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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion


yummmmyyyy.... all indians are missing some good food...

wrong. Beef is not that testy. Don't know why my father like it so much. May be because of its cheapness. I prefer Pork over beef but chicken is best
Please care to explain........................

The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection." He regarded her better than the earthly mother, and called her "the mother to millions of Indian mankind

Gandhi was aganist it and respected the cow as mother like many Hindus so we will not allow anyone to kill our mother if u dare kill the cow we will **** u so hard you will wish u never even look at a cow.
Okay well father of our nation says otherwise dear

And he also never claimed that he was infallible. He correctly commands immense respect for the things he did and examples he set but neither he nor the people who respect him claim that he was always right.
It maybe consumed in many states but not mine and if we catch you we will **** u hard

You Kick the *** of poor animal, you inject medicines on poor cow for lactation......You throw away the poor animal to streets after you use..........No don't teach me lesson of you Vedanta............
Now you Come to Kerala we treat the poor animal 100 times better than you people........

Whether you like it or not we will do as we wish in our States..........Who are you to Change our eating Habits...........
I am an Indian, my parent's are hindus and I call this law stupid which has been legislated to pander to religious groups. Such laws are the beginning of the slippery slope which will result in the destruction of our country.

in india all relgious sensitivities are catered too...

satanic verses were banned due to muslims,,,da vinci code was banned in states due to chrristians and cow slaaughter is banned in some places for hindu sentiments...

just a simple give and take...why are people blowing hot and cold over this..?
And he also never claimed that he was infallible. He correctly commands immense respect for the things he did and examples he set but neither he nor the people who respect him claim that he was always right.

Dear the law is passed in Madya pradash which as 92% population of Hindus, if you want to eat cow you can go to Kerala or Goa but some places we will not allow cow killing.
You Kick the *** of poor animal, you inject medicines on poor cow for lactation......You throw away the poor animal to streets after you use..........No don't teach me lesson of you Vedanta............
Now you Come to Kerala we treat the poor animal 100 times better than you people........

Whether you like it or not we will do as we wish in our States..........Who are you to Change our eating Habits...........

I don't know where you get this from but in my town we have cow sanctuaries where they live a natural life without injections and beatings. Okay so eat cow in Kerla nobody stopping you but if u dare come to states like MP, Gujarat and try that **** there we will not tolerate it.
5 star hotels in India serve Beef.I am unable to find the links but we imported canned beef worth$80 million last year.Some Restaurants in Kolkata serve beef.There's a beef store near my house in Mumbai.Goanese beef curry is very popular and tasty.I consumed beef in Vizag but didn't like it very much.
you can try pork....now how does that feel ?

I'm Muslim and do not eat it, but unlike INCREDIBLE INDIA, Pakistan offers Pork for people of different faiths, so stfu you jealous and closed-minded BHARATI.
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