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In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun

Same old story. :lol: But what do the old geezers in the White house, know about the younger generation of Iranians and Chinese?

Just because some of them play American games, does not mean that they like America.

If anyone has actually played any of the Grand Theft Auto games, they practically encourage you to go on killing sprees in urban America. They are all about the broken dreams of America as seen through the eyes of criminals (Niko Bellic, etc)... hardly useful as a tool of cultural engagement.

You nailed it

When 10% of society are addicted to heroin and methmphetamines then its a failed corrupt society. Its not about fun, its about public health that the government has failed to provide. that's what they get for supporting NATO invasion of Afghanistan. dirt cheap heroin:tup:

:rofl::rofl: Skirt wearing Saudi has this to say.
When 10% of society are addicted to heroin and methmphetamines then its a failed corrupt society. Its not about fun, its about public health that the government has failed to provide. that's what they get for supporting NATO invasion of Afghanistan. dirt cheap heroin:tup:

Drugs and Alcohol are the western vision of bringing freedom to foreign countries. Read about opium ruled China and what happened to them?
American you live the way you want, we do not object that you like your ladies to be naked.
Why you are objecting other people every one is free as you feel you are free.

You American are afraid from IRAN because they don't work for CIA.
so according to these retarded maggot NICHOLAS freedom means :
not gong to mosque
Drinking alcohol
Trolling over women in night parties
Taking drugs
Roaring secessionist slogans
Going to brothels
"muslim" women wearing bikinis

This low life scumbag animal known very well that what he has written is full of his wet dreams and
zionist propaganda farts but went on propagating $hit. The delusional americans like the OP will
accept it as true and when hordes of iranians will chant "death to america" they will cry foul
about freedom of expression. These ignorant retards are the worst scum on earth and are a curse on society. No wonder they have a animalistic society.
Lol you are posting a party pic that happened in the USA.. Atleast check out the people in the pics not blindly post.

Specially for you, party pics of Iranians in Iran:






so according to these retarded maggot NICHOLAS freedom means :
not gong to mosque
Drinking alcohol
Trolling over women in night parties
Taking drugs
Roaring secessionist slogans
Going to brothels
"muslim" women wearing bikinis

This low life scumbag animal known very well that what he has written is full of his wet dreams and
zionist propaganda farts but went on propagating $hit. The delusional americans like the OP will
accept it as true and when hordes of iranians will chant "death to america" they will cry foul
about freedom of expression. These ignorant retards are the worst scum on earth and are a curse on society. No wonder they have a animalistic society.

They want this type of freedom in Islamic Republic of Iran.
Specially for you, party pics of Iranians in Iran:







How do we know these are made in Iran (although I have no doubt Iran has a underground party scene)? Pretty useless to post random pics without a verifiable source.

The following are 100% authentic pics made in Iran, which upset the authorities there:

Water Guns War in Tehran « Tehran Live

Iranian youths arrested for public water pistol fight in Tehran | World news | The Guardian

(albeit not a late night party)
How do we know these are made in Iran (although I have no doubt Iran has a underground party scene)? Pretty useless to post random pics without a verifiable source.

The following are 100% authentic pics made in Iran, which upset the authorities there:

Water Guns War in Tehran « Tehran Live

Iranian youths arrested for public water pistol fight in Tehran | World news | The Guardian

Because I know the guy who shot these pictures. All are in Iran, Tehran. You can find the pics also here:


More young people in Iran:






American you live the way you want, we do not object that you like your ladies to be naked.
Why you are objecting other people every one is free as you feel you are free.

You American are afraid from IRAN because they don't work for CIA.

I may say here my own finding while living in Australia. they are a 'Free Society' because they are usually 'free' from any type of basic obligations of life. I found, neither Australians feel any responsibility to study in schools or they are taught by their parents, nor they maintain a type of family which may give a proper guidelines to their kids. their kids generally have over 8-10 mother fathers as they generally get engaged and separated very frequently. a majority of australians are 'Hand to Mouth', who work for 5 days and spend on the weekends, just no future as first they dont have enough qualification that they may plan for their bright future, nor they grew up in schools in that 'competitive environment' which may give them a proper base to perform similarly in rest of life and get career progress. as, in fact, how can a class 7th/8th passed person have any career? a labor will always be a labor. and as Mr Jesus Christ was also from a single mother, this culture is legalized there this way. also, anyhow migrants pay high taxes to feed these people? :coffee:

