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In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

It's not politically correct to say this, but you asked the question and I'll answer it.

Outer Mongolia was part of China prior to 1945. The Soviet Union and the United States wanted a weaker China. Thus, the USSR and U.S.A. promoted Mongolian independence.

Russia is weak today. That leaves the problem of the United States. China can regain Mongolia, but it is not currently worth the cost. China needs to wait about 18 years before re-attaching Mongolia back to China. It'll take about eight years for China to surpass American nominal GDP. Add another ten years to build up a massive military. After 18 years from now, China can safely reclaim Mongolia without worrying about the U.S. Navy stopping Chinese oil tankers carrying Saudi oil.

Outer Manchuria is gone for the foreseeable future. Some tundra territory is not worth risking the Chinese civilization. China is patient. Chinese can afford to wait a couple of hundred years to see if ballistic missiles can be reliably shot down. However, that is for the distant future when advanced Chinese technology can create new possibilities.

In the meantime, after 18 years and not being susceptible to U.S. naval pressure, China should probably also annex Vietnam, Myanmar (ie. the size of Texas), and India. The former populations can be placed inside Israeli-style Gaza Strips. This is the only solution to the American "containment" strategy. China must annex the members of the containment wall.

Hi Martian2, thank you for your thoughtful analysis as always.

I also think that Outer Manchuria is not worth the cost for Chinese Civilization at the moment. Why should China fight for its territory (lost under an unequal treaty such as losing HK to UK) when Outer Manchuria will likely fall into its lap in a century.
Furthermore, the current ongoing crisis in Ukraine is giving China a window of opportunity. As the US is disorganized with its multiple covert wars (Venezuela (US SouthCom), Syria (US Centcom), and Ukraine (US EuroCom) and will not be able to concentrate on containing China, China can consolidate its political power in its neighboring countries so that after Obama is stepped down as the most foolish President in the US (good for China) and Hillary Clinton becomes the President, she will think twice about the Taiwan issue.
Just forgot about the Outer Manchuria, I am happy if the Outer Mongolia could once come back to its Motherland, but I think we should wait for 10-20 years.
Seems military means are the only way for reunification

Many here, however, fear ECFA will exacerbate what they see as an already excessive economic reliance on the mainland and give Beijing the economic leverage to force political concessions, advancing its goal of eventual reunification. ECFA critics cite as an example temporary restrictions on Chinese tour groups' travel to Kaohsiung after that city's mayor allowed the screening of a film Beijing found objectionable. The public reaction on Taiwan made clear that future PRC attempts to use economic levers for political ends would only further undermine the already-slender attractiveness of closer political ties. One widely publicized opinion poll last December showed that just 7 percent of respondents supported reunification.

Cable reference id: #10TAIPEI158

All the best to Mainland China for reunification by using military might ;)
The government still keeping the promise of "one country, two system" as long as Taiwan remains in status quo. The moment Taiwan declared independence is when bullet will be fired.
It's not politically correct to say this, but you asked the question and I'll answer it.

In the meantime, after 18 years and not being susceptible to U.S. naval pressure, China should probably also annex Vietnam, Myanmar (ie. the size of Texas), and India. The former populations can be placed inside Israeli-style Gaza Strips. This is the only solution to the American "containment" strategy. China must annex the members of the containment wall.

You know Chinese members here are quick to point out that Japan will revert back to Imperialism and thus should be contained with a strong military. Yet many people are rolling their eyes and looking at Chinese Imperialism,

Now can you see why?
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It's not politically correct to say this, but you asked the question and I'll answer it.

Outer Mongolia was part of China prior to 1945. The Soviet Union and the United States wanted a weaker China. Thus, the USSR and U.S.A. promoted Mongolian independence.

Russia is weak today. That leaves the problem of the United States. China can regain Mongolia, but it is not currently worth the cost. China needs to wait about 18 years before re-attaching Mongolia back to China. It'll take about eight years for China to surpass American nominal GDP. Add another ten years to build up a massive military. After 18 years from now, China can safely reclaim Mongolia without worrying about the U.S. Navy stopping Chinese oil tankers carrying Saudi oil.

Outer Manchuria is gone for the foreseeable future. Some tundra territory is not worth risking the Chinese civilization. China is patient. Chinese can afford to wait a couple of hundred years to see if ballistic missiles can be reliably shot down. However, that is for the distant future when advanced Chinese technology can create new possibilities.

In the meantime, after 18 years and not being susceptible to U.S. naval pressure, China should probably also annex Vietnam, Myanmar (ie. the size of Texas), and India. The former populations can be placed inside Israeli-style Gaza Strips. This is the only solution to the American "containment" strategy. China must annex the members of the containment wall.

Finally China will annex Jupiter, Neptune, & Pluto.

And we should have age verification for PDF membership.
You know China members here are quick to point out that Japan will revert back to Imperialism and thus should be contained with a strong military. Yer many people are rolling their eyes and looking at Chinese Imperialism,

Now can you see why?

I saw zero analysis in your post. You're a peacenik and that's your problem.

Is anybody trying to "contain" Japan? No. Can you see the difference now? Your mind is so simple and cannot see these important critical differences.

I addressed America's containment strategy of China. If you don't like it, too bad. I could care less.

I'm here to discuss military issues. The United States has a "containment" strategy for China. My solution is to annex all of the countries that are part of the "containment" wall. If you have a better solution, I'm willing to hear you out. If you want to just whine, get lost.

