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In Future we should get Gripen NG for our AF

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You really know anything about network centric AAD. lol

It doesn't depend upon country area. While seeing your AAD s/s I don't think that there is any thing like network centric, while IAF already connetced its all AAD s/s and radars.

you are right, it will take a loong loooong time for the armed forces in our country to get network centric AA stuff.

Precisely. So that pretty much rules out the FA50 and leaves us with the Chinese as the best option for the medium term. In the long term, I expect the Koreans to develop their own engines, at which time it may become a viable option. Note also that Philippines and Indonesia invested with Korean aerospace and if I remember correctly, bought either FA/TA-50 planes already.
maybe we should send our personnel to those aero-industry to learn for a couple of year. And open a few new courses in BUET, CUET . we can not depend on others all the time.

Point one: HAL Tejas will not be sold to any country till we successfully develop our own Engine.
Point two: HAL Tejas will not be sold to any neighboring country even if we successfully develop our own engine.
Point three: If ever Tejas is exported then it will be to African countries.

Gripen NG is not good choice for BAF, and simple reason are
1. It gives no substantial advantage to BAF which other weapons offered to Bangladesh can not match.
2. Gripen NG is purely in conceptual stage.
3. Engine used is not Swedish (Current Engine is US made).
4. All the weapons used are not Swedish (Currently used Weapons are from Sweden, UK, France, America and Germany).
5. All the sensors including avionics and other important electronic equipment is not Swedish(Radar-Jointly developed with help from UK).
6. Gripen NG will not be available to you before 2018.
7. Cost of Gripen NG along with Weapons will be close to $ 100 million (excluding training and other infrastructure equipments).
8. Its not yet offered to Bangladesh.

mate BD will never buy HAL Tejas fro India even if India perfects it. Not even if BAL is in power.so relax your tejas is safe. China will always beat it at price and quality with theirs.
Opinion is BAF should approached Turkey for TAI Hürkuş for BAF Training, it would be a good head start in cooperation and relations.

I was more interested in Turkish developed 'real' weapons, as in anti tank missiles like UMTAS, OMTAS, CIRIT, whatever they are called. No restrictions, no strings attached and such. Trainers or such? Don't care either way, because nobody can hold BD hostage by blocking supply of some trainer aircrafts, I reckon, and Hurkus is a primary trainer not some light attack aircraft like Yak-130 either, so that would not be the foremost item on my shopping list from 'Turkish shopping centre'. Of course, different ppl may think differently.

How far has Turkey progressed with its anti-ship, anti-submarine, land attack cruise missiles? Those are things we can also look into, because those are developed in Turkey, I think, so no restrictions again. But unlike some other members, I am not much interested in Milgem or Type-209 or some other so called Turkish submarine (actually German submarine, license produced in Turkey probably, like they do in Korea as well). The reason is, most of the major subsystems are foreign (Western), and again, your entire 'supply line' is at the mercy of the West in times of crisis.

I would much rather go with direct procurement of ships and subs from China at this stage at cheap, friendship prices, and possibly develop indigenous frigates sometime later with Chinese cooperation if given the choice. The Chinese also 'control' the entire supply line, are closer to us geographically, is a much larger manufacturing power, and shares a common enemy as well (that helps).

From Turkey, things like anti-tank, land attack cruise missiles etc will be on my personal list (others can differ on this issue), and if/when they develop some potent SAM, AAM, we can look into those, I think. From Iran, I would look into designs and technology transfer for SSM, but no complete system transfer (then foreign intel can track them much more easily), but they had better be done quite secretively, if Iran agrees of course.

We should not procure something just because it has the label of favoured country X, Y or Z on it. We need to ensure the supply line is secured, the producer is entirely independent, it will not budge in times of crisis under foreign pressure, threats or whatever else, and preferably, that they would be able to transfer the systems at favourable rates.

Also, given that for oil rich desert dwellers, Turkey under Erdogan is all the new rage, maybe Erdogan should ask those oil rich desert kingdoms, using his diplomatic skills, to set up a common OIC-wide defence fund, where the cash surplus and wealthy countries (let's say, countries with GDP/capita in excess of $20,000) would pool a certain tiny % of their annual surplus earning and those funds will be used for the procurement of weapons systems for OIC countries short of huge reserves.

