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In historic decision, India opens opium market to private players

You have a weird hypernationalist logic(adopted from Feku of course) which makes you a joker, anyone critisizing India should move to Pakistan, anyone speaking in favor of China should move to China. So basically all Indians in Hong Kong should move to India?

Any muslim who do not like India should definitely move to pakistan. Is that ever in doubt ?

And any chinese american who think China is better that the US should also put the money where his mouth is and move to china.

Don't let your Hindumisia cloud your logic so much that you start brown nosing the chinese. Then again maybe you are a natural brown nose.

I’ve actually invested in real estate in China before and made good money. That’s part of the reason why I went there many times before and how I came to be aware of the tremendous changes happening there. So idk what you are talking about.

Anyways sure you can go ahead and load up on serpentza videos and wank off to the narratives that China is a total shithole failure. But I guess you won’t ever use your logical faculties take over and wonder why the west has become so obsessed with being anti China? Maybe it’s because China is actually succeeding and threatening the west’s stranglehold on power? No of course not. It’s because China is a total failure and on its way to collapse while it’s taking over the entire world, right? So which one is it?

That is exactly my point. Since you sees to make more money in china and find china more wonderful than the US, its only logical that you choose to move there.

Serpentza moved OUT of china with his chinese wife so at least I know he is credible and has a lot more integrity than you.

And why only the west ? pretty much all nations in the world want to contain china. Less to do with its "development" and more to do with its lack of respect for national boundaries. intellectual rights, predatory loans, currency manipulation, Unethical Trade practices, Cyber hacking and spreading a global pandemic and pretending that's not its fault.

China is a global worry because of its untrustworthy and unethical actions.

And the only one who is in denial of this reality is you. Maybe you to share those same "chinese values" that makes china a pariah.
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Any muslim who do not like India should definitely move to pakistan. Is that ever in doubt ?

And any chinese american who think China is better that the US should also put the money where his mouth is and move to china.

Don't let your Hindumisia cloud your logic so much that you start brown nosing the chinese. Then again maybe you are a natural brown nose.

I am not a brown nose, but you definitely are because of all that brownie brownie cow dung on your nose :lol:

You obviously have a very narrow minded logic, which is to be expected from a bhakt who drinks gaumutra. By your retarded logic, all those Indians attending Howdi Modi and crap like that should move from US back to India, also all Indians who dont like islam should move out of Gulf countries back to India and Indians who dont like China should move from Hong Kong back to India. Also all Indians supporting Russia in Ukraine should be kicked out of Europe and western companies, thankfully the western world is progressive and belives in free speech which is why they are 50 years ahead of a backward third world hell like India which has living standards only slightly better than sub saharan africa.

As for Hindumisia, I am also Hindu, the only difference between me and you is that I eat cow meat, while you drink cow piss. Gobarbhakts are the biggest curse on the Hindu religion, all their vidoes of cowpoo smearing and cowpee drinking and beliefs about vedic era satellites have made Hinduism a joke in front of the world.
Chinese law expressly stipulates that smuggling and trafficking more than 50g of heroin, or more than 50g of methamphetamine, or more than 1000g of opium, or more than 15kg of marijuana will be sentenced to death.

The proportion of drug addicts in China is very low, and there is no need to import drugs. As far as I know, India is one of the largest drug consumers in the world, and one in seven Indians is using drugs.

Medical anesthesia is derived from opium,
several other medicines are also derived from it.
ask anyone if as a lady you prefer walking at night in Delhi or Shnaghai or any tier 1 city in China.
Do you have any data to back up you claim or just your stupid ignorance, Han Bastard!

China supresses report of any sexual assult on women and punishes any woman who raises her voice against it.

In India, those blockbuster gangrapes get reported, how many are kept quiet due to casteist shame? We don't have that shame baggage in China mate, you can sue for money in China.
Blockbuster rape?

Lets face it, Chinese are sick piece of shit culture who can write things like this.

A poor low-income Chinese like you can only think like this.
Any muslim who do not like India should definitely move to pakistan. Is that ever in doubt ?

And any chinese american who think China is better that the US should also put the money where his mouth is and move to china.

Don't let your Hindumisia cloud your logic so much that you start brown nosing the chinese. Then again maybe you are a natural brown nose.

That is exactly my point. Since you sees to make more money in china and find china more wonderful than the US, its only logical that you choose to move there.

Serpentza moved OUT of china with his chinese wife so at least I know he is credible and has a lot more integrity than you.

And why only the west ? pretty much all nations in the world want to contain china. Less to do with its "development" and more to do with its lack of respect for national boundaries. intellectual rights, predatory loans, currency manipulation, Unethical Trade practices, Cyber hacking and spreading a global pandemic and pretending that's not its fault.

China is a global worry because of its untrustworthy and unethical actions.

And the only one who is in denial of this reality is you. Maybe you to share those same "chinese values" that makes china a pariah.

Serpentza established a career creating anti-China propaganda. He was a loser in China teaching basic English level courses, and now he is racking up views on youtube and most likely paid by the CIA and the Falungong for making anti-China propaganda. Of course he would move out of China.

Second of all, I never said China was perfect. I was talking about the responsiveness of their government towards their citizens' needs versus that of the US or India. Why is it that they have been able to significantly uplift many of their impoverished citizens' lifestyles and built the world's best infrastructure even though they aren't democratic? That's a very valid question.

As for not moving there, that has nothing to do with an objective comparison of certain facets of China vs the West. Every individual has different personal circumstances. If I was single and had no attachments, sure, I would love to live in a big modern Chinese city. I actually almost did back in the day. However, in this era where there is an impending war or at the very least cold war between the US and China, I'm not going to put my family, who are obviously racially western in a homogeneous nationalistic society where they are going to be viewed as the enemy. If you can't understand that basic point, then you are surely dense.

