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In a first, Navy inducts 32 religious, motivation officers


Aug 24, 2015
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KARACHI: The 109th midshipmen and 18th SSC course commissioning parade, comprising 45 Pakistani and 43 midshipmen from friendly countries as well as 54 cadets of short service commission (SSC) course, was held at Pakistan Naval Academy PNS Rahbar on Saturday.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, who was the chief guest on the occasion, congratulated and extended felicitations to the graduating officers on achieving this milestone. He highlighted that in order to enhance spiritual combat power of the men, for the first time, 32 religious and motivation officers (RMOs) had been commissioned as part of the SSC course, according to an official statement.

The statement, however, does not elaborate what spiritual combat power is and why the need was felt to induct religious and motivation officers to enhance it.

While taking stock of the prevailing geo-strategic situation, Admiral Abbasi said that Pakistan stands for peace and amity in the region and seeks harmonious and peaceful co-existence in the comity of nations.

“However, it will be a mistake if our desire for peace is construed as our weakness. We are fully capable of giving a befitting response in case of any aggression against our country,” he said.

The naval chief reiterated the firm resolve of the Pakistan Armed Forces and underscored that they were at the forefront of the national resolve of cleansing Pakistan from the scourge of terrorism.

The naval chief also mentioned the strategic shift from erstwhile participation of Pakistan Navy in the Combined Task Forces 150 and 151 under the auspices of the Combined Maritime Forces to Regional Maritime Security Patrols. “In order to pursue our national interests with strategic autonomy, we have now decided to institute regional maritime security patrols in the Indian Ocean region in line with the UN Resolutions and UN Convention on law of the sea,” he said.

Published in Dawn, July 8th, 2018
religion is the most important part in ones life and specially as a muslim it guides us how to live life individually and collectively. the pseudo liberals hate religion. it is very important for every muslim to at least understand arabic so as to properly understand quran. the lack of religious knowledge among the masses in pak has led to so much increase in extremism and pseudo liberalism in pak. we generally hear such a non sense statement by so many pseudo liberals and that is "religion is an individual's matter" i am sure such people have never ever bothered to read quran even once. its pseudo liberalism , extremism and lack of faith in the word of Allah that have brought us to the brink of disaster today.
@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Horus
Why the need molveez for motivation....? They forget too much religion is also not good. Last time base attacked with the help of insiders...I am sad....
@django @Burhan Wani
Last month the invite molveez on a warship and now permanently hired them for motivation lolssss
Trust me, Navy guys are the most knowledgeable among all forces. Dont take them as fools.
all those who have so much hatred for the "maulavies" must give a statement on a stamp paper before their death that they dont want their namaz e janaza offered by any maulvi. no maulvi should pray for his peace in the next world. i am sure such people will get them saved in the next world through their own logic, sense, "education", science and wealth.
Such people should also be recruited to operate nuclear weapons of Pakistan, especially people who think like @dsr478
,”My motherland is Jannah, Earth is just a temporary abode” this is his words.

Doomsday will be a reality if this happens..!

I hope Pakistani military is smart enough to understand this big threat since it has faced many radical terrorist attacks on its bases.
While I support this move by the PN, I'm happy to give on stamp paper and otherwise, that no maulvi should get within 100 meters of my janaza or my children.
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