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In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun


Nov 27, 2008
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In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, June 20, 2012

One of the most pernicious misunderstandings in the West about Iranians is that they are dour religious fanatics.

About half of Iranians are under the age of 25, and Iran has done a solid job of raising their education levels. I was struck on my 1,700-mile road trip across Iran by how many of them share American values, seeking fun rather than fanaticism. They seem less interested in the mosques than in amusement parks (which are ubiquitous in Iran).

“Young people don’t really go to the mosques,” said a 23-year-old man in eastern Iran, cheerfully exaggerating. “We want more ways to have fun.” He said he drinks — alcohol is illegal but everywhere — and, until recently, used drugs. Iranian officials have suggested that perhaps 10 percent of the population uses illegal drugs, traditionally opium and heroin but increasingly methamphetamines as well.

This man had joined the 2009 democracy protests, but then, he said, he was detained and beaten for several days, losing a tooth in the process. That soured him on political activism, and, like many others, he now just wants to go abroad.

In the northwest, that sense of hopelessness has led some young Iranians of ethnic Turkish origin to favor seceding and joining Azerbaijan. In soccer games in Tabriz, fans sometimes outrage the authorities by roaring secessionist slogans.

You wouldn’t think a New Yorker could be made to blush in Tehran, but I was taken aback by the hookup scene of one-night stands: young men with flashy cars troll for women, chat them up and then drive off with them. There is also prostitution, and Tehran’s former police chief was arrested in 2008 in a brothel together with six prostitutes.

Remember that Iran is the homeland not only of stern ayatollahs but also of the romantic hedonism of “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” In Richard Le Gallienne’s verse translation: “Did God set grapes a-growing, do you think,/And at the same time make it sin to drink?”

In the 1970s, disgruntled young Iranians rebelled against a corrupt secular regime by embracing an ascetic form of Islam. Now they’re rebelling against a corrupt religious regime by embracing personal freedom — in some cases, even sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll.

They often also look warmly on the United States, which is quite dizzying. In Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt, we Americans hand out billions of dollars in aid and are often hated. I come to Iran, and people hand me gifts!

This youth culture of Iran is nurtured by the Internet — two-thirds of Iranian households have computers — and by satellite television, which is banned but widespread. A BBG/Gallup phone survey conducted in March found that one-third of Iranians acknowledged watching satellite television in the previous week, and the real number may be much higher.

“The effect of satellite TV is very big,” said one young woman who said that she was initially aghast when she saw fellow Muslim women in Turkey wearing bikinis but gradually decided that there was more than one way to live.

Police stage raids to confiscate satellite dishes and can fine homeowners as much as $400 for having them, but they’re not very efficient.

“You recognize that it’s the police taking the dishes away, and you just don’t answer the door,” said a shop owner in Gorgan. “So they take the dish and just go away,” without imposing the fine.

Pirated music, videos and video games are widespread. One popular — but banned — game now is Battlefield 3, in which American military forces storm Tehran. In one home I visited, the kids were playing Grand Theft Auto.

These young people are Iran’s future, and they can be our allies. But while we have a strategy in nuclear negotiations, I’m not sure we in the West have a strategy for Iran itself.

Western policy makers see Iran as fanatical, the same way they saw China in the 1960s. There was talk back then of a military option against China, and if we had taken that route, Beijing might still be ruled by Maoists — a larger version of North Korea.

My road trip across Iran leaves me convinced that change will come here, too, if we just have the patience not to disrupt the subterranean forces at work: rising education, an expanding middle class, growing economic frustration, erosion of the government monopoly on information. My hunch is that if there is no war between Iran and the West — which would probably strengthen the regime — hard-liners will go the way of Mao, and Iran will end up looking something like Turkey.

I think of a young man I met who said wistfully: “It’s normal for a boy and a girl to want to hang out together. What’s wrong with that?” The romantics are on our side and far outnumber the fanatics. We should bet on them, not bombs, as agents of change.

In one home I visited, the kids were playing Grand Theft Auto.

These young people are Iran’s future, and they can be our allies. But while we have a strategy in nuclear negotiations, I’m not sure we in the West have a strategy for Iran itself.

Western policy makers see Iran as fanatical, the same way they saw China in the 1960s. There was talk back then of a military option against China, and if we had taken that route, Beijing might still be ruled by Maoists — a larger version of North Korea..

Same old story. :lol: But what do the old geezers in the White house, know about the younger generation of Iranians and Chinese?

Just because some of them play American games, does not mean that they like America.

If anyone has actually played any of the Grand Theft Auto games, they practically encourage you to go on killing sprees in urban America. They are all about the broken dreams of America as seen through the eyes of criminals (Niko Bellic, etc)... hardly useful as a tool of cultural engagement.
Same old story. :lol: But what do the old geezers in the White house, know about the younger generation of Iranians and Chinese?

Just because some of them play American games, does not mean that they like America.