they live a life where they earn, go for exercise and build body, earn 5 days and spend on weekends, a majority of population is like this. they generally change with different women as they are "free" from any type of "dutifulness mindset" because of their cultural background. and this results in growing number of 'Single Mothers', who are the women who got pregnant due to usual casual sex but they aren't sure about the father of their kids, changed with many during that period, so their kids grow on the government Welfare money, which is mainly funded by the highly qualified migrants who do high paid jobs and hence pay high taxes. and if these growing number of Single Mothers won't get government's welfare then their kids will simply beg on the streets. and the dark side of funding these kids with welfare money is, these kids are anyhow always a burden on World Society as they then grow without proper care of their father, which they dont have, and finish studies by just class 7th/8th and become labor. and why not, if Australia has enough minerals and they get enough skills migrants who may run their industries and give employment to these labors. as, even if 6 mechanics, 2 engineers, 4 management/quality/operations etc professionals are missing, then over 100 local labors and 50 low skilled local office workers remain unemployed..........

'Freedom' in Western society is just meant by Freedom from every obligation of life, no education/ no commitments for kids or wife/ no career and a majority just earn 5 days and spend on weekends, and other related 'freedom'. and the very first thing they want that, they want the migrants doing White Collar jobs to become like them. the highly qualified migrants who could reach their current successful status because of the cultural background they had back home........... :meeting:
Most of the Iranians I've met have been very liberal and westernised, more so than any others from the region (including Isreal strangely enough). Of course they were all living in the US (though most were from Iran, not born here). If that's how they want to live, the rest of you should lay off (it suprises me that the Pakistanis in particular think that if they want to live that way they are being forced to be ****** by the west, concern your selves with your own clothes, not every one is happy living like medieval tribesmen. that is what you will never understand, personal choice)

ps...I have seen the friction between Arabs and Iranians first-hand. I had a friend from Iran called "Steve", and some of the guys leasing a car-lot in front of my place were Palestinian (They told my "Jordan" when I asked their nationality, but were from Nablus). He would drive up in his convertible mustang, look around, and take a pull from the vodka he kept under the seat. Then the Palestinian boys would grumble about "fracking Iranians", lol. Steve always told me when he went home how he would tell everyone Americans were alright. I told him not to mention he had ever been to the US, they would hate us worse (he was quite the party boy, dated a sweet Korean girl though)

PPSS...some of the girls in the above pics are pretty tasty...
Most of the Iranians I've met have been very liberal and westernised, more so than any others from the region (including Isreal strangely enough). Of course they were all living in the US (though most were from Iran, not born here). If that's how they want to live, the rest of you should lay off (it suprises me that the Pakistanis in particular think that if they want to live that way they are being forced to be ****** by the west, concern your selves with your own clothes, not every one is happy living like medieval tribesmen. that is what you will never understand, personal choice)

ps...I have seen the friction between Arabs and Iranians first-hand. I had a friend from Iran called "Steve", and some of the guys leasing a car-lot in front of my place were Palestinian (They told my "Jordan" when I asked their nationality, but were from Nablus). He would drive up in his convertible mustang, look around, and take a pull from the vodka he kept under the seat. Then the Palestinian boys would grumble about "fracking Iranians", lol. Steve always told me when he went home how he would tell everyone Americans were alright. I told him not to mention he had ever been to the US, they would hate us worse (he was quite the party boy, dated a sweet Korean girl though)

Same experiance here. The Iranians at my university are mostly party animals.
Same goes for the lebanese.
Most of the Iranians I've met have been very liberal and westernised, more so than any others from the region (including Isreal strangely enough). Of course they were all living in the US (though most were from Iran, not born here). If that's how they want to live, the rest of you should lay off (it suprises me that the Pakistanis in particular think that if they want to live that way they are being forced to be ****** by the west, concern your selves with your own clothes, not every one is happy living like medieval tribesmen. that is what you will never understand, personal choice)

ps...I have seen the friction between Arabs and Iranians first-hand. I had a friend from Iran called "Steve", and some of the guys leasing a car-lot in front of my place were Palestinian (They told my "Jordan" when I asked their nationality, but were from Nablus). He would drive up in his convertible mustang, look around, and take a pull from the vodka he kept under the seat. Then the Palestinian boys would grumble about "fracking Iranians", lol. Steve always told me when he went home how he would tell everyone Americans were alright. I told him not to mention he had ever been to the US, they would hate us worse (he was quite the party boy, dated a sweet Korean girl though)

The ones you've seen are probably the ones who moved out after Shah of Iran period... Anyways, i wouldn't be surprised to see a few of them in their own country as generally there are every kinds of people.
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