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In Iran, Muslim youth are 'even more excited about Christmas than Christians'

Historically, Iranians celebrated the birthday of the Iranian prophet Mithras on 25 December

The early Catholic Church didn't like it that even under the threat of the death penalty people continued to worship Mithra. On his birthday, December 25, Mithras birthday was widely celebrated with green wreaths walls, also by Christians.

The feast of Christmas is intentionally established by the Christian Church to Christianize the feast of the birth of Mithras. Mithras was born according to the stories on the day of the winter solstice in a stable and shortly thereafter recognized as a savior by three kings guided by a star. Around the year 340, Pope Julius I ( 337-352 ) announced that Christians must start to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the birthday of Mithra. Gaps in the biblical story were supplemented with elements from the story of the birth of Mithras .


Mithras is also referred to as 'Sheperd'

The rest might be an amalgamation of Egyptian mythology. Osiris and the trial of 40 days in the desert.
Historically, Iranians celebrated the birthday of the Iranian prophet Mithras on 25 December

The early Catholic Church didn't like it that even under the threat of the death penalty people continued to worship Mithra. On his birthday, December 25, Mithras birthday was widely celebrated with green wreaths walls, also by Christians.

again crap , the date you are talking about is december 21st if i'm not wrong . and the church didnt change it , it was 'saint' constantine .

Haha, an Arabparast like you is telling me to start celebrating Iranian festivities. The irony.

yey , if u consider GOD as an arab , i'm an arabparast .

wouldnt be strange to hear that from an atheist .
Bullcrap. All pictures above here are of 'muslim' people. Read the article; many Iranians celebrate Christmas.

Second, Armenians don't celebrate Christmas on 25 dec, since they don't believe Jesus was born on 25 December. They celebrate Jesus's birthday in January.
Mate,I have been grown up in an Armenian neighborhood in Narmak.except the girl with big nose in the last picture, the rest are Armenians.

I ask you.how many people from your own family in Iran do celebrate Christmas?

BTW,I celebrate christmas along with my Armenian friend each year but still my case is unique because not everyone has Armenian friend,here.
Mate,I have been grown up in an Armenian neighborhood in Narmak.except the girl with big nose in the last picture, the rest are Armenians.

Aha, you know them all. You must be the local KGB spy of Tehran's Armenian communities, not? You grew up in a Armenian neighborhood, but you didn't know that Armenians don't celebrate Christmas on 25 December?

I ask you.how many people from your own family in Iran do celebrate Christmas?

Some do, some don't.
Jesus is also Messiah to Muslims. So if Muslims also celebrate Christmas I think its not a severe breach to Islam. Yeah, celebrating birthdays is not custom in Islam but its not forbidden either.
Jesus is also Messiah to Muslims. So if Muslims also celebrate Christmas I think its not a severe breach to Islam. Yeah, celebrating birthdays is not custom in Islam but its not forbidden either.

Iranians do celebrate birthdays of people they think are 'holy'. In fact, most Shias do. Also some Sunnis, like in Egypt, where Sunnis celebrate the birthday of Muhammad. Which by the way originated in Egypt due to Shia Ismaeli (Fatamid) rule in Egypt.
Mate,I have been grown up in an Armenian neighborhood in Narmak.except the girl with big nose in the last picture, the rest are Armenians.

I ask you.how many people from your own family in Iran do celebrate Christmas?

BTW,I celebrate christmas along with my Armenian friend each year but still my case is unique because not everyone has Armenian friend,here.

Take that back - The nose made her look pretty ! :mad:
Aha, you know them all. You must be the local KGB spy of Tehran's Armenian communities, not? You grew up in a Armenian neighborhood, but you didn't know that Armenians don't celebrate Christmas on 25 December?

Some do, some don't.
Do you want me to bring up my own comments explaining that Armenians celebrate Christmas a week later?how do you found out that I am clueless about Christmas time?why are you too negative toward me?

Plus, I don't beg you(or anyone else) to accept my statement anyway.

Take that back - The nose made her look pretty ! :mad:
I don't mean the girl standing near the camera at all;)
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Let me clarify. Armenians - Orthodox, as well as Russian, so the Armenians celebrate Christmas on January 7. As Russian.
Not everyone who is born to Muslim father and mother is a Muslim, they are only Muslim in name.

People who celebrate Christmas in Iran are either Christians or those who don't care about any religion at all and only do it out of fun, the same people will celebrate Nowruz too.
Do you want me to bring up my own comments explaing that Armenians celebrate Christmas a week later?how do you found out that I am clueless about Christmas time?why are you too negative toward me?

Plus, I don't beg you(or anyone else) to accept my statement anyway.

You speak about Armenians only celebrating Christmas, while you know deep inside that many Iranian Muslims celebrate it too. Especially today, when they are fed up with all mourn festivities in Iran.

People who celebrate Christmas in Iran are either Christians or those who don't care about any religion at all and only do it out of fun, the same people will celebrate Nowruz too.

Nowruz is still more widely celebrated than Christmas; even among people who still care about religion.

But the people who deep in their hearts don't care about religion anymore have started to become a majority IMO.
what do you mean?I have no problem with people celebrating christmas.come on!

since I have konkur next year and need to sleep enough,I declare giving up and you can have fun now;)
what do you mean?I have no problem with people celebrating christmas.come on!

Anyway since I have konkur and need to sleep enough,I declare giving up and you can have fun now;)

Fine. I do not have a problem with Christmas too. Some people like Hazzy on the other hand do; which is laughable since Hazzy the Palestinian is living in a western country himself.

Succes with your entrance examination btw.
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