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In Atheists We Distrust

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I know. The point I'm trying to make it hasn't been used in context of resisting only.

That argument can however be applied to many things. For example, the western war on terror has inflicted more terror than anything else in the world. Hope I'm not going too off-topic.
That argument can however be applied to many things. For example, the western war on terror has inflicted more terror than anything else in the world. Hope I'm not going too off-topic.

Could be, but how are atheists to blame for that?
Actually I was trying to be polite but in effect Jihad essentially means Holy war against infidels. Now you can sugar coat it in whatever way you want but Muslim clerics are law unto themselves and sooner or later someone will call for Jihad against infidels just as they have been calling for last millennium. You need understand, meaning of a particular word evolve with time depending on the use of the same. Taliban meant students back in 80s.

There must be something inherently wrong in the very idea of religion that it can be used as political tool to prop up the gullible, and that wrong lies in the perception of true God/my God is better than your God.

I must know exactly how you came up with that??
The word itself has NOTHING to do with either war or religion...:confused:

Muslim Clerics are not Islam.. Otherwise every other tom dick and harry fool who decides to twist a faith's message by his own ideas should be used to define a faith.. be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism.

If the lesser form of the term Jihad which is Armed struggle became popular as political tool, it still does not imply that the religion and not politics was responsible for it.

The message that propagated religions was brought down perfectly... it was man's interpretation of it that messed it up.
Could be, but how are atheists to blame for that?

Well my point was that anyone can distort any doctrine for nefarious purposes.
I must know exactly how you came up with that??
The word itself has NOTHING to do with either war or religion...:confused:

Muslim Clerics are not Islam.. Otherwise every other tom dick and harry fool who decides to twist a faith's message by his own ideas should be used to define a faith.. be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism.

If the lesser form of the term Jihad which is Armed struggle became popular as political tool, it still does not imply that the religion and not politics was responsible for it.

People who say the bolded part are relatively much less in number than those who either silently accept it for want of alternative or who vocally enforce it.

IMO..Islam unlike any other religion is more of a political idealogy than even a religion. It might have been a religion during the day of Muhammed. But soon after his death it assumed a political dimension whose most famous result was the Shia-sunni schism and it has been like that ever since. Christianity too once was like that..but with the Renaissance it subsided with the decline of the church.
I must know exactly how you came up with that??
The word itself has NOTHING to do with either war or religion...:confused:

Muslim Clerics are not Islam.. Otherwise every other tom dick and harry fool who decides to twist a faith's message by his own ideas should be used to define a faith.. be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism.

If the lesser form of the term Jihad which is Armed struggle became popular as political tool, it still does not imply that the religion and not politics was responsible for it.

The message that propagated religions was brought down perfectly... it was man's interpretation of it that messed it up.

They are so very much Islam as long as Muslims subscribe to their call. If any Tom, Dick or Harry's interpretation of religion makes huge affect then that essentially becomes religion as religion essentially is man's interpretation of God's words(or what he thought God's words). As it happens God(s) always used complex languages to propagate his ideas which can be interpreted in several ways.
They are so very much Islam as long as Muslims subscribe to their call. If any Tom, Dick or Harry's interpretation of religion makes huge affect then that essentially becomes religion as religion essentially is man's interpretation of God's words(or what he thought God's words). As it happens God(s) always used complex languages to propagate his ideas which can be interpreted in several ways.

How many is the question.. ?

I can look at the picture above and say "****** Christians".. after all they are loud,brash.. and visible.
But shall I think of them as being representative of all Christians?
Actually I was trying to be polite but in effect Jihad essentially means Holy war against infidels. Now you can sugar coat it in whatever way you want but Muslim clerics are law unto themselves and sooner or later someone will call for Jihad against infidels just as they have been calling for last millennium. You need understand, meaning of a particular word evolve with time depending on the use of the same. Taliban meant students back in 80s....
Kid. I don't know you, I probably won't meet you in this life, I don't owe you money, I don't even think highly of you. Which all means that I don't have to sugar-coat anything when I say it to you. All I am being, is honest to myself.

You want to catch us, I'll give you one better than jihaad - the frontal part of a masjid or your house where you perform salawaat and prayers is called maHraab (which derives from Harb - war)*. Now go make war on the masaajid and raze them to the ground.

And kid, if jihaad meant holy** war, I can bet you a thousand euros that several people on this forum would have right now been fighting the Romans in Afghanistan.

**holy is not a word in our lexicon, but I take you meant religiously-prescribed.

I'll be nice one more time since I'm supposed to be, and ask you how many times the word jihaad appears in The Bible (al Kitaab, by which we mean what you only know by the name al Qur'aan)? I'll tell you - reportedly four times. Look it up, now that we have search enabled texts. Each time, reportedly, there's the word qalb (heart?) mentioned in the sentence. I'll leave you to figure out the rest if you're smart enough.

...You need understand, meaning of a particular word evolve with time depending on the use of the same. Taliban meant students back in 80s....
It doesn't if the word is rooted in a doctrine.
Talib (seeker) -> taalibaan e 3ilm (seekers of knowledge) -> taaliban (what else is worthy going after but knowledge!). The meaning is still the same, and you could go attend a school in a Pashtuun neighbourhood and see multitudes of little taalibaan around you.
The entity in Afghanistan you're referring to call themselves the I. I. A.. You don't have even the idea of human dignity to allow them the deference to call them by the name they call themselves.

* For the sane among us, the word implies that is the place where the battle of right and wrong rages in the heart or mind.

...Muslim clerics are law unto themselves...
You asked them? How do you know? Have you read anybody that based a decision on the sharii3ah, why do they always end with wAllahu a3lam, meaning this is only my studied opinion and only God knows the true answer?
You are by the way disqualified from talking about those fine men because you don't even know something as elementary of the absence of clergy in Islam.

...sooner or later someone will call for Jihad against infidels just as they have been calling for last millennium...
Again, infidel is not in our dictionary, wallahu a3lam.
Last millennium? Prove it or eat it back.

There must be something inherently wrong in the very idea of religion that it can be used as political tool to prop up the gullible, and that wrong lies in the perception of true God/my God is better than your God.
The wrong is in people. We don't like to use their minds neither their inner sense of discrimination.

... and that wrong lies in the perception of true God/my God is better than your God.
So you just assumed something about the whole lot of us. When my group says God they simply mean God. How can there be a 'your' and 'my' God when He is only one?

Now, I can say just as mean things about your religion without researching whether what I'm saying is right or wrong. So give it a listen: in my opinion nationalists*** are 1) incestuous 2) are a bane to humanity and should be killed like pests.
How did it feel?

*** I'm assuming you being Bengali have great nationalistic pride.
According to Carl Sagan, "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid."

And I completely agree with him.
Some Bharots go wosh over their heads whenever they hear about the Muslim Ummah. One guy here doesn't even understand what Jihad is :lol:
Some Bharots go wosh over their heads whenever they hear about the Muslim Ummah. One guy here doesn't even understand what Jihad is :lol:
You're saying he absolutely has to understand. He doesn't. But then he doesn't have the right to speak about something he has no knowledge of in a forum. But people can think too highly of their intellects you know!

Life is a Jihad :P
Yes sir it is. Anytime we make an effort to construct something is a jihaad, wAllahu a3lam.
You're saying he absolutely has to understand. He doesn't. But then he doesn't have the right to speak about something he has no knowledge of in a forum. But people can think too highly of their intellects you know!

It's best for us to let them speak their minds.

Yes sir it is. Anytime we make an effort to construct something is a jihaad, wAllahu a3lam.

Walaikum salaam :D
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