If anyone has actually played any of the Grand Theft Auto games, they practically encourage you to go on killing sprees in urban America. They are all about the broken dreams of America as seen through the eyes of criminals (Niko Bellic, etc)... hardly useful as a tool of cultural engagement.

Oh geez, please don't tell me you are one of those people who believes video games cause violence.
Oh geez, please don't tell me you are one of those people who believes video games cause violence.

Of course not, since I play them myself. :lol:

You misread what I wrote. What I meant was that the Grand Theft Auto games encourage you to go on killing sprees in Urban America, WITHIN the game. The kill count after completing the average game is in the thousands.

Obviously not actual killing sprees. I can't believe you thought that was what I meant, I can't believe anyone would make such an illogical connection. :woot:
Do you think the modern Iranian is bothered too much about religious fundamentalism and the West's take on its government nuke policy? They couldn't care less. Check out some photographs here. Those who say Iran is radicalized and steeped in religious fundamentalism where women are forced to wear veils, remain uneducated and stay at home need to see this....Do you find any difference with the West?





So where are the veils, the religious radicalism and the diktats of the so called despicable Iranian mullahs? It's just like partying anywhere else in the world!

What you guys don't seem to understand is that loving western values doesn't mean loving USA or most western Euro nations. In fact it's the opposite. Me, PGK and maybe IranZamin don't consider ourselves muslims but we're the biggest defenders of Iran and are very against the US and its policies. Who says the US is a good democracy? It isn't.

Iranians in general are very liberal and open minded. That's why you don't see our religious folks blowing themselves up like other middle easterners. Our government is making a mistake by trying to enforce religous laws on Iranian citizens. This, IMO, will only hurt the regime. In time they will open up and liberalize their policies.

Now can someone tell me why Americans and Westerners are so interested in our affairs?
Do you think the modern Iranian is bothered too much about religious fundamentalism and the West's take on its government nuke policy? They couldn't care less. Check out some photographs here. Those who say Iran is radicalized and steeped in religious fundamentalism where women are forced to wear veils, remain uneducated and stay at home need to see this....Do you find any difference with the West?





So where are the veils, the religious radicalism and the diktats of the so called despicable Iranian mullahs? It's just like partying anywhere else in the world!


Lol you are posting a party pic that happened in the USA.. Atleast check out the people in the pics not blindly post.

What you guys don't seem to understand is that loving western values doesn't mean loving USA or most western Euro nations. In fact it's the opposite. Me, PGK and maybe IranZamin don't consider ourselves muslims but we're the biggest defenders of Iran and are very against the US and its policies.

Iranians in general are very liberal. That's why you don't see our religious folks blowing themselves up like other middle easterners.

Iranians love cursing Islam... Keep it to yourself
What's the source of this pictures??? How the hell do we know these are from Iran?
By the way Westernization of society is no way to judge its tolerance. Westernization is neither good nor bad, just a way of life. Don't project it as an ideal. I however appreciate the religious tolerance and cultural pluralitiy most Western countries encourage. (At least within their own borders).

On one hand you say "lol you are posting a party pic that happened in the USA" and then you generalize and say "Iranians love to curse Islam."

which is it? Iranians in the US, the same ones in those pics love to curse Islam.

And when did I curse Islam? I said I'm not muslim. What's it to you? Gonna blow yourself up out of anger now?
I think you misunderstood his post.
Same old story. :lol: But what do the old geezers in the White house, know about the younger generation of Iranians and Chinese?

Just because some of them play American games, does not mean that they like America.

If anyone has actually played any of the Grand Theft Auto games, they practically encourage you to go on killing sprees in urban America. They are all about the broken dreams of America as seen through the eyes of criminals (Niko Bellic, etc)... hardly useful as a tool of cultural engagement.

West has a very simple view of the world. There are some fundamental difference between East and West.

White folks tend to think their way of life or approach to life is somwhow superior, therefore it is only natural that people all over the world would want their way life.
West has a very simple view of the world. There are some fundamental difference between East and West.

White folks tend to think their way of life or approach to life is somwhow superior, therefore it is only natural that people all over the world would want their way life.

I know... Many Westerners think "Awwww people come to the West to enjoy our "freedoms" " blah blah .... whereas in the real life , people think that THEIR 'way of life' is way superior/better than the 'White' way of life (which many people would look down upon and Asians will STRICTLY tell their kids to NOT to completely adapt white way of life...reason , I already mentioned) ...

Plus : In India/Pakistan , life is wayyyyyyy more fun (atleast my personal experience) ..Here in the West , you have a pretty "organized" view of fun..i.e..on weekend go to parties and yada yada...while in Pakistan...we used to have fun all day everyday...and end up getting beaten up by teachers ..but who cares?:lol: Ahhhh old times :/
Iranian officials have suggested that perhaps 10 percent of the population uses illegal drugs, traditionally opium and heroin but increasingly methamphetamines as well.
When 10% of society are addicted to heroin and methmphetamines then its a failed corrupt society. Its not about fun, its about public health that the government has failed to provide. that's what they get for supporting NATO invasion of Afghanistan. dirt cheap heroin:tup:
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