India is a belligerent country and pursuing weapons of mass destruction. By refusing to abide by the Non-proliferation treaty, India poses a serious threat to China. India has and still is illegally occupying Chinese territory in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh (which was never part of official Indian maps prior to 1947).

Waiting until India develops thermonuclear weapons would be an act of utter stupidity. Rome did not wait for Carthage to grow strong enough to wipe out the Romans. Similarly, China must annex India.

India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.
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I saw zero analysis in your post. You're a peacenik and that's your problem.

Is anybody trying to "contain" Japan? No. Can you see the difference now? Your mind is so simple and cannot see these important critical differences.

I addressed America's containment strategy of China. If you don't like it, too bad. I could care less.

I'm here to discuss military issues. The United States has a "containment" strategy for China. My solution is to annex all of the countries that are part of the "containment" wall. If you have a better solution, I'm willing to hear you out. If you want to just whine, get lost.

How about living in peace with your neighbors...like you have been doing for the last 50 years which has helped your economy tremendously. If you you suddenly start arming yourself to the teeth your neighbors will get nervous and do the same thing.

I wouldn't want to strain your brain.
How about living in peace with your neighbors...like you have been doing for the last 50 years which has helped your economy tremendously. If you you suddenly start arming yourself to the teeth your neighbors will get nervous and do the same thing.

I wouldn't want to strain your brain.

I'm not wasting any more replies on an idiot like you.

The problem is the American containment strategy. Your response is for China to sit there and do nothing.

You're a complete moron. This is a defense forum, not a hug fest.
I'm not wasting any more replies on an idiot like you.

The problem is the American containment strategy. Your response is for China to sit there and do nothing.

You're a complete moron. This is a defense forum, not a hug fest.

Ok I'll start talking crazy stuff like you (anti-hug stuff) in terms of what the US should do to increase the containment strategy.
First we pressure the middle east to stop selling oil to China. We start a lot of anti-China sentiment across the world so it drives down Chinese imports. Pressure companies to reverse their outsourcing of manufacturing to China (like things were before the 1970's open China Policy) They can use the same outsourcing model with a different country like Brazil or India. Then let all hell break lose with a war as the world gangs up on China.
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India is a belligerent country and pursuing weapons of mass destruction. By refusing to abide by the Non-proliferation treaty, India poses a serious threat to China. India has and still is illegally occupying Chinese territory in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh (which was never part of official Indian maps prior to 1947).

Waiting until India develops thermonuclear weapons would be an act of utter stupidity. Rome did not wait for Carthage to grow strong enough to wipe out the Romans. Similarly, China must annex India.

India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.

I agree with all you say apart from India.

India is too big and populous to be easily invaded and held without a major expenditure of resources that will seriously weaken China.

Anyway the Indians know that they have to live within a Chinese dominated Asia and will eventually accept Chinese dominance.
How about living in peace with your neighbors...like you have been doing for the last 50 years which has helped your economy tremendously. If you you suddenly start arming yourself to the teeth your neighbors will get nervous and do the same thing.

I wouldn't want to strain your brain.
we were always armed to the teeth, by the times of 1930 the great central plains war, China spent 700 million francs on military when the nation's earnings was 400 million.

By 1950s we had 4 million active soldiers, and it keeps going, spending precious resources on Nukes, on Nuke subs, on aircrafts, we had one of the largest air forces by the time of Gulf war.

Now today we are actually spending less than Mao years in terms of percentage.

Back then we sucked and can't produce good weapons or had the economy to back it up. Today we do, our defence spending is still less than France, UK and Russia as well as US, in terms % and US in terms of everything. We are the lowest spending PM.

Of our 2+ million troops, 600 thousnads+ are armed police, not combat troops. Further reduction in the army is scheduled and to be decided and implemented within the year.

So how are we arming ourselves more? You can only accuse us of getting better at it and having more resources, but these are all a result of economy. Every major economic power has a powerful military to protect their interests why should China be different? We are expanding far slower than US and Russia.

If you are going to put fingers do it right, with facts.
China has a 1.3 billion population to protect, many maritime borders, has borders with 14 countries of which some are some of most unstable in the world, has the second largest economy, the third largest territory, and yet people want China to spend as much as Japan which is an island and a much smaller country ? Come on...
Hi,all my dear fellow Chinese strategist ,may I offer my humble opinion .

Chinese government has settled down all the land border with all our neighbors except India,(,if my memory doesn't go wrong.) , including Mongolia and and acknowledge their sovereignty,.No matter how long past in the future ,China will not take one inch soil belongs to other country.

Once the treaty reach between China and neighbor government ,we comply strictly with it,and it's done deal.
Don't dream about taking back any lands and this kind of dream is dangerous and doing damage to China's interest .

Now time has changed ,it's 21st century. To be powerful economically and military as a country don't depends on territory size as much as before,look at America . If they want how much territory they can sieze?

I really think the border dispute between China and India is a burden to both country,it's a trap . Hope we settle it as early as possible,then both country can co develop trade and economic.

But South China Sea is different issue. Historically ,these small island were not claimed and controll by any country nor these countrys have ability to ,most of the country were even uncivilized ,except China.

Present, due to America's containment towards China and we even have nuclear sub base in Hainan island,south China sea can't afford to be lost

Sorry for poor English
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