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In Greece, Racist Attacks On The Rise

There is no ladder as to Whiteness. If you are European you are White. I am of Northern European stock, yet I know very well that those Slavs are White as snow.

Anyway, this is irrelevant. I asked you a question, and you blew it off with your drivel about Greeks being bad at everything.

So I ask the question again.

Why immigrate to a country in the middle of crisis, unless they still look like paradise compared to what your people have at home?

The WhiteMansLadder exists , look it on the net .. the north europeans consider many south europeans from greece, spain and italy to be catholic , corrupt and non-white and attribute their economic failures to these traits , I can post links if you are interested to know more even though this is off topic

and the grand daddy to 20th century racists, Hitler , who kicked greek butt , he himself did not consider the round faced slavs to be pure white and killed them by the thousands

finally about your question , being of 'north european stock' what are you doing in america ? that should answer your question
The WhiteMansLadder exists , look it on the net .. the north europeans consider many south europeans from greece, spain and italy to be catholic , corrupt and non-white and attribute their economic failures to these traits , I can post links if you are interested to know more even though this is off topic

and the grand daddy to 20th century racists, Hitler , who kicked greek butt , he himself did not consider the round faced slavs to be pure white and killed them by the thousands

finally about your question , being of 'north european stock' what are you doing in america ? that should answer your question

You are just jealous of our unity, and you would rather divide us if you can't join us.

Not going to happen. Northern Europeans, not even the Stormfront Whites, would ever say that Southern Europeans are not White.

But yet again, your mind has diverted the topic.

You still can't answer the question. Why do your people still immigrate to such a sh!thole (as you've been saying)?

Go ahead, for the third time, answer the question.

being of 'north european stock' what are you doing in america

My ancestors invented this country. My people have heritage going back 400 years here. Before that, a bunch of tribal, savage, and technologically illiterate Indians occupied this land. I wonder what the state of science, technology, industry, and life in general, would look like if the European people didn't inherit the North American continent? That's what I'm doing here.

Now ANSWER the question.
You are just jealous of our unity, and you would rather divide us if you can't join us.

Not going to happen. Northern Europeans, not even the Stormfront Whites, would ever say that Southern Europeans are not White.

But yet again, your mind has diverted the topic.

You still can't answer the question. Why do your people still immigrate to such a sh!thole (as you've been saying)?

Go ahead, for the third time, answer the question.

My ancestors invented this country. My people have heritage going back 400 years here. Before that, a bunch of tribal, savage, and technologically illiterate Indians occupied this land. I wonder what the state of science, technology, industry, and life in general, would look like if the European people didn't inherit the North American continent? That's what I'm doing here.

Now ANSWER the question.

Are you proud of annihilating them?

Seriously dude?

Red Indians were in their own land.

I don't know about the technology but today if the Arabs invaded Europe and conquered it, how would your people over there feel?

What if whites were killed by Arabs or Pakistanis by the dozens, thousands and millions, women and kids, old and needy, young and grown men?

Don't speak of technology. Just imagine that scene in your head.

I thought the modern americans resented killing of the natives now and didn't really talk much about them being lower.
Are you proud of annihilating them?

Seriously dude?

Red Indians were in their own land.

I don't know about the technology but today if the Arabs invaded Europe and conquered it, how would your people over there feel?

What if whites were killed by Arabs or Pakistanis by the dozens, thousands and millions, women and kids, old and needy, young and grown men?

Don't speak of technology. Just imagine that scene in your head.

I thought the modern americans resented killing of the natives now and didn't really talk much about them being lower.

this guys is from one of those " white pride " society ....
You are just jealous of our unity, and you would rather divide us if you can't join us.

Not going to happen. Northern Europeans, not even the Stormfront Whites, would ever say that Southern Europeans are not White.

But yet again, your mind has diverted the topic.

You still can't answer the question. Why do your people still immigrate to such a sh!thole (as you've been saying)?

