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Imran says he was made ‘punching bag’ while ex-COAS Bajwa was ‘super king’

Aby patwari he also stated cipher is reality where US ordered pakistani establishment to get rid of khan or be ready to face the consequences, only thing he added is it was bajwa who informed US through hussain haqqani that IK is anti American from where US starts working on removing khan

Insafi patwari where did I say that he refuted the cipher?? All I said was in the context of @SaadH statement.

Yeh kis chutiyay dheriyay ka tweet lagaya hai. IK said no such thing in the interview and the tweeter is a known liberal secular LGBQT Bilawal worshiping degenerate...

Ignore the tweet just focus on my statement and Imran Khan video
Punching bag who after bragging for 5 years about fixing the economy and miracle Engro umaria bungled up key economic issues and when offered realpolitik suggestions to get technocrats involved and let some hardships ensue to save off later pain did what all politicians do - lie and pile up subsidies and debt. The former COAS has his own demons and corruption but that doesn’t mean Ayee Ayee Pithi Ayee doesn’t deserve its slaps for bungling up on its grand promises.
Who to believe??
Listen to his shallow words: "U.S. is a Superpower, U.S. is the largest export market, so we need to have good relations". No acknowledgement of all the development and military aid for 75 years or the home of a million Pakistanis. Not even a throwaway line on shared interests and values. It is like I have to have good relationship with my cow, because it is a large animal, and it eats grass in my yard.
So, if all this is true , why didn't Kaptaan Sahab punish Bajwa by sacking him or resign and tell the Pakistani quam the truth if he couldn't? Or is his "punishment" reserved for khwaatein ?

So, if all this is true , why didn't Kaptaan Sahab punish Bajwa by sacking him or resign and tell the Pakistani quam the truth if he couldn't? Or is his "punishment" reserved for khwaatein ?

He was offering another extension for atleast six months to Gen. Bajwa and acording to DG ISI he was offering lifetime extension to the then COAS.
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Listen to his shallow words: "U.S. is a Superpower, U.S. is the largest export market, so we need to have good relations". No acknowledgement of all the development and military aid for 75 years or the home of a million Pakistanis. Not even a throwaway line on shared interests and values. It is like I have to have good relationship with my cow, because it is a large animal, and it eats grass in my yard.

He acts dumb that if he was not aware of these facts when he was yelling against US on top of his voice.
IK should probably shutup before making these comments. Why didn’t he do something about it or resign?

Secondly, let Bajwa expose himself.

IK better off focus himself on next elections (if held) and related preparations.
But imran khan said just yesterday that Pakistani army or Bajwa conspired to get the Americans to conspire against him for being anti-American after which he ran an anti American campaign that said he was removed by an American conspiracy but that it’s all in the past now.

Who to believe??
He said Lu is real, cipher is real... what else? ... but Bajwa was a reporting point to Pentagon. He basically pizz in his pants when Pentagon questioned him about the Russia trip and he hold IK responsible for that trip, instead, he partly took the blame .....
Anyway, Nawaz is still a runaway bride and IK is still in Lahore ... Sharif family is again in power, then can arrest IK, Nawaz can come back now.

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