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In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

Once the treaty reach between China and neighbor government ,we comply strictly with it,and it's done deal.
Don't dream about taking back any lands and this kind of dream is dangerous and doing damage to China's interest .

Exactly! If you do the "hey I get along with my neighbors..none of them are worrying about me...none of them are pointing some imperialist land takeover finger at me...I'm not doing anything" thing nobody will have a case to criticize China!

Just like the US. Is Canada complaining...is Mexico complaining...Cuba (other than the usual rhetoric) nope!
Bahamas and other little island countries worried about the US taking some island...nope.

But South China Sea is different issue. Historically ,these small island were not claimed and controll by any country nor these countrys have ability to ,most of the country were even uncivilized ,except China.

Take it to the World court...you might just win your case. If you win nobody can point the finger at you. Problems solved!

I think China has an 80% chance of winning their case for those tiny Japanese islands.
India is a belligerent country and pursuing weapons of mass destruction. By refusing to abide by the Non-proliferation treaty, India poses a serious threat to China. India has and still is illegally occupying Chinese territory in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh (which was never part of official Indian maps prior to 1947).

Waiting until India develops thermonuclear weapons would be an act of utter stupidity. Rome did not wait for Carthage to grow strong enough to wipe out the Romans. Similarly, China must annex India.

India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.

Well said,

I think its Hanjians like Xi Jingping, who are cowardly enough to not attack India and take back Sikkim and Arunchal Pradesh. ;)

You @Martian2 along with your able comrades @shuttler, @UKBengali, @SinoChallenger @Fattyacids must reach the highest levels of Chinese leadership, stage a coup and take action against India :D

Destiny awaits you now, so begone ;)

Finally China will annex Jupiter, Neptune, & Pluto.

And we should have age verification for PDF membership.
Accept Lord Han Martian2's command now, he will merciful to you when the conquest of India is done and we will be gifted with high positions in the new empire.

Lets all sing in praise of Mao now -

Well said,

I think its Hanjians like Xi Jingping, who are cowardly enough to not attack India and take back Sikkim and Arunchal Pradesh. ;)

You @Martian2 along with your able comrades @shuttler, @UKBengali, @SinoChallenger @Fattyacids must reach the highest levels of Chinese leadership, stage a coup and take action against India :D

Destiny awaits you now, so begone ;)

Why am I dragged into this? I never advocated annexing India.
India is a liability for women safety, law and social order.
Well said,

I think its Hanjians like Xi Jingping, who are cowardly enough to not attack India and take back Sikkim and Arunchal Pradesh. ;)

You @Martian2 along with your able comrades @shuttler, @UKBengali, @SinoChallenger @Fattyacids must reach the highest levels of Chinese leadership, stage a coup and take action against India :D

Destiny awaits you now, so begone ;)

Accept Lord Han Martian2's command now, he will merciful to you when the conquest of India is done and we will be gifted with high positions in the new empire.

Lets all sing in praise of Mao now -

well said, a bunch of delusional Chinese :rofl:
Martian2 is either high on drugs or smogs
India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.

You could have just stopped at saying "I can't think".

Would have sufficed. ;)

Seems some zombies are getting too big for their boots.

Talking of "annexing" nuclear armed countries!
I saw zero analysis in your post. You're a peacenik and that's your problem.

Is anybody trying to "contain" Japan? No. Can you see the difference now? Your mind is so simple and cannot see these important critical differences.

I addressed America's containment strategy of China. If you don't like it, too bad. I could care less.

I'm here to discuss military issues. The United States has a "containment" strategy for China. My solution is to annex all of the countries that are part of the "containment" wall. If you have a better solution, I'm willing to hear you out. If you want to just whine, get lost.

India is a belligerent country and pursuing weapons of mass destruction. By refusing to abide by the Non-proliferation treaty, India poses a serious threat to China. India has and still is illegally occupying Chinese territory in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh (which was never part of official Indian maps prior to 1947).

Waiting until India develops thermonuclear weapons would be an act of utter stupidity. Rome did not wait for Carthage to grow strong enough to wipe out the Romans. Similarly, China must annex India.

India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.

Tell me more about the plan. :pop::pop::pop:
Ok I'll start talking crazy stuff like you (anti-hug stuff) in terms of what the US should do to increase the containment strategy.
First we pressure the middle east to stop selling oil to China. We start a lot of anti-China sentiment across the world so it drives down Chinese imports. Pressure companies to reverse their outsourcing of manufacturing to China (like things were before the 1970's open China Policy) They can use the same outsourcing model with a different country like Brazil or India. Then let all hell break lose with a war as the world gangs up on China.

Most of our growth is from investment and consumption.

Most of the manufacturing is done by domestic Chinese companies. In fact 41% are private Chinese companies and 25% are state owned. The rest are foreign.

126 countries consider China their largest trading partner and a vast majority of them consider China their largest market.

Many global multinationals consider China their largest market.

It's impossible to isolate China. Economically we are now the most important country in the world.
Well said,

I think its Hanjians like Xi Jingping, who are cowardly enough to not attack India and take back Sikkim and Arunchal Pradesh. ;)

You @Martian2 along with your able comrades @shuttler, @UKBengali, @SinoChallenger @Fattyacids must reach the highest levels of Chinese leadership, stage a coup and take action against India :D

india is a place bad for wholesome annex however easy it is for a strong army like PLA
Dont ask us help for putting your insurgencies who have cover over 40% of your territories to rest
We just want our area back or a swap between the rest of NE for Zangnan if you want eternal peace. If this can be done, indian cheerleaders and false flaggers who are flooding forums on smearing campaigns against us will be RIP
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india is a place bad for wholesome annex however easy it is for a strong army like PLA
Dont ask us help for putting over 40% of your insurgencies to rest
We just want our area back or a swap between the rest of NE for Zangnan if you want eternal peace. If this can be done, indian cheerleaders and false flaggers who are flooding forums on smearing campaigns against us will be RIP
Tell that to Lord Han Martian2, he is the one with the plan to annex India. :D

Now, with Shuttler and Fattyacids out, the ranks are getting even more thinner :(
I saw zero analysis in your post. You're a peacenik and that's your problem.

Is anybody trying to "contain" Japan? No. Can you see the difference now? Your mind is so simple and cannot see these important critical differences.

I addressed America's containment strategy of China. If you don't like it, too bad. I could care less.

India is a belligerent country and pursuing weapons of mass destruction. By refusing to abide by the Non-proliferation treaty, India poses a serious threat to China. India has and still is illegally occupying Chinese territory in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh (which was never part of official Indian maps prior to 1947).

Waiting until India develops thermonuclear weapons would be an act of utter stupidity. Rome did not wait for Carthage to grow strong enough to wipe out the Romans. Similarly, China must annex India.

India is a war-mongering nation that is occupying Chinese territory and developing even more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The only solution is to annex India. I can't think of another choice.
you must send friend request to this guy , he has similar vision.
Tell that to Lord Han Martian2, he is the one with the plan to annex India. :D

Now, with Shuttler and Fattyacids out, the ranks are getting even more thinner :(

If Martian2 has a plan to impose law and social order, provide safely for women, I'll gladly re-consider.:cheesy:

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