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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

The French president, Jacques Chirac, and the prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, have both spoken out vociferously against the wearing of "ostentatious" symbols of faith in schools, the civil service, and in state institutions.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

MPs urge French ban on religious symbols | World news | The Guardian

BBC NEWS | Europe | French scarf ban comes into force

The ban is not only affecting Muslims. Sikhs argue that their turbans are not religious symbols.

Young Sikh Ranjit, 15, went to the Jean-Rostand school in the Parisian suburb of Villepinte on Thursday morning to get his new timetable, wearing a thin strip of material on his hair rather than his customary turban, AFP news agency reports
The French president, Jacques Chirac, and the prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, have both spoken out vociferously against the wearing of "ostentatious" symbols of faith in schools, the civil service, and in state institutions.

their opinion doesn't exactly form the basis of the law. look up the actual text of the law, does it say it's done for religious purpose?

anyway we're going off topic, I'm with Jewverine on this matter. State should stay out of religious matters. You only have to look to your western neighbor(PK) so see what happens as a result

(based on the BBC articles, FR falls in the same category as well)
their opinion doesn't exactly form the basis of the law. look up the actual text of the law, does it say it's done for religious purpose?

anyway we're going off topic, I'm with Jewverine on this matter. State should stay out of religious matters. You only have to look to your western neighbor(PK) so see what happens as a result

(based on the BBC articles, FR falls in the same category as well)

It is all religious symbols be it a Christian crucifix or a Sikh turban so it was not just for security only. Everyone has their own view as I have mine I do not wish to see the likes of Bajrang dal/Ram sena grow stronger and cow slaughter is one of their tenets.
It is all religious symbols be it a Christian crucifix or a Sikh turban so it was not just for security only. Everyone has their own view as I have mine I do not wish to see the likes of Bajrang dal/Ram sena grow stronger and cow slaughter is one of their tenets.

BD and ram sena are like KKK, they will eventually loose their significance. Economy and education does wonders:D
BD and ram sena are like KKK, they will eventually loose their significance. Economy and education does wonders:D

Hope you are right but many educated persons also have joined with these groups because India is still very much a religious country. My grandparents live in a small town in India if they ever found out I ate beef I would not be welcome there for a single day and we must respect that because otherwise it will make the right wing mob even stronger.
India is not Israel what works for you will not work for us. Just like in France they have banned the wearing of Hijab in public places is this not aganist UN geneva law? that you can dress how u wish? the diffrence is pork is considered dirty by muslims and jews but the cow is considered sacred so the two can't be compared.

I must state again this law is not nation wide! but in one state

The hi jab is a safety issue, not a matter of personal preference. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything anyways, what I was talking about, it seems pretty off topic to me. You say Israel and India can't be compared, but you still haven't given a reason why allowing beef to be consumed would not work. All of India's population is not religious, and among those that are religious, not all of them follow the bovine belief system. Beef consumption is a personal preference, not a safety issue.
Hope you are right but many educated persons also have joined with these groups because India is still very much a religious country. My grandparents live in a small town in India if they ever found out I ate beef I would not be welcome there for a single day and we must respect that because otherwise it will make the right wing mob even stronger.
i understand and respect that, you are free to make a personal choice. govt should stay out of it.
Places where Lord Krishna is worshipped like Gujarat, Madhya Pradash etc the cow holds great religious significance so that is why we must give a little and take a little for the sake of everyone. Just like we banned the satanic verses because it offended Muslims in India.
The hi jab is a safety issue, not a matter of personal preference. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything anyways, what I was talking about, it seems pretty off topic to me. You say Israel and India can't be compared, but you still haven't given a reason why allowing beef to be consumed would not work. All of India's population is not religious, and among those that are religious, not all of them follow the bovine belief system. Beef consumption is a personal preference, not a safety issue.

Hijab is not just a safety issue if that was the case why ban the Sikh turban or the crucifix also?. Cow is a sacred animal for many do you understand this? now the state which has the ban is Madhya pradesh which holds 92% Hindus and is in the hindi belt where Lord Krishna is very popular if you google Vaishnav/Iskcon you will see that for them the cow is very important.

---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------


See she is not even Indian but follows Lord Krishna :)
Hijab is not just a safety issue if that was the case why ban the Sikh turban or the crucifix also?. Cow is a sacred animal for many do you understand this? now the state which has the ban is Madhya pradesh which holds 92% Hindus and is in the hindi belt where Lord Krishna is very popular if you google Vaishnav/Iskcon you will see that for them the cow is very important.

we're not questioning the belief yeti, we're simply saying govt. shouldn't be imposing religious rules. people should be free to follow their beliefs.
Coming up in MP: a cow sanctuary - Indian Express

Ever heard of a cow sanctuary? The BJP Government in Madhya Pradesh is all set to build one in Shajapur district to house cows

Now who holds power in Madhya Pradesh? it is the BJP which is a Hindu national party (or claims to be) so they are just doing what the voters want.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

we're not questioning the belief yeti, we're simply saying govt. shouldn't be imposing religious rules. people should be free to follow their beliefs.

but it is not the central goverment but the state one which is BJP and you and me both know they must have a certain element of Hindutva otherwise they will not be in power for very much longer. :agree:
Coming up in MP: a cow sanctuary - Indian Express

Ever heard of a cow sanctuary? The BJP Government in Madhya Pradesh is all set to build one in Shajapur district to house

Now who holds power in Madhya Pradesh? it is the BJP which is a Hindu national party (or claims to be) so they are just doing what the voters want.

the majority is free to follow its belief, but it shouldn't be imposing the rules on the minority.
Looks like i have to avoid that state, i am a serial meat eater. Good on India to ban eating cow. India is predominantly Muslim and that state more so, so if the locals decide that cow slaughtering should be banned then so be it, after all it is a democracy.
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