Go ahead, for the third time, answer the question.

My ancestors invented this country. My people have heritage going back 400 years here. Before that, a bunch of tribal, savage, and technologically illiterate Indians occupied this land. I wonder what the state of science, technology, industry, and life in general, would look like if the European people didn't inherit the North American continent? That's what I'm doing here.

Now ANSWER the question.

Your stupid question stands answered ... if you want immigrants to leave then start with yourself and go back to where ever in Europe you came from

As for what's your ‘heritage’, there is none, here is quick recap
When white people from Europe came the shores of America, they brought with them their diseases too.

They carried germs of small pox, plague and other diseases that were common in white Europeans from that time but not found among the Native American Indians, the disease infested whites gave these diseases to the natives

The modern American history is one of deceit, murder and robbery nothing else. The most revered tradition of modern day America, Thanks Giving, should be among the most shameful one
The 'savage' Indians ( Wampanoag ) helped the early disease-infested whites to survive the harsh winters in Plymouth , the native American were more advanced in harvesting techniques to cope with the harsh winters

and they taught they early settlers how to survive ,only to be killed by the same white people with lands taken away , and given diseases both physical ( small pox , plague ) and mental ( alcoholism )

so the 'savage' Indians had more humanity than your disease infested forefathers ever did , you being their seed are no different it seems
@pakdefender-white people built the USA,stop talking crap,man some of you only have a head only to stop the rain from pouring in :laughcry:...It seems like you're a bitter,frustrated individual with an inferiority complex,get over it,you have no arguements and sound like you're about to burst from anger and stupidity.Even if a guy like yourself likes it or not the USA is still the greatest country on Earth,now ***** some more about it on a forum you frustrated troll.
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I dont blame the Greeks.

Pakistanis are always complaining about illegal Afghanis coming to their countries, Indians are complaining about Illegal Bangladeshis, etc.

So Greeks are reacting with violence to kick out these illegal foreigners.
Your stupid question stands answered ... if you want immigrants to leave then start with yourself and go back to where ever in Europe you came from

We built this country. We are not going anywhere.

You STILL have not answered the question. Why do Pakistanis move to Greece when you people apparently consider it to be a sh!thole? This is the FIFTH time I'm asking you! My question wasn't answered.

The question must be answered by justifying the reason as to why Pakistanis would move to such a horrible country, a country which does not even WANT them there! A country which you repeatedly insinuate is crap, and yet your entire horde of people would much rather live in such a nation, a nation which does not welcome them, a nation which attacks, denigrates, and insults them, rather than living in your own country.

That is the question, and you have not answered it for reasons that all of us Europeans know; it's because you are embarrassed. You realize the shame in having to immigrate to our countries, while at the same time criticizing us for having taken lands from others CENTURIES ago, and at the SAME time lecturing US on our Human rights and our 'racism', asking us to integrate YOU into OUR society.

Your excuses are not justifiable in this context. Pakistanis, and other third world peoples', immigrate to Western countries because even our worst societies (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, etc.) are better than the best of your societies.

Add to that the fact that you feel no shame in coming to a country which shares completely different values, cultures, heritage, AND a society that doesn't really want you here anyway, and you really have a lot to be embarrassed about.
We built this country. We are not going anywhere.

You STILL have not answered the question. Why do Pakistanis move to Greece when you people apparently consider it to be a sh!thole? This is the FIFTH time I'm asking you! My question wasn't answered.

The question must be answered by justifying the reason as to why Pakistanis would move to such a horrible country, a country which does not even WANT them there! A country which you repeatedly insinuate is crap, and yet your entire horde of people would much rather live in such a nation, a nation which does not welcome them, a nation which attacks, denigrates, and insults them, rather than living in your own country.

That is the question, and you have not answered it for reasons that all of us Europeans know; it's because you are embarrassed. You realize the shame in having to immigrate to our countries, while at the same time criticizing us for having taken lands from others CENTURIES ago, and at the SAME time lecturing US on our Human rights and our 'racism', asking us to integrate YOU into OUR society.