Just imagine if the surplus wealth of some OIC countries were coupled with the surplus populations and huge domestic markets of some other OIC countries, how much benefits the entire OIC could derive from such synergistic cooperation?

I think this is an avenue that Erdogan and Abdullah Gul should pursue to help strengthen the defences of all the resource-poor countries in the OIC, and in future, create similar funds to help bolster different sectors like education, S&T research, food production (because many OIC countries are just desert and produce very little food), and all other vital sectors.

Win-win cooperation for all (OIC members).
Why is no Bangladeshi considering building an indigenous plane or a customized variant through JV atlest
The best idea now is to spend money on buying more SAMs....considering our small airspace........anti-aircraft weapons are a better choice than combat-aircrafts.
* At first read carefully :fie:

I only know Gripen NG will be SELEX Galileo Raven ES-05 AESA radar installed.

* At first read carefully :fie:

Selex Galileo is not Swedish. You want to buy a Swedish plane using American engine, Italian/British radar, and Russian/Chinese missiles? Then, why buy this highly expensive but least useful plane at all.

Can Sweden supply dozens of aircraft at short notice in times of war? Does Sweden have this massive manufacturing capability? Which 'ally' of ours does have this massive manufacturing capability? The same one that is the largest manufacturing power in the world. So, is not it much better to purchase cheaper (at friendship prices, through diplomatic skills), complete aircrafts with all subsystems sourced from the same country without any restrictions, and the possibility of replenishment in times of crises?

* Again read carefully :fie: we can make Gripen NG to fire our current missiles.

Then why our people always want to go USA?

None of our current missiles are ARH BVR capable, AFAIK. Why purchase expensive birds without powerful claws? Or, why buy expensive but blunt swords for fighting any enemy?

So, better go with tried and tested, reliable, and completely 'independent' countries like China, Russia and for subsystems/upgradation, Ukraine.

The best idea now is to spend money on buying more SAMs....considering our small airspace........anti-aircraft weapons are a better choice than combat-aircrafts.

Bangladesh's airspace is not small. Who gave you that idea?

Size of airspace has nothing to do with procurement of aircraft. Ask the so called "Israelis" (just making a point; you do not need to ask them). Ask South Korea, North Korea, Singapore, and hoardes of other "small" countries.

Bangladesh has an air force, but no separate air defence command. We should beef up the air force now, and form the air defence command first, then strengthen it.
Gripen NG is way too expensive to buy and to maintain. And what is more important that it falls behind Su-27SM2, Su-30MK, Su-35, FA-18EF, F-15SE, EF-2000, Desault Rafale (all of these aircraft are dominating the non/semi-stealth airspace). In 2013 we should not consider buying fighter aircraft that falls behind these aircraft. Our procurement in 2013 should be strategical making our footstep glow in years to come. We may consider procuring in low quantity, considering 4 major airbases we need 64 multi-role future-proof fighter aircraft like Su-27SM2 or Su-30MK3 or FA-18EF or better. We should in this case consider $30 to 50ml per uint cost, making it roughly $2.5 bl budget. This is what BAF needs but might not be what they can afford. The can go for loan purchase or may devide it in batches of 2 or 4. But anything less than this will be a total waste of money...
Gripen NG is way too expensive to buy and to maintain. And what is more important that it falls behind Su-27SM2, Su-30MK, Su-35, FA-18EF, F-15SE, EF-2000, Desault Rafale (all of these aircraft are dominating the non/semi-stealth airspace). In 2013 we should not consider buying fighter aircraft that falls behind these aircraft. Our procurement in 2013 should be strategical making our footstep glow in years to come. We may consider procuring in low quantity, considering 4 major airbases we need 64 multi-role future-proof fighter aircraft like Su-27SM2 or Su-30MK3 or FA-18EF or better. We should in this case consider $30 to 50ml per uint cost, making it roughly $2.5 bl budget. This is what BAF needs but might not be what they can afford. The can go for loan purchase or may devide it in batches of 2 or 4. But anything less than this will be a total waste of money...

You can't get 64 Jets for 2.4 B$... by the way do have many air force base to stations them?
* At first read carefully :fie:

Selex Galileo is not Swedish. You want to buy a Swedish plane using American engine, Italian/British radar, and Russian/Chinese missiles? Then, why buy this highly expensive but least useful plane at all.