As for what is happening with the US, yes, things have been going to shit. Why am I still here? Because I have a lot of attachments here. I am American, my entire family, my life has been built here. I'm actually reasonably successful with a lot of assets and income, not some bum just trolling on this forum. You can't just up and leave overnight. But yes, things have gotten bad to the point where we are seriously considering leaving to another country. And we already have a trip planned for early next year to start scouting out a destination.

As for why I seem to take a pro-China stance on many of these issues, simply because the propaganda machine against China has become so outlandish, ridiculous and malicious, that there is no way I can't counter the obvious lies. It's actually disgusting the outright dishonesty. But as far as where it is coming from, it is understandable. China is a rising empire. It threatens Western hegemony, so that's why it is hated. Simple as that.

As for why India hates China, that's understandable as well. China has an ongoing territorial conflict with India, which was really caused by the British, as are many modern conflicts. China is a longstanding ally to Pakistan. China's influence is growing in India's backyard. So yes, it's understandable why India is hostile to China. However, to be honest, I've also seen a lot of Indians secretly or openly admire China's successes as a hugely populated Asian country that has been able to modernize in a short period of time, and I've seen them express sentiments wishing India to go down the same path.

As for the rest of the world, China has had a lot of support and seen its influence grow throughout Africa, South America, Central America, the rest of Asia, Russia, etc. So it's hardly the case that the world wants to contain China. The West and a number of Asian rivals, want to contain China, but in reality, it's already too late for that to be achieved. That might have been achievable two decades ago, but it's too late now. So we are going to have to go through another decade or two of intense hostility and conflict until this realization comes to pass and some peace and acceptance will eventually prevail.
The funny thing is that you think elections actually correlate to governance. China has no elections yet the average persons quality of life has increased by leaps and bounds with access to public goods like excellent infrastructure, public safety, economic wealth, universal healthcare and pension systems increasing by many fold to where they surpass those of many “first world” nations at this point.

India, with its electoral democracy, what does it have to show for it? When in comparison to the public goods that the average Chinese citizens have gained access to?
Actually, it's just that you guys liberalised your economy a lot earlier, nothing happened due to a specific type of government.
Many examples of countries doing well and worse in each type of governance model.
Actually, it's just that you guys liberalised your economy a lot earlier, nothing happened due to a specific type of government.
Many examples of countries doing well and worse in each type of governance model.

While it is true to a certain extent, it doesn't explain the gap in the quality of governance. China has been able to build a record amount of public infrastructure, provide public goods, eradicate poverty, educate a massive portion of its population in a historically short period of time. In terms of governance, China's record not only outdoes India and any developing country but at this point, is surpassing many developed countries. All the while, not having any elections.

Anyways, will India in 15-20 years match China's current rate of development? Only time will tell. China started to liberalize its economy in the 80s, India started doing it in the 90s. Previously, China actually had more disastrous economic policies than India did.

I do see India developing rapidly and building up more infrastructure, creating massive economies of scale and becoming a big player. But it's hard to see it matching the scale of China's public investments in the foreseeable future.
While it is true to a certain extent, it doesn't explain the gap in the quality of governance. China has been able to build a record amount of public infrastructure, provide public goods, eradicate poverty, educate a massive portion of its population in a historically short period of time. In terms of governance, China's record not only outdoes India and any developing country but at this point, is surpassing many developed countries. All the while, not having any elections.

Anyways, will India in 15-20 years match China's current rate of development? Only time will tell. China started to liberalize its economy in the 80s, India started doing it in the 90s. Previously, China actually had more disastrous economic policies than India did.

I do see India developing rapidly and building up more infrastructure, creating massive economies of scale and becoming a big player. But it's hard to see it matching the scale of China's public investments in the foreseeable future.
Exactly as we are much slower than China, most probably due to low investment in Industry and more on services.
To catch up we need to sustain a 10%+ growth rate for a long period of time (5-6 years).

Exactly as we are much slower than China, most probably due to low investment in Industry and more on services.
To catch up we need to sustain a 10%+ growth rate for a long period of time (5-6 years).

I definitely see India growing much bigger and becoming a huge economic player. However, whether that translates into the government effectively using the funds to invest in public goods which benefit the majority of people or this growth simply going to India's billionaires as what has been happening in the US since the last four decades, remains to be seen.
Chinese law expressly stipulates that smuggling and trafficking more than 50g of heroin, or more than 50g of methamphetamine, or more than 1000g of opium, or more than 15kg of marijuana will be sentenced to death.

The proportion of drug addicts in China is very low, and there is no need to import drugs. As far as I know, India is one of the largest drug consumers in the world, and one in seven Indians is using drugs.

The proportion of addicts is less in china may be due to strict vigilance.
All across the world drug abuse is a serious problem
Do you have any data to back up you claim or just your stupid ignorance, Han Bastard!

China supresses report of any sexual assult on women and punishes any woman who raises her voice against it.

Blockbuster rape?

Lets face it, Chinese are sick piece of shit culture who can write things like this.

A poor low-income Chinese like you can only think like this.
Seriously? You really want to compare? Lol

LOL. Here is a reality check for you.

Chinese women gets raped all the time, Its your culture.

This is how your society treats women.


Cannabis/ganja is non addictive . Much lower than cigarettes.

Your own link showed that total opioid and other drug users is only 0.002 % of Indian population.
Nobody is saying there is no rape in 1.4 billion China. But do you dare let you daughter walk on Delhi at night or Beijing or Shanghai or Guangzhou? Lolol. There is no comparison mate. India is the rape. Capital of the world.
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