Your excuses are not justifiable in this context. Pakistanis, and other third world peoples', immigrate to Western countries because even our worst societies (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, etc.) are better than the best of your societies.

Add to that the fact that you feel no shame in coming to a country which shares completely different values, cultures, heritage, AND a society that doesn't really want you here anyway, and you really have a lot to be embarrassed about.

Hey, I resent that, we're just having a little bad period after communism and all :)
Society is pretty ok though, and as for Greece, they are having a bad moment , but it's still a beautiful country with good living standards.

Agreed on the rest, people shouldn't go where they are not wanted (although attacking immigrants is the wrong way to go about it, they should just kick illegals out)
@pakdefender-white people built the USA,stop talking crap,man some of you only have a head only to stop the rain from pouring in :laughcry:...It seems like you're a bitter,frustrated individual with an inferiority complex,get over it,you have no arguements and sound like you're about to burst from anger and stupidity.Even if a guy like yourself likes it or not the USA is still the greatest country on Earth,now ***** some more about it on a forum you frustrated troll.

you have barely forgotten how to speak Russian and you are now singing the song of america
The rejects from england/europe stole the american continent , they didnt build it
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I dont blame the Greeks.

Pakistanis are always complaining about illegal Afghanis coming to their countries, Indians are complaining about Illegal Bangladeshis, etc.

So Greeks are reacting with violence to kick out these illegal foreigners.
we never abused any bangladeshis... some clashes happened among tribals and bd people in assam but mostly its peaceful. I have seen many bangladeshis but will never report them to police out of fear that they will be hassled, their money will be taken.
By the way, Greece has lost the status of a developed country according to the MSCI.
We built this country. We are not going anywhere.

You STILL have not answered the question. Why do Pakistanis move to Greece when you people apparently consider it to be a sh!thole? This is the FIFTH time I'm asking you! My question wasn't answered.

The question must be answered by justifying the reason as to why Pakistanis would move to such a horrible country, a country which does not even WANT them there! A country which you repeatedly insinuate is crap, and yet your entire horde of people would much rather live in such a nation, a nation which does not welcome them, a nation which attacks, denigrates, and insults them, rather than living in your own country.

That is the question, and you have not answered it for reasons that all of us Europeans know; it's because you are embarrassed. You realize the shame in having to immigrate to our countries, while at the same time criticizing us for having taken lands from others CENTURIES ago, and at the SAME time lecturing US on our Human rights and our 'racism', asking us to integrate YOU into OUR society.

Your excuses are not justifiable in this context. Pakistanis, and other third world peoples', immigrate to Western countries because even our worst societies (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, etc.) are better than the best of your societies.

Add to that the fact that you feel no shame in coming to a country which shares completely different values, cultures, heritage, AND a society that doesn't really want you here anyway, and you really have a lot to be embarrassed about.

you didnt build america country , you stole it from the native and you should go back to england or europe or wherever else is your birth place or else don't go around telling others who have immigrated to go back.

If you want those who have immigrated to copy what your forfathers did then perhaps they should start with targetting the natives the same way your forefathers did.

As for your questions it has been answered five times before also but I can do it again , Pakistanis are immigrating for same reason that people from england/europe immgrated , perhaps the Pakistani immigrants should take a leaf out of the book of american settler history and go after the natives the same way settlers from england/europe went after the native americans
you have barely forgotten how to speak Russian and you are now singing the song of america
The rejects from england/europe stole the american continent , they didnt build it

Ha ha ha,that's rich coming from somebody whose country is used as target practice by american drones.Now,time for you to head to class about the "speaking russian" part,even at the height of soviet glory:

The Warsaw Pact

Read it boy,to see how we were "speaking russian".

Oh,yeah,'cause the american indians would have a built a country similar to the US now...lol...
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