Can Sweden supply dozens of aircraft at short notice in times of war? Does Sweden have this massive manufacturing capability? Which 'ally' of ours does have this massive manufacturing capability? The same one that is the largest manufacturing power in the world. So, is not it much better to purchase cheaper (at friendship prices, through diplomatic skills), complete aircrafts with all subsystems sourced from the same country without any restrictions, and the possibility of replenishment in times of crises?

None of our current missiles are ARH BVR capable, AFAIK. Why purchase expensive birds without powerful claws? Or, why buy expensive but blunt swords for fighting any enemy?

So, better go with tried and tested, reliable, and completely 'independent' countries like China, Russia and for subsystems/upgradation, Ukraine.

Bangladesh's airspace is not small. Who gave you that idea?

Size of airspace has nothing to do with procurement of aircraft. Ask the so called "Israelis" (just making a point; you do not need to ask them). Ask South Korea, North Korea, Singapore, and hoardes of other "small" countries.

Bangladesh has an air force, but no separate air defence command. We should beef up the air force now, and form the air defence command first, then strengthen it.

Israel,S.Korea,Singapore are rich,N.Korea starves its own people to buy weapons.....wouldn't it be cheaper for us to have a better Anti Aircraft system then to buy Advanced fighters??How about some S300s from the billion dollar deal??
y0 bangla Broski's with the 2.4 billion dollar some one mentioned, You can Have 48 jf-t 24 j-10 2 aesa awacs and 4 hq-9 batteries which will be more then enough to Counter any threat and its not the speed of the aircraft or high G factors that plays a Crucial role but early warrning potent jamming pods Latest IRST (j-10,jf-t) etc that Ensures victory with a high level of Training which will be provided on Request by the PAF if you really want to be serious Other then that you can become IRAQ with their Mig-29(most advanced at the time on papper) and Got Killed by every nato Force because the use of awacs and Electronic warfare equipment, even the GErmAN Mig-29 scored kills with zero losses with the IRST against f-16 viper and f-15e it all depends on training and Early warning skills and an able Fighter which the jf-t and j-10 are plus the weapon systems for these planes are sencond to non j-10 is more manuverable then the chinese j-11(which is su-30) basically
Bro, I am not that kind of fool. Well Gripen NG enter service with name of Gripen E/F. Price of Gripen NG will be under 75 MIL USD with all costs, low cost is an advantage of Gripen. We are not want missile from USA we want engine and USA must not refuse to sell engine to us. SAAB give Gripen users weapon control software source code to make missiles or other ordinance compatible, we can use chinese or russian or any missile in Gripen NG. I have done many research before posting this thread.

If there's any bar in receiving the weapon, I never support only procuring the hardware. Besides, with 75 ml USD perhaps we'd be able to procure 5 Mig 29 type ACs if I'm not wrong which are proven platforms. If your wish is to integrate Russian or Chinese weapons on Gripen, why don't you decide for their fighters? Previously we faced huge difficulties in integrating and operating hybrid hybrid systems...example is Ulsan class frigate which was from Korea but all western weapons were not given, later we had to fit Chinese ones on board. It's always wise avoiding stuffs that are not allowed to sell to us in part or completely.
Why is no Bangladeshi considering building an indigenous plane or a customized variant through JV atlest

We dont have enough funds because of all corrupted GOVT. :blah:

Why is no Bangladeshi considering building an indigenous plane or a customized variant through JV atlest

We dont have enough funds because of all corrupted GOVT. :blah:
The best idea now is to spend money on buying more SAMs....considering our small airspace........anti-aircraft weapons are a better choice than combat-aircrafts.

Strong SAM network is necessary...true. It's for defensive only, you'll be protecting yourself from rain of bombing. Phase by phase we also need strong airforce ultimately developing an offensive one. Once we have to destroy all the dams barring water on common rivers entering our land...such stronger one has to be our goal.

Israel,S.Korea,Singapore are rich,N.Korea starves its own people to buy weapons.....wouldn't it be cheaper for us to have a better Anti Aircraft system then to buy Advanced fighters??How about some S300s from the billion dollar deal??

Russia will never give us S300 as far as I understand, China probably is developing one like S300, that could be a future hope.
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