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In a first, Indian tank brigades to defend China border

1. He is seen as a terrorist in many peoples eyes as he has caused the death of many people (not directly)
2. Where does Dalai Lama stay? How would India feel if China starts harboring leading separatist figures within India and providing them a base of support and security?
3. Who do you think? proof?

Tibetans have been refrained from getting any kind of weapons that could harm your sovereignty over Tibet. On the other hand North east rebels are being flooded with Chinese type 81 rifles via Myanmar. ULFA leader Paresh Baruah said to be living in Yunan. Do you think all these happen without any notice of your intel officers?
We can not 'open' Chinese eyes(metaphorically) but if China is able prove to us and the world that Dalai Lama is terrorist..we will happily throw him out of our country.GO ahead pass UNSC resolution declaring him a terrorist and we ll believe you.
UNSC is controled by fos-CHina forces, this resolution will never get passed. Three reason China cant further relationship with India"
1. India support Dalai Lama and bluff him as peace maker
2. border dispute regarding south Tibetan
3. military Threat to Tibetan and Pakistan
Tibetans have been refrained from getting any kind of weapons that could harm your sovereignty over Tibet. On the other hand North east rebels are being flooded with Chinese type 81 rifles via Myanmar. ULFA leader Paresh Baruah said to be living in Yunan. Do you think all these happen without any notice of your intel officers?
Any proof regarding ULFA leader living in China? Can't be, totally impossible!
Tibetans have been refrained from getting any kind of weapons that could harm your sovereignty over Tibet. On the other hand North east rebels are being flooded with Chinese type 81 rifles via Myanmar. ULFA leader Paresh Baruah said to be living in Yunan. Do you think all these happen without any notice of your intel officers?
you do realise chinese weapons are found everywhere like russian aks right? and yes proof would be nice
1.How does an 80 years old monk look terrorist to you?
Most terrorist are kids and women, can you tell by his/her looking innocent?
2.Have you any source that Tibetans are being armed by India? And any idea how India responded to USA's proposal to arm Tibetans way back in 1950's?
I appreciate that
3.Do you have any idea who is arming India's north east insurgency groups?
I'm not sure, definitely not PLA
UNSC is controled by fos-CHina forces, this resolution will never get passed. Three reason China cant further relationship with India"
1. India support Dalai Lama and bluff him as peace maker
2. border dispute regarding south Tibetan
3. military Threat to Tibetan and Pakistan

You are right, this resolution will never get passed(not because countries there are your enemy), because no body other than a select group of Chinese believe that Dalai Lama is terrorist.

A simple fact of the world is " If your claims hold any water and are presented with incorrigible evidence, the rest world will have to believe you... " However if it just a propaganda by your govt, you will find hard to find proof, in which case you will looking for excuses i.e "Nobody will believe us because they are all our enemies"

Mao Zedong directly/indirectly caused the death of some 30 million Chinese people during his reign. Was Mao ever declared a terrorist?
T-90 has no threat to China, cause we've got far superior one.

ZTZ-99 is a lot inferior to T-90S in terms of protection...Its has gaps in Armor and very little composite fillings are placed in the modules.. while most of the tank is RHA.
You are right, this resolution will never get passed(not because countries there are your enemy), because no body other than a select group of Chinese believe that Dalai Lama is terrorist.

A simple fact of the world is " If your claims hold any water and are presented with incorrigible evidence, the rest world will have to believe you... " However if it just a propaganda by your govt, you will find hard to find proof, in which case you will looking for excuses i.e "Nobody will believe us because they are all our enemies"

Mao Zedong directly/indirectly caused the death of some 30 million Chinese people during his reign. Was Mao ever declared a terrorist?

Dalai Lama is not that innocent and Mr.nice as you think. Regarding MaozeDong, even Great people have flaws, that will not prevent him as a great leader in China history.
ZTZ-99 is a lot inferior to T-90S in terms of protection...Its has gaps in Armor and very little composite fillings are placed in the modules.. while most of the tank is RHA.
We will see.....
I guess it will be solved, if China drops all territorial claims it has with India. I read somewhere, that China supports Maoist terrorists in India. Ive not looked into it that much, but if so, then that can be called an attempt to destabilize India. So maybe, this is India's way of causing chaos for China. Frankly I dont think India cares that much at all, about Tibet.

BTW, can you educate us about Dalai Lama? I and most others are of the opinion that he is a good guy. So am not sure what the Chinese really think about him.
Some time i just think what India is gonna support after Dalai Lama's death.

Tibet is not an issue, India has a specific stance on this. Only minor border issued to be solved. You must read the posts of Joe and Chauism on this topic.
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