
what's her name..
u acquaintence of her or u know..

i know her from my area in bangalore... met her some years back in a internet parlour.

because from ur pic i doubt u be knowing a lovely lady.

the man in my profile-picture is muammar gaddafi... the best-looking world leader in his younger years... he looks like a model, yes??

i don't understand why you said what you said...
I do my own research Mr both Gadafi and Nasser were nothing but scums and whole Libya celebrated Gadafi death


Arrest in these kind of cases result in more motivation for Muslims rather than scaring them.
They can have all the motivation they want, it does not matter one bit. They can not scare the little girl and force her.
If they refuse to stop, they will be arrested, if they continue they will be put in prison.
Arrest in these kind of cases result in more motivation for Muslims rather than scaring them.
There is no option in Indian law to go this or that way based on a religion.

Rest assured this is not Pakistan.
So inter caste marriages and marriages within same castes are INCEST for you?;..hehe he..

We have a new retard in the forum. ©hill :D

I can only laugh at those who work their brains into thinking, how bad it would be..living in Kerala under the evil moslim and christian rule. How bad should it be for the Hindu's, for not being able to impose there gazillion year old "Indian culture" onto others. How bad it should be, when people from every strand in life get equal opportunity to food and education. Again, how bad it should to dawn the tag of "secularists" and not to have saffron jhanda at every junction. Bad, very bad!!

Conclusion - Keralites... You are doomed! :oops:
We have a new retard in the forum. ©hill :D

I can only laugh at those who work their brains into thinking, how bad it would be..living in Kerala under the evil moslim and christian rule. How bad should it be for the Hindu's, for not being able to impose there gazillion year old "Indian culture" onto others. How bad it should be, when people from every strand in life get equal opportunity to food and education. Again, how bad it should to dawn the tag of "secularists" and not to have RSS jhanda at every junction. Bad, very bad!!

Conclusion - Keralites... You are doomed! :oops:

Why don't you just post " I am a Christian Keralite" and be done with it ? ...... why rant so much ?
They can have all the motivation they want, it does not matter one bit. They can not scare the little girl and force her.
If they refuse to stop, they will be arrested, if they continue they will be put in prison.
Try this please go ahead with arrests you will a great favor please try this
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