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In a snub to US, India to go ahead with S-400 missile deal with Russia

Full side pressure over Turkish officials not to takr delivery of S-400 so they are using F-35 and military sanction carda along with some geopolitic subjects against us.
they end up by losing their allies..
Do not be mistaken, if the US wanted, they could break India just as they could with most other countries bar China and a few others.
Havent they tried that before? Perhaps India & china are the few big countries (cuba is another one) that have successfully pushed back on interference by western powers since the end of world war.
Havent they tried that before? Perhaps India & china are the few big countries (cuba is another one) that have successfully pushed back on interference by western powers since the end of world war.
I don't think they've fully exerted pressure on India before though you know better than me. To be fair, India is probably one of the few countries that would be stand up to US pressure significantly. EU countries can withstand US pressure to an extent because as part of one bloc, they have a lot of power but since they are traditionally aligned to the US, they will eventually cave in.
@araz this is why Su-35s shouldn't be discounted as a purchase option.
I have not discounted it for this particular reason. There are other reason which I have explained in my other posts. Its mainly a financial and infrastructural decision in my humble opinion. It is my opinion therefore could be wrong.
I don't think they've fully exerted pressure on India before though you know better than me. To be fair, India is probably one of the few countries that would be stand up to US pressure significantly. EU countries can withstand US pressure to an extent because as part of one bloc, they have a lot of power but since they are traditionally aligned to the US, they will eventually cave in.
Exert pressure how? it is not 1960 or 1970 those days are gone.
Is it game over for Pak after S-400? The reputation of S-400 is as such that India will be able to see and target our Jets soon as they will be in Air from wherever base they are from?
The credibility of the S-400 hasn't been tested in realtime and constant updates of the software and sensor fusion is happening. There are instances where some of the best air defense systems malfunctioned. OTH, S-400 is being procured for the Chinese jets as their air bases are much far away and to protect some of our major cities while other indigenous systems would take care of the western border.
The credibility of the S-400 hasn't been tested in realtime and constant updates of the software and sensor fusion is happening. There are instances where some of the best air defense systems malfunctioned. OTH, S-400 is being procured for the Chinese jets as their air bases are much far away and to protect some of our major cities while other indigenous systems would take care of the western border.
well, its just that S-400 receives loads of applause in the media, I don't know if it failed in Syria or it wasn't used at all.....but it wont be fun two adversaries having the same high end air defence weapon, china and India, and there is a talk of Pak might get it too,
A part from wht is going on, historically India snubbed everyone when push comes to shove:
1. snubbed Israel before bibi's visit to India by cancelling missile deal then snubbed again on UN vote on Jureslam. At tht time also pdf was full with speculations.
2. India and Russia snubbed each other on Pak-fa deal. But now moved ahead.
3. Snubbed China during Doklam and recent visit of Sushma swaraj to Beijing by openly voracious against OBOR. Wang don't like her much. He wants shiv shanker Menon to lead the talk.
4. get Saudi allow to fly Air India over its airspace while flying to Israel but same is not available with Air Israel.
5. Snubbed Australia during their PM VISIT to India on agriculture goods imports and he returned the favour by not allowing mining of coal.
5. Snubbed France president hollande by not giving her girlfriend first lady protocol.
6. Snubbed Usa by keeping embassy open in North Korea and buying Iranian oil. This still going on without fuss.
7. Transfering money to Tehran using British group bank. This is still going on and I'm part of it.
A part from wht is going on, historically India snubbed everyone when push comes to shove:
1. snubbed Israel before bibi's visit to India by cancelling missile deal then snubbed again on UN vote on Jureslam. At tht time also pdf was full with speculations.
2. India and Russia snubbed each other on Pak-fa deal. But now moved ahead.
3. Snubbed China during Doklam and recent visit of Sushma swaraj to Beijing by openly voracious against OBOR. Wang don't like her much. He wants shiv shanker Menon to lead the talk.
4. get Saudi allow to fly Air India over its airspace while flying to Israel but same is not available with Air Israel.
5. Snubbed Australia during their PM VISIT to India on agriculture goods imports and he returned the favour by not allowing mining of coal.
5. Snubbed France president hollande by not giving her girlfriend first lady protocol.
6. Snubbed Usa by keeping embassy open in North Korea and buying Iranian oil. This still going on without fuss.
7. Transfering money to Tehran using British group bank. This is still going on and I'm part of it.

There are not snubs, this is called diplomacy


India-Russia Defense Ties Unhindered by US Sanctions - Indian Defense Minister
© Sputnik / Igor Zarembo
17:56 05.06.2018(updated 17:57 05.06.2018)Get short URL
Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that since most of India’s military assets are sourced from Russia and many more purchase deals are in the pipeline, the US sanctions against Russia would not be impacting "this particular characteristic of India-Russia defense cooperation."

New Delhi (Sputnik) — In an unconcealed rebuke to those undermining India's defense relations with Russia in wake of American sanctions on Russian firms, Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday categorically said that India has made it clear to the US that its relationship with Russia is lasting and the dynamics of Indo-US ties cannot influence it.

"I like to make it clear here that in all our engagements with the US, we have very clearly explained how India and Russia's defense cooperation has been going on for a very long time," Sitharaman said at an annual press conference in New Delhi.

She made the remarks in response to a media query pertaining to the US advising India to not go ahead with purchasing S-400 air defense systems from Russia.

"The S-400 deal has been on for a very long time and we have reached the final stage of negotiations. That explains it all," Sitharaman said.

A majority of India's defense assets, ranging from air defense systems to tanks and fighter jets, are sourced from Russia. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Russia continues to supply over 70% of Indian military equipment to the country and most importantly it shares critical technologies with India.

"It's a time-tested relationship and India has got quite a lot of defense assets from Russia. Assets, spares, servicing, we have a continuous relationship with Russia," Sitharaman added.

A part from wht is going on, historically India snubbed everyone when push comes to shove:
1. snubbed Israel before bibi's visit to India by cancelling missile deal then snubbed again on UN vote on Jureslam. At tht time also pdf was full with speculations.
2. India and Russia snubbed each other on Pak-fa deal. But now moved ahead.
3. Snubbed China during Doklam and recent visit of Sushma swaraj to Beijing by openly voracious against OBOR. Wang don't like her much. He wants shiv shanker Menon to lead the talk.
4. get Saudi allow to fly Air India over its airspace while flying to Israel but same is not available with Air Israel.
5. Snubbed Australia during their PM VISIT to India on agriculture goods imports and he returned the favour by not allowing mining of coal.
5. Snubbed France president hollande by not giving her girlfriend first lady protocol.
6. Snubbed Usa by keeping embassy open in North Korea and buying Iranian oil. This still going on without fuss.
7. Transfering money to Tehran using British group bank. This is still going on and I'm part of it.

you missed this

Havent they tried that before? Perhaps India & china are the few big countries (cuba is another one) that have successfully pushed back on interference by western powers since the end of world war.

If US is serious, India would disappear from the map of the world within few days and would give birth to at least two dozen new nations.
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